
hū xī sù lǜ
  • respiratory rate
  1. pH值对不同生长时期根系的呼吸速率也有比较明显的影响。

    There was an obvious influence of pH values on the respiratory rate of roots at different growth periods .

  2. 块根的呼吸速率和ATP含量较高,有利于提高块根库的活性。

    The respiratory rate and ATP content were all increased .

  3. CO2熏蒸对杏果呼吸速率及内源乙烯的影响

    Effect of co_2 fumigation on respiration rate and source of ethylene for the apricot fruit

  4. 所有供试浓度的Cu、Cd、Hg均使小麦根系呼吸速率低于对照,且抑制程度和重金属浓度成正比。

    All concentration of Cu , Cd , Hg inhibited root respiration significantly .

  5. 红外CO2分析仪测定法测定了松阿扁叶蜂幼虫的呼吸速率。

    Infrared analyzer of CO2 determined respiration of larva .

  6. 土壤呼吸速率与植被物生物量干重具有极显著性相关性(P0.01)。

    Soil respiration rate was extremely correlated with dry weight of vegetation .

  7. 活性污泥的呼吸速率,或者氧利用速率(oxygenuptakerate,OUR),能够指示污泥的活性变化。

    Respiration rate , or oxygen uptake rate ( OUR ) of activated sludge , can indicate the change of biological activity .

  8. 用呼吸速率控制SBR反应时间的基础研究

    Basic study of respiration rate as control parameter of reaction time in SBR process

  9. SBR系统中活性污泥内源呼吸速率的研究

    A study on endogenous respiration rate in SBR

  10. 降低起始O2或提高起始CO2浓度不能降低板栗的呼吸速率。

    The respiration rate could not be reduced by decreasing O2 or increasing CO2 concentration .

  11. 基于SBR工艺的活性污泥呼吸速率在线软测量的研究

    Study of on-line soft measurement of respiratory rate of activated sludge based on SBR method

  12. UV-B辐射增强对冬小麦生态系统呼吸速率和N2O排放日变化的影响

    Influence of Enhanced UV-B Radiation on Diurnal Variations of Respiration Rate and N_2O Emission from Winter Wheat Ecosystem

  13. 结果表明,在整个测定期间,大气CO2浓度升高增强了根际呼吸速率,提高了根际呼吸排放量。

    The results showed that elevated atmospheric pCO2 increased rhizospheric respiration rate and cumulative CO2 emissions during the experimental period .

  14. 这些结论为呼吸速率成为SBR工艺的控制参数提供了基础。

    These conclusions provide a basis for endogenous respiration rate becoming a control parameter of SBR .

  15. 灌浆期颖果叶绿素含量、光合速率、呼吸速率、CAT和SOD活性及颖壳叶绿素含量呈逐渐减小的变化趋势;

    The chlorophyll content , photosynthetic rate , and activities of CAT and SOD in caryopses decrease gradually during the rice grain filling .

  16. CO2浓度对黄瓜叶片光合速率、RubisCO活性及呼吸速率的影响

    Effect of CO_2 Concentrations on Photosynthetic Rate , RubisCO Activity and Respiratory Rate of the Cucumber Leaves

  17. 在相应处理CO2浓度条件下暗呼吸速率变化不明显,而光呼吸速率明显下降。

    Under the corresponding treatment of CO2 concentration , the respiration rate was not affected evidently , while the photorespiration rate descended evidently ;

  18. 并以苹果为例进行实验,分析了呼吸速率与气体浓度及温度的关系,介绍了一种建立MAP系统设计模型的方法。

    It analyzes the relationship between respiration rate and gas concentration or temperature and introduces a kind of method to design MAP system model through the experiment with apples .

  19. 相关分析表明,ROS产生速率分别与H+/2e和态4呼吸速率呈正相关。

    Correlation analysis showed ROS generation was positively related to H + / 2e and state 4 respiration .

  20. 采用了[BOD5]/[COD(Cr)]和呼吸速率曲线两种方法对6大类14种分散染料的好氧生物降解性能进行测试。

    The aerobic degradation of the 14 disperse dyes in 6 types was tested by the way of BOD5 / COD and microbiological respiratory rate test .

  21. 1-MCP处理能够显著降低冬枣果实的呼吸速率。

    The respiration rate were remarkably degraded by 1 - MCP treatment .

  22. 在注入剂量为4×1016N+/cm2,伊吾蓝麻黄种子的发芽3天时呼吸速率达1.140mg/g·h。

    When the implantation dose is 4 × 10 16 N + / cm 2 , the germination respiratory rate of 3 days can attain 1.140 mg / g · h .

  23. 土壤温度是影响土壤呼吸速率的主要因素,二者间存在极显著的幂函数相关关系(P0.01);

    Soil respiration rate was significantly correlated with soil temperature , and could be described by power function ( P ( 0.01 )) .

  24. 用红外线CO2气体分析法,分层测定了格木群落主要植物的光合速率和呼吸速率,计算了群落的生产力和光能利用率。

    CO 2 infra red analysis method was used to measure both photosynthesis rate and respiratory rate . The productivity and efficiency of radiation utilization were calculated .

  25. 净光合速率(Pn)和光呼吸速率(Pr)均下降。但Pr/Pn比值升高。

    Both net photosynthetic rate ( Pn ) and photorespiration rate ( Pr ) were declined , but Pr / Pn ratio was raised .

  26. 结果表明,相同的气象条件和田间管理下,UV-B辐射增强处理对呼吸速率和N2O排放的季节变化模式无明显影响。

    Results indicated that the enhanced UV-B radiation did not change the seasonal pattern of respiration rate and N_2O emission .

  27. 此外,土壤微生物数量、微生物生物量C和土壤呼吸速率对土壤微生物DNA总量分布的直接作用和它门之间的相互作用产生的间接影响较显著。

    In addition , the soil microbial number , microbial biomass C and soil respiration rate play obviously direct role in the distribution of the total DNA resources , the interactions of which also play obviously indirect role .

  28. 施硅能明显延缓PEG胁迫后期水稻呼吸速率的下降,尤其对叶片的效果更为显著。

    Silicon could slow down the decline of respiration rate under PEG stress , and the retarding effect was more obvious in leaves than that in roots .

  29. 用TTC显色和测定呼吸速率等方法可以快速判断种茎的活力大小。

    The vigor of H.cordata breeding stems could be rapidly tested with measuring method of TTC dying and respiration rate .

  30. 不同培肥措施长期实施对土壤呼吸速率和CO2释放量有明显影响,其大小顺序为秸秆+NP>NP>CK。

    The soil respiration rate and annual soil CO_2 emission were affected significantly by different fertilization treatments , and its order was as follows : Straw + NP > NP > CK .