
zhù yì
  • help;benefit
助益 [zhù yì]
  • [help] 补益;增益;好处

  • 大有助益

  • 助益非浅

  1. 那协定对于受雇的人们有助益

    The agreement inures to the benefit of the employment .

  2. 美国国立卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth)院长法兰西斯·S·柯林斯(FrancisS.Collins)博士表示,在基因检测中获得的信息可以从诸多方面为患者提供助益。

    Dr. Francis S. Collins , director of the National Institutes of Health , said that information from the tests could benefit patients in many ways .

  3. 她在这些讨论中提供的专家建议很有助益。

    Her specialist input to the discussions has been very useful .

  4. 此书对我们了解这门学科助益甚少。

    This book contributes little to our understanding of the subject .

  5. 设想自己口齿清晰和充满信心地演讲是很有助益的。

    It can help to visualize yourself making your speech clearly and confidently .

  6. 让客观公正的第三方看一下你的成果会有助益。

    It can help to have an impartial third party look over your work

  7. 考虑一下你对投保的看法也许有所助益。

    It might be worthwhile to consider your attitude to an insurance policy .

  8. 今天距离稍短的赛跑可能会对他占据优势大有助益。

    Today 's slightly shorter race could well help to tip the scales in his favour

  9. 这次远足对我会有所助益。

    The outing will do me good

  10. 这很让人担忧,因为这么多时间我本来可以用来做比较有生产力、有创意、对我自己有助益的事,因为当我用手机时,我并没有在做重要的事。

    And it ’ s really concerning , because that ’ s so much time that I could have spent doing something more productive , more creative , more towards myself , because when I ’ m on my phone , I ’ m not doing anything important .

  11. TI图形计算器对学生幂函数问题综合应用的助益有限。

    TI graphics calculator only limitedly helps students to solve comprehensive application problems of power function .

  12. 这不能保证消除ipo首日价格暴涨的现象,但可能有所助益。

    This would not ensure the elimination of a first-day pop in the IPO shares but it could help .

  13. 我们希望PB转座系统的应用能进一步推动解析哺乳动物基因功能的进程,对人类生物学和疾病研究有所助益。

    We hope applications of the PB system will accelerate functional annotation of the mammalian genome , and will benefit the study of human biology and diseases .

  14. 以我们的经验,GTT对于组织测试非常有助益。

    In our experience , GTT is very useful and helpful in organizing tests .

  15. 其研究结果应能作为电脑工作站设计人员之参考并会对台湾VDT工作站使用人员有所助益。

    The result can serve as reference for VDT workstation designer and so be beneficial to Taiwanese VDT users .

  16. 尽管中国明显有意保持多边贸易体系,但在已破裂的多哈(Doha)回合贸易谈判中,中国的贡献毫无助益。

    Despite its obvious interest in the maintenance of a multilateral trading system , China 's contribution to the failed Doha round of trade negotiations was notably unhelpful .

  17. 本文辩识出了九个影响BOT项目财务成功的关键因素,这些因素对项目发起人和其他所有项目参与方在项目选择和推进项目走向成功方面大有助益。

    Nine critical financial success factors are identified in this paper to aid the promoters and all other participants of the BOT projects in selecting and driving the project to a success .

  18. 美国认为,对关于制定wipo伙伴关系计划的原提案予以扩充并加以阐述,会有助益。

    The United States believes that it is useful to expand and elaborate upon our original proposal to establish a WIPO partnership program .

  19. 本文拟以WTO争端案例对合理期望原则的背景、适用范围、预期等方面问题进行研究,以期对非违法之诉的应用有所助益。

    This paper , through the analysis of a case on WTO dispute , researches three aspects of " the principle of legitimate expectations ": sources , application scopes , and prediction , so as to clarify the application of " non-violation claims " .

  20. 实际上,重组工作并非易事,但由于aol拥有逾3万名自由撰稿人,技术和传媒成本的下降将对其有所助益。

    Actually making the reorganisation work will be a mean feat , but falling technology and media costs as AOL taps a network of more than 30000 freelancers will help .

  21. 德赛本人拥有麻省理工(MIT)的电子工程学位,这对他的早期职业生涯颇有助益,所以很难想象会是这样一个人来领导这场招聘革命。

    Desai , at first , seems like an unlikely leader for this Crusade , given that he has a degree in electrical engineering from MIT , which he admits gave him a big boost early in his career .

  22. 房地产企业实施CRM的系统模型从基础阶段、支持条件及流程创新三个方面可以明晰CRM实施的方法和步骤,对房地产企业成功实施CRM有所助益。

    The systematic model for the real estate enterprise to implement CRM can clarify the methods and procedures of CRM implementation from the three aspects of basic stages , supporting conditions and flow innovation , which can help the real estate enterprise implement CRM successfully .

  23. 经典及注释书中都提及觉性,并说:有两种极有助益的东西,亦即1。正念(Sati,忆念);

    It says in the commentaries , in the books , about awareness , that there are2 things that are of great assistance , namely : 1 .

  24. 那并不是说金钱对你的生活毫无助益。

    That doesn 't mean money can 't enhance your life .

  25. 再多给点钱确实会有所助益。

    A bit of extra money would really make a difference .

  26. 过去,法国政府的干预政策对此很有助益。

    In the past , france 's dirigisme has served it well .

  27. 德国国内的信贷扩张将大有助益。

    A huge lending boom in Germany would be a big help .

  28. 以上结果以「收录助益/抑制」理论诠释。

    The present results are discussed with an encoding-facilitation / inhibition theory .

  29. 但尽管如此,工业化国家经济增长重新归于平衡显然会有所助益。

    Nonetheless , the rebalancing of growth among industrialised countries clearly helps .

  30. 把触角伸向儿童对网飞只会有助益,将帮助公司继续成长。

    Reaching out to kids will only help Netflix continue to grow .