
  • 网络Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory;LBNL;Lawrence Berkeley National Labs;Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
  1. 这个500强榜单是由唐加拉和劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(LawrenceBerkeleyNationalLaboratory)的物理学家埃里希·施特罗迈尔(ErichStrohmaier)共同维护的。

    The Top500 list is maintained by Dr. Dongarra and Erich Strohmaier , a physicist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory .

  2. 但是另一名超级计算机专家西蒙(HorstSimon)说,美国能够挑战天河2号的下一台超级计算机预计到2015年才会出现。西蒙是劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(LawrenceBerkeleyNationalLaboratory)的副主任。

    But the next U.S. supercomputer that could challenge the Tianhe-2 isn 't expected until 2015 , said Horst Simon , another supercomputer expert who is deputy director at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory .

  3. 在与加利福尼亚州的劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(锫命名的由来之处)和俄罗斯杜布纳的联合核研究所(105号元素钍命名的由来之处)竞争的过程中,合成119号元素将会是GSI值得自豪的卓越成就。

    That will be a feather in GSI 's cap in its friendly competition with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory , in California ( after which berkelium is named ) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna , Russia ( after which dubnium , number 105 , is named ) .

  4. 我同意出任劳伦斯-伯克利国家实验室主任,部分原因是我想招募一些世界上最好的科学家,来研究气候变化的对策。

    I became the director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory , in part because I wanted to enlist some of the best scientific minds to help battle against climate change .