
  1. 医务人员劳动风险的道德规避与调整

    Ethics Elusion and Adjustment of Labor Risk of Medical Staff

  2. 劳动风险的掌控和预防,协调与当地劳动保障及人力资源管理部门的关系;

    Prevent from the labor risk and coordination labor relations activities with the local related organizations .

  3. 他们工作时间长,工资微薄,还要面临着工伤、疾病、生育、失业等现代劳动风险。

    They worked in long hours with low wages while facing the risk of occupational accident , disease , unemployment , maternity and so on .

  4. 基本保险是指普遍适用的,由国家强制力保证实施的在劳动者碰到劳动风险时获得最低生活保障的保险制度。

    Primary insurance is to point to general and applicable , the insurance system that acquires lowermost life safeguard what assure to carry out by national force when laborer encounters labor risk .

  5. 防范劳动争议风险,是关系企业和谐稳定发展和员工切身权益的大事。

    Prevention of labour dispute risk is very important relating to harmonious and stable development of the enterprise and employees interests .

  6. 但是报告指出,强迫劳动的风险会延伸到所有拥有很长的供应链的产业,因为这些产业使用了那些产业的产品。

    But the report says the risk extends to all kinds of industries with long supply chains for the goods used in their products .

  7. 为实现这一目标的方式之一是通过像报警课程(劳动和风险管理的进展)提供持续教育课程。

    One way to achieve that objective is through offering continuing education programs like the ALARM course ( Advances in Labour and Risk Management ) .

  8. 常年财务顾问;专项投资顾问;企业重组顾问;法律顾问;劳动合同风险规避;股权并购咨询;税务协调。

    Annual Financial Consulting , Special Case Consulting , Financing Corporate Restructuring Consulting , Legal Adviser , Labor Contract Risk diminishment , Shares Merger Consulting , Tax Coordination .

  9. 在理论上,家庭财富、教育投入成本、职业收入以及分散劳动收入风险的成本是衡量职业价值的主要指标。

    Theoretically speaking , family wealth , educational cost , career income , and the cost of diversifying labor income risk are the chief variables in viewing career value .

  10. 然后将消费和投资组合选择放在一个跨期最优化框架下,建立附加劳动收入风险的最优投资组合选择动态模型和附加投资收益风险的最优消费动态模型,为后面的定量分析提供模型依据。

    Next , the paper established a dynamic model of optimal portfolio rules with labor income risk and a dynamic model of optimal consumption with investment income risk which provide the basis for following quantitative analysis .

  11. 中国石化集团其他劳动用工形式风险剖析

    Risk Analysis of Other Employment Forms in SINOPEC Group

  12. 在实务中,审计人员必须将主要精力从低级的手工审计劳动转移到对风险的评估与分析上。

    Now in the practice of auditing , auditor shall pay more attention to the evaluation of risk rather than the primary manual auditing .

  13. 但是企业要做好劳动合同管理法律风险的防范工作才能健全劳动合同管理体制。

    However , in order to improve the labor contract job management system enterprises should do a good job on the preventive of the legal risk on labor contract management .

  14. 企业应对劳动合同管理法律风险的策略,首先是谨慎制定企业规章制度,使企业进行劳动合同管理有据可依。

    Enterprises to deal with the labor contract law risk management strategies , the first is the development of business rules and regulations carefully , so that enterprises in evidence-based management of labor contracts .

  15. 实施《劳动合同法》企业劳动用工管理的风险分析

    Implementation of Labor Contract Law and Analysis the Risks Labor Employment Management

  16. 他们的劳动具有高脑力劳动强度、高劳动风险压力、超常劳动时间和劳动的高增值性等特点。

    According to labor division , their work , which is of high mental intensity and of high added value , can be defined as management and scientific labor .

  17. 经营劳动和科技劳动是高复杂、高质量及高强度的劳动。但无论是经营管理还是科技劳动,都具有风险性和不确定性。

    Management work and scientific and technical work are high-complex , high-quality and high-hard .