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gòu dang
  • do;business;deal with;deal;handle;business or deal usu. referring to evil practice
勾当 [gòu dàng]
  • (1) [business or deal usu. referring to evil practice]∶营生;行当;事情(现一般指坏事)

  • 这是万古千年不朽的勾当,有甚么做不得!--《儒林外史》

  • 全不晓得路途上的勾当艰难!--《水浒传》

  • (2) [handle; deal with]∶办理;处理

  • 荷生那日回营,勾当些公事,天已不早。-- 清. 魏子安《花月痕》

  • (3) [do]∶做事;谋生

  • 只得母子二人逃上延安府去,投托老种经略相公处勾当。--《水浒传》

勾当[gòu dang]
  1. 我决不卷入这一卑鄙勾当。

    I want no part of this sordid business .

  2. 我已经彻底洗手不干那种肮脏的勾当了。

    I 've washed my hands of the whole sordid business .

  3. 我不想牵连进任何欺骗勾当。

    I don 't want to get involved in anything dodgy .

  4. 我怀疑可能有某种非法勾当在进行中。

    I suspect there may be something funny going on .

  5. 所有人都牵涉到这起诈骗勾当之中了。

    Everyone was involved in this web of deceit .

  6. 这个女孩已经发现了工厂里的勾当。

    The girl had found out about the goings-on in the factory .

  7. 起了疑心的爱好者揭发了这一勾当,警察在诺丁汉逮捕了一名男子。

    Suspicious fans exposed the racket and police arrested a man in Nottingham .

  8. 他使我成了他干罪恶勾当的工具。

    He made me the tool of his wicked deeds .

  9. 他们假公济私的勾当全被报纸揭了出来。

    Their jobs were all exposed by the press .

  10. 这家伙就爱干煽风点火的勾当。

    This guy often stirs up troubles .

  11. 据说党派政治,即使是地方一级的,也可能是一种卑鄙的勾当。

    People say that party politics , even at local level , can be a dirty game .

  12. 记录美国民主党领导层“肮脏勾当”的电子邮件的泄露,让希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)的竞选陷入了混乱。

    Hillary Clinton 's presidential campaign was thrown into turmoil by the leak of emails documenting dirty tactics by the Democratic party leadership .

  13. 道格·斯坦普(DougStamper)恢复了“健康”,继续为安德伍德从事邪恶的勾当。

    Doug Stamper is " healthy " again and back to doing Underwood 's evil bidding .

  14. 故事走向,是他试图说服一位老同学,由,Joseph,Cotten,扮演,加入这起勾当。

    In this scene , he 's trying to convince an old school friend of his , played by Joseph Cotten , to join this thing .

  15. 军情五处捡获可汗同Khyam先生的交谈,并且说这些勾当主要关于金融诡计。

    MI5 picked up some of Khan 's conversations with Mr Khyam , and said these dealt mainly with financial scams .

  16. 其中由,Orson,Welles,扮演的,一位活跃于维也纳的黑市勾当,生计主要是靠在黑市中,从事非常卑鄙的交易。

    One of them , played by Orson Welles , is in a black market racket in Vienna and is making a living doing something very bad in the black market .

  17. 那家公司里有很多不正当的勾当。

    There 's a lot of munkey business in the company .

  18. 雷蒙娜的那些风流勾当,并不是从手册之类的书中学来的。

    Ramona had not learned those erotic monkeyshines in a manual .

  19. 你让你的兔子做那些勾当。

    You gotta have the rabbit to make the scam work .

  20. 你可以找其他人帮你做你的下流勾当!

    You can find someone else to do your dirty work !

  21. 因为他干了许多罪恶的勾当,所以人人都惧怕他。

    He was universally feared because of his many nefarious deeds .

  22. 多少罪恶的勾当就是由长着一副天真无邪面孔的人干出来的。

    So much evil is done by people with innocent faces .

  23. 莱思干了些骗钱的勾当,而且不在乎会不会被人抓住。

    Laing had worked some fiddle and hadn 't minded being caught .

  24. 我不会去忍受这骗人的勾当。

    I 'm not going to put up with this monkey business .

  25. 战争是肮脏的勾当,就像你将要看到的那样。

    War is nasty business , as you shall see .

  26. 这个警察收贿,做一些无耻的勾当。

    The politician committed some shady acts by receiving bribes .

  27. 我不喜欢那样的勾当。

    I really don 't enjoy that kind of activity .

  28. 这支雇佣军正在那里干新的冒险勾当。

    The mercenary troops are embarking on New Adventures there .

  29. 这帮歹徒在各大城市里干着勒索保护费的勾当。

    The gang were running protection rackets in all the big cities .

  30. 少来,我知道这行里的勾当。

    Come on , I know how this business works .