
  • 网络kinetics;kinetic theory
  1. 沙粒跃移运动的动理学模拟

    Exercise . simulation of Sand Saltation flow with kinetic theory

  2. 固液两相流的动理学理论认为固体颗粒相可用Boltzmann方程描述。

    The kinetic theory for solid / liquid two phase flows assumes that the particle phase can be described by the Boltzmann equation .

  3. 有限β等离子体中密度和磁场不均匀驱动的动理学Alfven波

    The kinetic Alfven wave driven by the density inhomogeneity and the magnetic field inhomogeneity in finite β plasma

  4. 在电流片中X点附近,由于离子和电子的动理学行为不同而产生了霍尔电流,它使得垂直重联平面的磁场分量呈四极结构分布。

    The Hall current is produced the X point of the magnetic island due to the different dynamic behaviors of ions and electrons . A quadrupole structure of magnetic field components vertical to the reconnection plane is also induced .

  5. IS简略版可以通过对宏观现象的对应得到,IS完整版则需借助微观动理学理论即相对论性Boltzmann方程才能得到。

    The simplified version can be obtained by correspondence to the macroscopic phenomena . To derive the complete version the kinetic theory or the Boltzmann equa-tion is necessary .

  6. 而考虑动理学效应时,初始扰动波包会模转换为短波长的动理学GAM(KGAM)而在径向向外传播。

    When kinetic ef-fects are considered , the initial pulse can be mode-converted to short wavelength kinetic GAM ( KGAM ), and propagate radially outward .

  7. 模型用基于Chapman-Enskog浓相气体理论的微元流体动理学方法计及了欧拉坐标系中的颗粒间相互作用。

    The model takes account of inter particle interactions in Eulerian corrdinate using the kinetic theory of granular flow based on the Chapman Enskog theory of dense gases .

  8. 主要结果如下:(1)在短波区(kdi1),存在快磁声动理学Alfven波和斜Alfven哨声模,电子磁流体力学模型是足够精确的MHD模型;

    The main results are as follows . ( 1 ) In the ion inertial region ( kd i1 ), there are fast magnetosonic kinetic Alfven waves and obliquely Alfven whistler waves , and the electron magnetohydrodynamic ( EMHD ) model is a precise MHD model .

  9. 由于完整地包含了离子和电子的动理学行为,本文的模型方程也可以研究ETG模,漂移阿尔芬模等不稳定模态,并且为在同一的框架内研究低频漂移不稳定性提供了平台。

    The eigenmode equation in this dissertation can also be used to study the ETG mode , the drift Alfven waves , and so on . So it provides a unique frame to study the low frequency drift instabilities .

  10. 对于任意截断,非线性回旋动理学理论的电磁规范不变性就会被破坏。

    For an arbitrary truncation , the electromagnetic gauge invariance is broken .

  11. 动理学是一个很不一样的问题。

    Kinetics is really a very different kind of topic .

  12. 颗粒动理学方法模拟颗粒相湍动能。

    The particle turbulence is modeled using kinetic theory of granular flow .

  13. 低浓度固液两相流的颗粒相动理学模型

    Kinetic model of particulate phase in dilute solid-liquid two-phase flows

  14. 动理学主要关注反应的速率。

    Kinetics is concerned with rates of reactions , primarily .

  15. 所以我们现在关注的是动理学。

    So that 's our concern now , is dynamics .

  16. 我们同样用动理学结果来描述,很大的反应的时间尺度。

    We also use kinetics to describe an enormous range of time scales .

  17. 现在动理学就完全不一样了。

    So now the kinetics are quite different .

  18. 现在我们依次讨论,几个动理学的基本例子。

    Now let 's just go through some elementary examples of kinetics one at a time .

  19. 具有这种形势的最常见的,一阶动理学过程是放射性衰变。

    So the single most common example of first order kinetics of this form is radioactive decay .

  20. 相对论动理学理论的一个重要特征为分布函数的规格化条件是通过粒子四维流矢量确定的。

    Defining a distribution function through four current vector is an important character in relativistic kinetic theory .

  21. 实际上就像热力学一样,动理学的研究方法也是经验性的。

    And actually just like macroscopic thermodynamics , kinetics does take an empirical approach to the topic .

  22. 随着颗粒浓度的增加,颗粒聚团的颗粒碰撞频率和分散颗粒的碰撞频率增加,模拟计算值低于颗粒动理学计算值。

    For both dispersed particles and particles in cluster , the collisional frequency increases with the increase of particle concentration .

  23. 所以动理学的关键概念在于,速率依赖于多少分子,能够到达这里。

    So the idea in the context of kinetics is that the rate depends on how many molecules can get up here .

  24. 这里我们直接利用一阶过程的动理学,就得到了类似这种东西的寿命。

    So in a fairly straightforward way , we 'll use first order kinetics to determine the lifetime of something like this .

  25. 而这些微观机制给出同样的动理学结果,所以我们用动理学结果,来推断微观反应机制,但是不用它来证明微观机制。

    Which might all satisfy the macroscopic kinetics equati So we use kinetics to infer a mechanism but not necessarily to prove it .

  26. 一种说明这种形式的方法是,你可能已经见过了,你们都看过阿雷乌斯动理学,对吗?

    One way to try to rationalize this is , you 've probably seen , you 've all seen Arrhenius kinetics , right ?

  27. 其中,用动理学方法可直接推导出泡径变化引起的质量、动量传递,并推导出相间碰撞积分项。

    The mass and momentum transport caused by the various bubble sizes , and the collision integral term were calculated using the kinetic method .

  28. 模型中剪切阿尔芬波的动理学效应来自于热离子,包括热离子的有限拉莫半径效应和平行电场效应。

    The model describes shear Alfven waves with kinetic effects from thermal species including thermal ion finite Larmor radius effects and parallel electric field .

  29. 我们现在考虑动理学,从最简单的例子开始,然后开始逐步开始考虑更加复杂的例子。

    So we 're going to go through kinetics , starting with the simplest examples and working our way up to more complex cases .

  30. 基于分子动力学和颗粒动理学,应用颗粒平均自由程,导出了确定颗粒聚团中颗粒数的计算方法。

    Based on the kinetic theory of granular flow and the mean free path of particles , the particles belong to the cluster are determined .