
dònɡ wù xiānɡ
  • Fauna;animal likeness
  1. 落叶层粉碎的原因在于落叶层的动物相。

    Litter breakdown or fragmentation is due to the litter fauna .

  2. 人类创造文化离不开符号活动,符号活动即使是人和动物相区别的标志,又是把人和文化相连接的中介。

    Human being can 't create culture without symbolic activity .

  3. 每个农历年与12生肖动物相关联。

    Each lunar year is associated with one of 12 zodiac animals .

  4. 通常人们认为,大的脑容量与活动量较大、能量较高的动物相适应。

    It is thought that large brains are needed to coordinate active , highly energetic animals .

  5. 自我是人类个体与动物相区别的本质特征,是人类个体行为的动力源泉。

    Ego is an essential feature that distinguishes human beings from animals and a power source of individuals ' action .

  6. 分工是人类经济生活的一种基本现象,是人类与动物相区别的重要标志。

    The division of labor is a basic phenomenon of economy and also an important symbol between human beings and animals .

  7. 人的类本质是实践劳动,它将人与动物相区别;

    One is the genus essence of man , which refers to practice and labour , and distinguishes man from the animals .

  8. 马与人及其它动物相比较,进化距离由近至远依次为猪、狗、牛、羊和人。

    Compared to other mammals , the evolution distance from near to far was pig , dog , cow , sheep , and human .

  9. 人的社会存在构成了人的存在的第二个层面,它是人与动物相区别的一个基本存在方式。

    Man 's social existence is the second layer of the man 's existence , it is the basic living mode different from that of other animals .

  10. 法庭认为龙虾在冰块上遭受了痛苦,这是将龙虾与猫狗等其他动物相比较了。

    They said that the lobsters , laying on the ice , suffer * They compared them in court to other animals , like cats and dogs .

  11. 选择首先是人特有的活动和能力,同动物相比较,由于人自身的欠缺和不完满,客观上要求人不得不进行自觉、有意识的主体创造性活动。

    First is a unique choice of activities and capacity compared with the animals , because people find themselves lacking and objectively , that people have to make a conscious awareness of the main creative choices .

  12. 作为绝缘体很少有其他材料能与动物皮毛相媲美。

    Few substances can equal fur as an insulator .

  13. 实验后的动物血相恢复良好。

    The blood pictures of the irradiated animals recovered well after reinfusion .

  14. 结论与小鼠动物模型相比较,D-Gal500mg/kg大鼠急性肝损伤模型更适用于保肝新药的筛选与评价。

    Conclusion The hepatic injury model induced with D-Gal 500 mg / kg ip in rats , better than that induced in mice , is recommended for hepatic pharmaceutical studies .

  15. 本文将体外试验与整体动物试验相结合,比较新来源天然冰片与合成冰片的致突变性,为冰片及含冰片制剂的合理安全应用提供科学依据。

    Through combination of in vitro experiment and animal experiment , our research was focused on the comparison of new source Natural Borneol and Synthetic Borneol and provided the original materials for preclinical evaluation of its safety .

  16. Sinclair正在测试白藜芦醇对瘦鼠的影响,并与低热卡饮食对动物的影响相比较。

    Sinclair is also testing the effects of resveratrol in lean mice and comparing them to calorie-restricted animals .

  17. 大鼠原位肠灌流模型结果与整体动物实验结果相类似。

    The results of in situ perfused rat intestine model were similar .

  18. 非生物因子对底栖动物无齿相手蟹重金属富集量的影响

    The effect of abiotic factors on the accumulative metal concentration of benthos Sesarma dehaani

  19. 将植物化学防卫与动物适应对策相结合,探讨动物植物协同进化模式,是该研究领域的主要发展趋势。

    It is the main trends to study the mode of coevolution of plant and animals mediated by plant secondary compounds .

  20. 研究范围涵盖动物相和植物相,以寒冷海域和北部生物为主。

    Research projects involve a wide diversity of fauna and flora , with an emphasis on cold ocean and boreal environments .

  21. 其他动物进行同类相食可能有好的动机或仅仅是误解使然。但仓鼠实施谋杀的目的相当自私。

    While other animals may cannibalize with generally good intentions or simply by misunderstanding , hamsters can be pretty selfish in their motives for murder .

  22. 这件事任何人都完全不应该感到羞耻,因为它并不与理性动物的本性相矛盾,也不与我们国体的理性相矛盾。

    And altogether not a thing of which any man should be ashamed , for it is not contrary to the nature of a reasonable animal , and not contrary to the reason of our constitution .

  23. 结果静注ET后,B组动物与A组相比较,出现典型的ALI表现,血清和肺组织PLA2活性显著增高(P<0·01),而C组动物各项指标则介于A组和B组之间。

    Results Compared with group A , rabbits of group B manifested the typical characters of ALI after ET injection , and the PLA_2 activity in both serum and pulmonary tissue was much higher than those of group A ( P < 0.01 ) .

  24. 为了得到一些分子信息,本文应用生物物理的方法(DSC,FTIR,Raman)研究了5个代表化合物与DPPC人工膜的相互作用,实验的结果可以与动物实验的结果相关联。

    In order to obtain some information at the molecular level , using some biophysical techniques ( by DSC , FTIR , Raman ), studied the interaction between 5 representative compounds with DPPC liposome , the data could be correlated with the results from animal tests .

  25. 目的:研究腹膜透析腹膜炎动物模型不同时相腹膜溶质转运及IL8变化,了解腹膜透析溶质转运机制。

    Objective To study the changes in solute transperitoneal transport and the IL 8 level at different time phases in dialysis related peritonitis so as to understand the mechanism of solute transperitoneal transport .

  26. 以动物呼吸机测定呼气相气道阻力(Re);

    Expiratory airway resistance ( Re ) was measured by using animal respirator .

  27. 模拟实验大部分结论与临床研究和动物实验的结果相一致。

    The result of analogue test using this model coincides with that of clinical research .

  28. 目的:观察解偶联蛋白2在大鼠非酒精性脂肪肝动物模型各时相点的表达规律。

    OBJECTIVE : To observe the expressive rule of UCP-2 in NAFL rat models at different time phases .

  29. 因此活体动物模型筛选方法相比较而言具有更大的实践意义。

    Therefore , screening methods employing whole animal in vivo models is of more importance and practical significance .

  30. 对福尔马林致痛模型动物Ⅰ相和Ⅱ相疼痛反应均有抑制作用;

    Bornyl acetate had inhibitory effect on ⅰ and ⅱ phase pain in formalin inducing pain model animals .