
nǔ lì
  • make great efforts;try hard;exert oneself;take the trouble to;effort;strive to;strive;endeavour;attempt;try;exertion;struggle
努力 [nǔ lì]
  • [make great efforts;try hard;exert oneself;take the trouble to] 尽量将力量使出来

  • 努力钻研业务

努力[nǔ lì]
  1. 结论深圳将按照国际化标准进一步建全完善急救医疗服务体系(EMSS),努力创建具有深圳特色的急救医疗新模式。

    [ Conculsions ] Shenzhen will establish and consummate EMSS according to international standard , and make great efforts to establish first aid medical mode with shenzhen feature .

  2. 不进则退,JINMENGDIE公司将不懈努力,勇往开拓,愿和同识之士共创美好未来。

    Not to advance is to go back , JINMENGDIE Company will make great efforts , brave to open-up , wish and create beautiful future with the person knowing it .

  3. 这个队的成功在很大程度上是她努力的结果。

    The team 's success was largely due to her efforts .

  4. 我离开的时候他们都还在努力工作。

    When I left they were all still hard at it .

  5. 人在这个人生阶段往往发奋努力。

    People tend to work hard at this stage of life .

  6. 他为改善状况所作的努力应该受到赞许。

    His efforts to improve the situation are to be applauded .

  7. 我们只好重新开始努力吸引年轻队员。

    We have to renew our efforts to attract young players .

  8. 我们应该努力争取更大的市场份额。

    We should aim for a bigger share of the market .

  9. 全班都在努力用功准备考试。

    The whole class is working hard preparing for the exams .

  10. 她必须努力表现自己以求得升迁机会。

    She had to push herself forward to get a promotion .

  11. 这些画是他毕生努力的完美结晶。

    The paintings are the consummation of his life 's work .

  12. 他一步一步努力,终于成为行业内的翘楚。

    He worked his way to the top of his profession .

  13. 我们利用可获得的有限资源,尽最大的努力。

    We are doing our best with the limited resources available .

  14. 农民正在努力对付蛞蝓的大肆侵害。

    Farmers are struggling to cope with an invasion of slugs .

  15. 我们努力帮助所有的学生充分发挥他们的潜力。

    We try to help all students realize their full potential .

  16. 博物馆一直努力改变自己沉闷的形象。

    Museums have been trying hard to shed their stuffy image .

  17. 学生应该努力逐渐减少对老师的依赖。

    Students should aim to become more independent of their teachers .

  18. 他在最后一圈努力超过了领先的人。

    He managed to overhaul the leader on the final lap .

  19. 她努力克制对他非常强烈的反感。

    She was trying to overcome her physical repugnance for him .

  20. 她因自己所作的努力而得到一笔奖金。

    She was rewarded for her efforts with a cash bonus .

  21. 政府正努力推动,要在选举前促成这些变革。

    The government is pushing the changes through before the election .

  22. 我穿着新溜冰鞋,努力保持平衡。

    I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates .

  23. 我们鼓励所有成员为达到最高标准而努力。

    We encourage all members to strive for the highest standards .

  24. 你可以安慰自己的是你已经尽了最大的努力。

    Console yourself with the thought that you did your best .

  25. 我常常想:后代将怎样评价我们所作出的努力。

    I often wonder what future generations will make of our efforts .

  26. 该镇仍在努力改变自己的单调形象。

    The town is still trying to cast off its dull image .

  27. 他们一直在努力完善新型号。

    They have been working on the perfection of the new model .

  28. 任何构建理想社会的努力都注定要失败。

    Any attempt to construct an ideal society is foredoomed to failure .

  29. 只要尽自己最大努力,你就会有好的结果。

    Just give it your best shot and you 'll be fine .

  30. 我保证她能够努力工作。

    I can vouch for her ability to work hard .