
  • 网络LTP;long-term potentiation
  1. 已知NMDA受体与许多复杂的生理和病理机制有关,如突触的可塑性、长时程增强作用(LTP)、学习和记忆、兴奋性神经毒性、神经退行性变性疾病等。

    Accumulating evidence indicates that NMDA receptors are involved in many complex physiological and neuropathological mechanisms , such as neuronal developmental plasticity , long-term potentiation ( LTP ), learning and memory , excitotoxicity and neurodegenerative diseases etc.

  2. 电针对大鼠海马兴奋性突触后电位长时程增强的作用

    Effect of Electrical Acupuncture on Long-term Potentiation of Excitatory Postsynaptic Potential of Rat Hippocampus

  3. 电针对神经病理性疼痛大鼠脊髓背角神经元突触传递长时程增强的抑制作用

    Effects of Electroacupuncture on Long-term Potentiation of Synaptic Transmission in Spinal Dorsal Horn in Rats with Neuropathic Pain