
  • 网络PACKAGING;Packaging Engineering;Packing Engineering
  1. 包装工程制图CAI的制作技术研究

    Exploitation of Packaging Engineering Drafting CAI Software

  2. 讨论了包装工程制图CAI(ComputerAssistedInstouction)课件的总体设计及开发方法,介绍了软件的主要功能特点及设计过程中的几个关键问题

    Discusses design in the mass and exploitation method of packaging engineering drawing CAI courseware and introduces main function traits of the software and several key questions in the software design

  3. 关于增设包装工程专业硕士学位的思考

    The Consideration of Putting up Master Degree in Packaging Engineering Specialty

  4. 培养现代包装工程人才的初步改革实践

    Preliminary Reform and Practice in Training Talents of Modern Packaging Engineering

  5. 其次,介绍了包装工程学科研究的内容;

    Second , it discusses the contents of package engineering discipline .

  6. 包装工程专业工程图学的教学改革与实践

    Teaching Reform and Practice in Engineering Graphics for Packaging Engineering Speciality

  7. 包装工程专业材料实验课程改革探讨

    Reformation of Experimental Course for the Specialty of Packaging Engineering Materials

  8. 试论高等包装工程教育

    The Importance of Higher Packaging Engineering Education and Its Speciality Layout

  9. 包装工程学科知识体系与结构的探讨

    Exploration of Knowledge Structure and System on Package Engineering Course

  10. 以技术科学思想指导包装工程教学改革

    To Guide the Reform of Package Engineering Education Applying Technological Science Thought

  11. 包装工程、包装技术体系及包装工程教育

    Packaging Engineering : its Formation , Technological System and Education

  12. 包装工程高等教育的人才培养模式

    The Mode of Personnel Training in the Higher Education of Packaging Engineering

  13. 包装工程专业试题库系统的设计建立

    Design and Creating of Packaging Engineering 's Item Pool System

  14. 包装工程高教改革的实践与探讨

    Practice and Inquire into Reform of Packaging Engineering higher Education

  15. 强化包装工程专业的生产实习

    The Research of Reform in Production Practice for Package Engineering

  16. 加强实验教学,培养包装工程创新人才

    Reinforce Experiment Teaching and Foster Innovative Talent of Packaging Engineer

  17. 包装工程专业人才培养方案和教学内容体系的建立

    Establishment of Cultivating Project and Curriculum on Packaging Engineering Speciality

  18. 包装工程专业学生学分制综合培养计划的设计

    Design of Training Plan under Credit System for Packaging Students

  19. 实验教学与包装工程创新人才培养改革探索

    On Innovative Intellectuals Developing of Packaging Engineering and Experiment Teaching

  20. 试论包装工程学科的特征与包装工程专业的建设

    Discussion on Characteristics and Construction of Packing Engineering Specialty

  21. 包装工程实验室构建探析

    An Investigation into Construction of a Packaging Engineering Lab

  22. 从国外包装工程实验教学谈起&析实验教学与培养学生创新能力

    Talk form the Foreign Experimental Teaching of Packaging Engineering

  23. 大工程观念下包装工程专业课程体系改革思路

    Thoughts on Course System Reform of Packaging Engineering Specialty with Systems Project Concept

  24. 包装工程科学人才供求矛盾剖析

    Analysis on the Contradiction between Supply and Demond of Packaging Engineering Scientific Technicians

  25. 基于包装工程专业计算机课程教学模式改革研究

    Study Because of Packing the Professional Computer Course Teaching Mode Reform of Project

  26. 包装工程学科核心知识和知识体系探讨

    Study on the Key Knowledge and the Knowledge System of Packaging Engineering Subject

  27. 深化教学改革,加强学科建设,构建包装工程学科平台

    Strengthening the Educational Reforms and Building up the Stage of Packaging Engineering Speciality

  28. 电磁感应加热技术在包装工程中的应用

    Applications of electromagnetic induction heating technology in packaging engineering

  29. 从包装工程专业的发展探讨新专业建设策略

    A Discuss about New Specialty Found Policy from the Development of Packaging Engineering

  30. 以史为鉴努力开创包装工程专业新局面

    Take Warning from History , Create a New Situation of Packaging Engineering Specialized