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  • 网络Knut;Nut;Tefnut
  1. 在古代埃及众神中,有些女神比其它的神灵拥有更高的地位并博得更多人的爱戴。例如:努特、哈托尔、穆特、伊西斯。

    In the pantheon of ancient Egypt , some goddesses held higher status and gained more devotion than others , for example : Nut , Hathor , Mut , Isis .

  2. 努特现在四个月大了,已经开始长成齿。

    Knut is four months old and is beginning to get his adult teeth .

  3. 我赌一个月的薪水猜是努特军士长干的。

    I would 've bet a month 's salary it was chief nutter .

  4. 我们认为当戈登发现努特收取回扣时,他就对他发出黑函。

    We think that when Gordon found out Nutter was taking kickbacks , he blackmailed him .

  5. 德国柏林动物园的北极熊努特正在室外洗澡。

    Polar bear Knut takes a bath in his outdoor enclosure at the zoo in Berlin , Germany .

  6. 或者是努特才是从巴特克斯收取回扣的人,戈登发现并且向他寄出黑函?

    Or maybe Nutter was taking kickbacks from the bartex corporation , Gordon found out and started blackmailing him ?

  7. 由于努特的母亲不想照顾它,所以柏林动物园的管理员必须帮忙。

    Knut 's mother didn 't want to look after him , so zookeepers at Berlin zoo had to help him .

  8. 据一家德国报纸报道,努特很快就要结束单身生活了,慕尼黑的北极熊季亚娜会来给他做伴。

    According to a German newspaper , Knut will soon cease to be alone , as polar bear Gianna from Munich is to be his partner .