
  • 网络movement memory;Action memory
  1. 言语演练对动作记忆影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Effects of Verbal Rehearsal on Movement Memory

  2. 羽毛球运动员球感与腕关节动作记忆表象的关系

    The Relation between the Feel of Badminton Player and the Wrist Movement Memory Image

  3. 本实验的特色可概括以下几个方面:(l)首次从记忆实验研究的文献中,剥离出动作记忆实验研究的三个主要阶段,为运动心理学或认知运动心理学的研究提供史证资料;

    The specialties of this research are as follows : ( 1 ) It provides evidence for the research of sports psychology or cognitive sports psychology by dissociating three stages of action memory experiment research from the memory experiment research .

  4. 运动记忆策略和记忆监控与动作记忆成绩的相关分析

    Correlated analysis of motor memory strategies , memory monitoring and memory achievement

  5. 动作记忆研究的新领域&动作记忆元认知研究

    New Topic of Motor Memory-Study of Metacognition of Motor Memory

  6. 短时动作记忆的精确度与第一次动作练习的准确度相联系。

    Short-term motor memory precision was related to the accuracy of the first exercise .

  7. 短时动作记忆的容量和精确度与动作学习的关系

    A study on the relationship between short-term motor memory storage and precision and motor learning

  8. 动作记忆研究综述

    Research into the Movement Memory

  9. 本文就优秀羽毛球运动员的球感与手腕动作记忆表象能力作了初步的研究。

    This study is a tentative test on the requirements of players ' feel and wrist movement memory image .

  10. 运用问卷调查法、情景记忆法和自我报告法,研究运动记忆策略和记忆监控与动作记忆成绩的关系。

    The aims of this paper were to examine the relationships between motor memory strategies , memory monitoring and motor memory .

  11. 本文着重分析了动作记忆研究的特点,概括和评价了现有文献的研究成果,并且对动作记忆的进一步研究提出了自己的设想。

    This paper first analyzes the movement memory characteristics , then summarizes the research results , and finally brings up his own idea .

  12. 有关研究表明,动作记忆和言语记忆具有一定的不同,而关于动作记忆的研究正处于初步的探索阶段。

    Some research indicated that there were some differences between action memory and verbal memory , and the research of action memory was in the primary stage .

  13. 在第一部分,首先回顾了动作记忆实验研究的进展情况,然后详细阐述了内隐记忆和内隐学习的研究方法、实验技术、特点和应用,以此为基础提出了本论文的总体设计思路。

    First part is a review on the research of action memory and the methodology , technology and the application of implicit memory and implicit learning . Based on these researches , we propose the idea of this research design .

  14. 在瑜伽教学中应用表象训练法符合运动技能的形成规律,能促进学生对体位动作的记忆和掌握。

    In yoga teaching , the application of representation method accords with the motor skill formation law , can promote students to master and memory the posture movements .

  15. C课课程议题在探索神经系统和认知的关系;著重在注意力、视觉、语言、动作控制和记忆。

    Course topics explores the relations between neural systems and cognition , emphasizing attention , vision , language , motor control , and memory .

  16. 动作内隐记忆与外显记忆存在功能上的独立性。

    The function of action implicit / explicit is independent .

  17. 而视障和明眼学生仅动作外显记忆受到编码方式的影响;

    For the blind and normal students , the encoding style affected their movements only in explicit memory .

  18. 用手部动作来帮助记忆的人在一周后的记忆效果是不用这种方法记忆的人的两倍。

    Participants who used hand gestures which suggested the word were able to recall almost twice as many Japanese words a week later .

  19. 在动作学习中期,记忆监控对艺术体操动作记忆数量的提高发挥着显著的协同作用。

    During the middle of learning , memory control reacted to the increasing of movement memory number .

  20. 我还很推荐学语法的时候打字,这可以用动作固化你的记忆。

    I also recommend typing while you study your English grammar . This will help solidify your knowledge with movement .

  21. 教育是一项必须依赖人的身体特别是人脑才能进行的活动,人的生理机能,如视听、触嗅、动作、语言及记忆等,都会直接影响教育结果。

    Education is an activity that must depends on the human body especially the brain and , human physiological functions , such as visual , olfactory , tactile action , language and memory , will directly affect the education results .

  22. 焦虑和负荷对动作内隐和外显记忆都有不同程度的影响,但动作内隐记忆受到的影响相对较小;

    Anxiety and loading have greater influence on explicit action memory than on implicit action memory .

  23. 视障运动员的动作内隐和外显记忆都不同程度地受到编码方式的影响,而视障学生的动作内隐记忆则不受影响;

    The encoding style has some influences on implicit / explicit action memory of visually handicapped athletes but has no influence on that of visually handicapped students .

  24. 结果显示,在艺术体操动作技能学习初期,动作记忆策略对动作记忆成绩(表现在动作数量和动作规格上)的效果较显著;

    Result showed that memory grade , which was represented as movement number and movement standard , was affected greatly by memory tactics at the beginning of learning .

  25. 结果显示:(1)焦虑对动作外显和内隐记忆均有影响,动作外显记忆对焦虑更敏感;

    The results are as follows : ① whereas anxiety has some impact on both implicit / explicit memories , explicit acting memory is more sensitive to anxiety than implicit acting memory ;

  26. 实验结果表明,它能提高人的心理素质,有助于巩固正确动作的动力定型,加深动作记忆。

    The experimental result states that , it can develop students ' psychological quality and be good for the consolidation of correct exercises and improve memorizing exercise movement .

  27. 利用积木原理指导健美操教学,在有限的学时内使学生较为牢固的掌握了健美操基本动作,提高了对动作的记忆效果,增强了创编能力、自学能力,提高了学生学习健美操的兴趣。

    Guiding the aerobics teaching by using the principle of bricks , made students master the basic action in the limited time , improved the result of memory , enhanced the creative ability and improved the students ' interest to study the aerobics . 3 .

  28. 在体育运动中,动作技术的准确程度、学生对动作的记忆程度都影响着最终的体育成绩。

    In sports , the accuracy of Action Technology , the memory of the students movement affect the final records in physical education class .

  29. 运用优化设计理论,在简化太极拳课程中,通过过程优化模式教学,引发学生的学习兴趣,加深其对动作要领的理解和掌握,形成、延长了动作记忆,使学生的学习主体性得以加强。

    With the application theory of optimum design and through optimum model teaching in simplified tai chi curriculum , it can arouse to students ' interest , deepen their understanding and grasping of motion , construct and extend exercise memory , thus to enhance students ' studying independence .