
  • Action;action movie;action film
  1. 除了电影《谢里》之外,你还可以在道格·里曼(曾执导《明日边缘》和《心灵传输者》)导演的高概念科幻动作片《混沌行走》中看到“荷兰弟”。

    As well as starring in Cherry , Holland can be seen in Chaos Walking , a high-concept science-fiction action movie from Doug Liman , director of Edge of Tomorrow and Jumper .

  2. 那是不是意味着古仔近期就不能再演动作片了呢?

    That means the story not to be able in the near future the repetition action movie ?

  3. 出演《火线狙击》以前,马尔科维奇从未演过动作片。

    Until he appeared in ' In the Line of Fire ' Malkovich had been an action-movie virgin

  4. 这部动作片的续集是讲述有关罗根的故事。在X战警影片里,金刚狼的性格赋予喜剧的特性。

    This action-packed prequel tells the story of Logan , the Wolverine character in the X-Men comic franchise .

  5. 如果答题者选择了B选项中的问号,其提供的信息量就不多,它可能表示答题者看动作片与文艺节目的时间相差无几,又或者是他们对此不确定。

    If they choose the question mark on B , it doesn 't tell you much : Perhaps they do both an equal amount or perhaps they simply aren 't sure .

  6. 第一组观看迈克尔·贝(MichaelBay)2005年的动作片《逃出克隆岛》(TheIsland)中一个吵闹混乱的片段;

    The first group watched a loud , frenetic clip from " The Island , " a 2005 action movie directed by Michael Bay .

  7. 好莱坞公司传奇影业(LegendaryPictures)的一家子公司,正在与著名中国导演张艺谋合拍一部动作片。

    A unit of the Hollywood studio Legendary Pictures is co-producing an action film here with the award-winning Chinese director Zhang Yimou .

  8. 位居这三部影片之后的是《极盗者》(PointBreak),这部遭到取笑的3-D重拍动作片是华纳公司最新的失败之作,推出的第一个周末在约2900家影院上映,只获得1020万美元票房。

    But they beat " Point Break , " a critically derided 3-D action remake that became Warner 's latest collapse , with just $ 10.2 million in first weekend sales from about 2900 theaters .

  9. 该部动作片刻画了由基努里维斯饰演的FBI探员一角,讲述了他做卧底来调查一伙爱好冲浪的银行劫匪的故事。

    The action film features Keanu Reeves as an FBI agent who goes undercover to investigate a gang of surfing bank robbers .

  10. D:Yale,如果你是我,你会带你的约会对象去看一场血腥的动作片还是一场浪漫的爱情片?

    D : OK , Yael , if you were me , would you take your date to a violent action flick , or a romantic movie ?

  11. 在国内,在公众面前宣扬党的路线的同时,这位身材矮小的电影爱好者喜欢好莱坞(hollywood)动作片,并从自己在瑞士接受教育的孩子们口中了解西方的生活。

    At home , the diminutive film buff enjoys Hollywood action movies and hears tales of life in the West from his Swiss-educated children , while trotting out the party line in public .

  12. 这不是纪录片,而是TheFlintstones(一部94年播出的动作片)

    That 's not a documentary . That 's The Flintstones .

  13. Sneha下一个推出的雅利安人是一个相反的苏海尔汗动作片。

    Sneha 's next release Aryan is an action flick opposite Sohail Khan .

  14. 近年来,这种IMAX观影模式以其超大观影屏幕与极佳视觉效果渐成新宠,深受动作片爱好者喜爱。

    The IMAX format has gradually gained popularity in recent years with its greater audio and visual experience , especially for action thrillers .

  15. 在我看来,伯恩是自1973年《巴比龙》(Papillon)中的史蒂夫•麦奎因(SteveMcQueen)或者1971年《紧急追捕令》(DirtyHarry)中的克林特•伊斯特伍德(ClintEastwood)以来最伟大的动作片英雄。

    For my money , Bourne is the greatest cinematic action hero since Steve McQueen in Papillon ( 1973 ) , or Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry ( 1971 ) .

  16. 书籍的基础上,由Rick赖尔登,珀西杰克逊和奥林匹亚:闪电窃贼的是一个令人兴奋的动作片古老的神话与丰富,但设置在21世纪正视。

    Based on the books by Rick Riordan , Percy Jackson and the Olympians : The Lightning Thief is an exciting action film rich with ancient mythology , yet set squarely in the21st century .

  17. 艾比·摩根(AbiMorgan),《妇女参政论者》编剧:索尼黑客丑闻暴露出男女薪酬的巨大悬殊,这让我质疑,我为什么不能得到编写那些动作片剧本的机会。

    ABI MORGAN , SCREENWRITER , " SUFFRAGETTE " When the Sony hacking scandal revealed that there is huge disparity in pay for women , it made me question why don 't I get offered those action movies .

  18. 金·卡戴珊拥有LaraCroft的性感提体型和乌黑的长发,但是我们认为她缺少的动作片经验可能使她与这个角色失之交臂。

    Kim Kardashian has the body and long raven locks for Lara Croft , but we think her lack of acting experience may prevent her from being considered for the role .

  19. 长期以来,为风格导演主导的法国电影界一直不愿把贝松纳入自己的圈子,指责他创作了《霹雳煞》(LaFemmeNikita)等浮华好莱坞风格的动作片。

    The auteur-dominated film community in France has long been reluctant to embrace Mr Besson as one of its own , accusing him of creating showy Hollywood-style action movies such as La Femme Nikita .

  20. 考斯-瑞德最新的电影是一部名为《鬼吹灯》(Ghouls)的僵尸动作片,涉及他的镜头将在内蒙古的荒野拍摄1个月。

    Kos-Read 's latest film - an action-packed , zombie movie called Ghouls - involved him shooting for a month in the wilds of Inner Mongolia .

  21. Reese和Wernick是大片《死侍》前两部的编剧,在那之前,他们也写过《僵尸之地》及它的续集,迈克尔·贝正在拍摄的动作片《地下6号》也来自他们。

    Reese & Wernick are the writers behind the first two Deadpool blockbusters , and before that wrote Zombieland and its sequel , and 6 Underground , the action film that Michael Bay is directing .

  22. 我想我喜欢看一些动作片或是恐怖片。

    I think I like watching action movies or horror movies .

  23. 电影院将上演一场有趣的动作片。

    There will be an interesting action movie in the cinema .

  24. 每个看过动作片的人都认得。

    Anybody who 's ever watched a decent action movie would .

  25. 是的,我去看一部动作片。

    Yes . I 'm going to see an action movie .

  26. 但是,看动作片就比较复杂了。

    But with the violent movie , things were more complicated .

  27. 动作片和灾难片往往就会犯这种错,

    Action and disaster genres are generally the most notable offenders .

  28. 动作片和喜剧仍然大行其道。

    Action films and comedies continued to dominate the market .

  29. 她喜欢偶尔看些通俗的动作片。

    She enjoys going to lowbrow action movies once in a while .

  30. 我们知道那是一部非常成功的动作片。

    We know that is a very successful action movie .