
  • 网络Nun;Noon;Noone;Trevor Nunn
  1. 你还有可能获得价格溢价,努恩补充道。

    You also may have the possibility of achieving a price premium , adds Mr Nuhn .

  2. 西北大学的查尔斯。莫斯科斯教授构建了该政策的框架,佐治亚州参议员萨姆。努恩进行斡旋。

    Professor Charles Moskos of Northwestern University developed the policy 's framework , and Senator Sam Nunn of Georgia brokered the compromise .

  3. 努恩和约翰。努恩是两名刚刚结束在欧洲的生活回到家乡的埃克塞特的独立选民。

    Here in Exeter two of those independent voters are Linda and John Noon , who have just moved back home after living abroad in Europe .