
  • 网络legendre symbol;Legendre-Symbol
  1. 采用并发方法,用勒让德符号和同余方程等数论知识构造了适合混淆Java程序的不透明谓词簇。

    We adopt concurrency method , and use the knowledge of the number theory , such as the Legendre symbol and the the congruence equation to construct some families of the opaque predicates that are suit for Java program .

  2. 该方案把用身份标识产生的数字水印信息编码后嵌入到混淆的勒让德符号构造的不透明谓词中,将有水印的不透明谓词作为Java程序的线程来混淆Java程序,用零知识证明验证水印信息。

    It uses identity to create the watermarks , which are embedded into the opaque predicates after they are encoded . The Java program is obfuscated by taking the opaque predicates with the watermarks as the threads of the Java program , and the watermark is verified by zero-knowledge proof .