
  • 网络labour standards;Labor Standard
  1. 发达国家一直在努力使劳工标准纳入世界经济贸易体系之中,在WTO的多边贸易规则谈判中,希望把劳动标准问题与国际贸易挂钩。

    Developed countries have been taken great efforts to push the issue of labour standard into the international trade system for many years . And they hoped through the negotiation of WTO multilateral trade rules , establish the correlation between labor standards and trade .

  2. 1938年的《公平劳动标准法》确立了最低工资标准。

    The Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938 established a minimum wage .

  3. 保护人类健康不受化学品的影响,并实行强有力的劳动标准。

    Safeguarding health from chemicals and through strong labour standards .

  4. 政府实施了更高的劳动标准和最低工资制。

    Authorities enforced higher labour standards and a minimum wage .

  5. 许多州通过了规定劳动标准的法律。

    Many states have adopted laws setting labor standards .

  6. 企业劳动标准则是由企业制定的,其强制性只限于企业内部。

    The force of enterprise standards only exist in the interior of enterprise .

  7. 我们加强了执行力度,确保这些企业符合《公平劳动标准法案》的规定。

    We stepped up enforcement to ensure these businesses are complying with FLSA .

  8. 欧盟劳动标准体系分析与借鉴

    Analysis on system of labor standards of European Union and used for reference

  9. 执行国家劳动标准,提供相应的劳动条件和劳动保护;

    Carrying out state labor standards and providing relevant working conditions and labor protection ;

  10. 该原则被用于推行基本劳动标准、金融管制(反恐)法律的域外效力。

    But it is now used as a base for extraterritoriality of basic labor standard and financial regulating ( anti-terrorism ) act .

  11. 争论陷入了利益规范的争论,即诸多劳动标准多少、高低、宽严等的争论。

    People are getting into the debate about interest standards , like the number , superiority and strict of many labor standards .

  12. 即使如此,法院称,该官员的确根据《公平劳动标准法》做了调查,发布了指导方针,并提起强制令诉讼。

    Even so , said the court , he did conduct investigations under the act , issue guidelines , and initiate injunction actions .

  13. 未能确保中国供应商遵守法定劳动标准,已成为导致三星和其他领先电子公司难堪的一个来源。

    The failure to ensure legal labour standards among Chinese suppliers has become a source of embarrassment to Samsung and other leading electronics companies .

  14. 克林顿总统支持北美自由贸易协议、但他同时对谈判关于环境和劳动标准问题的补充协议也感兴趣。

    President Clinton supports the North American Free Trade Agreement , but is interested in negotiating supplemental agreements on environmental issues and labor standards .

  15. 最终,经过几年的争论,《公平劳动标准法案》于1938年出台,并于1941年获得最高法院支持。

    Eventually , after years of debate , the Fair Labor Standards Act was passed in 1938 , and upheld by the Supreme Court in 1941 .

  16. 中国“入世”后,其劳动标准问题与其他经济和社会领域中的问题一样,不可避免地越来越带有国际化的色彩。

    After China 's accession into WTO , the issue of labor standards is inevitably getting more and more internationalized just like those of other economic and social aspects .

  17. 积极开展国家基本劳动标准的制订修订工作,完善适合中国国情的劳动标准体系。

    Active efforts shall be made to formulate and revise the state 's basic labor standards , and a labor standard system suitable to china 's actual conditions be perfected .

  18. 文章在详细论述劳动标准体系理论的基础上,探讨了劳动标准体系对企业人力资源管理的影响。

    Based on discussing the labor standard system 's theory in particular , this paper analyzed the effects of the labor standard system on human resource management of enterprise in details .

  19. 但是目前中国劳工的工资水平、劳动标准和就业保障都处于不容乐观的水平,劳动争议纠纷数量逐年上升。

    But the wage level , working environment and social insurance of unemployment are far away from the expected level . The number of labor disputes is increasing year by year .

  20. 再者,由于劳动标准立法的地域性特点,导致我国劳动法领域形成了最为复杂的域内法律冲突。

    Moreover , due to the feature of territory of labor standard legislation , the labor law has the most complicated internal legal conflicts in all legal fields of our country .

  21. 我国的强迫劳动标准主要规定在劳动法中,与国际上的强迫劳动标准相比,既存在相同之处,也有较大的差异。

    Although the forced labor standard of our country , which is stated in the Labor , Law shares certain common characters with that of international society , the difference is obviously .

  22. 健全劳动标准体系和劳动关系协调机制,加强劳动保障监察和争议调解仲裁,构建和谐劳动关系。

    We should improve the system of labor standards and the mechanism for harmonizing labor relations , strengthen supervision of labor protection and labor dispute mediation and arbitration , and build harmonious labor relations .

  23. 优步近日在马塞诸塞州和加利福尼亚州的两起集体诉讼中和原告达成了和解。随后美国又陆续出现了对优步违反《公平劳动标准法》的指控。

    While Uber has recently settled two class-action lawsuits in the US in Massachusetts and California , this was followed by further legal challenges claiming that the company violated the Fair Labor Standard Act .

  24. 当时工会成立不久、宗教团体又施加压力要求礼拜天作瞻礼,一周五天工作制、每周四十小时的工作量签署成为法律,写入了1938年颁布的《公平劳动标准法》中。

    In the face of newly-formed labor unions and pressure from religious groups to keep Sundays holy , the five-day , 40-hour work week was signed into law with the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 .

  25. 中国重视国际社会关于制订和实施劳动标准的经验,并结合本国经济和社会发展的实际,适时加入有关国际劳工公约。

    China values the experience of other countries in formulating and implementing labor standards and , in time , will accede to relevant international labor conventions in line with the actual conditions of its economic and social development .

  26. 此类协议还将使那些愿意朝着自由贸易努力的国家,得以处理一些诸如投资、竞争政策和某些最低劳动标准(例如,对奴隶或强制劳工生产商品的禁令)等其它方面的棘手问题。

    Such an agreement would also permit those willing to move towards free trade to tackle some other knotty issues such as investment , competition policy and certain minimum labour standards ( that is , a ban on goods made with slave or forced labour ) .

  27. 我国女职工劳动保护标准与国际劳工标准比较研究

    Comparative Study on Chinese Standards of Female Workers Labor Protection with International Labor Standards

  28. 结果,不同地区采用不同的劳动合同标准。

    As a result , different regions use different standards for labour contract related matters .

  29. 社会平均劳动耗费标准

    Standard of average social labor consumption

  30. 试论劳动时间标准

    About Working Time Standard