
bāo zhuāng zhǐ
  • wrapper;wrapping paper;packaging paper;packing paper;tissue paper
  1. 我已从公共基金里拿了一些钱买包装纸。

    I 've taken some money from the pot for wrapping paper .

  2. 很好。这包装纸要留下来吗?只破了一点点……你要为Ross留下,还是要我丢掉?

    do you wanna save this wrapping paper , I mean , it 's only a little bit torn ... so are you gonna go for it with Ross or should I just throw it out ?

  3. 他用棕色包装纸把包裹包好,又用细绳捆上。

    He wrapped the package in brown paper and tied it with string .

  4. 他小心翼翼地把包装纸弄平,夹在书页里。

    He carefully flattened the wrappers and put them between the leaves of his book

  5. 她撕掉包装纸,抽出一支烟,点燃了。

    She tore off the cellophane , pulled out a cigarette , and lit it .

  6. 我用塑料包装纸把三明治裹起来,防止变质。

    I tucked some plastic wrap around the sandwiches to keep them from getting stale .

  7. 水溶性PVA纤维对包装纸增强作用的研究

    Strengthen Effect of Water-Soluble PVA Fibers in High Strength Package Paper

  8. AKD中性施胶在特种包装纸中的应用研究

    Research of AKD Used in Neutral Sizing Process for Special Packing Paper

  9. 介绍了PVA水溶纤维作为增强剂在电池隔膜纸、印刷用纸、包装纸、嘴棒成型纸中的应用及工艺流程;

    This paper deals with the application and process of water soluble PVA fiber as dry-strength agent in battery separator paper , printing paper , package , cigarette plug paper .

  10. 研究了AKD的施胶机理及其在特种包装纸中的应用。

    The article is about the research of the sizing principle of AKD and use it in the special packing paper field .

  11. 这位美国大兵爸爸约书亚卡尔在YouTube上发布了一条视频,视频中,他的小女儿布丽奇特撕开巨大礼物盒的包装纸,妈妈在一旁给她加油。

    In a YouTube video posted by father Joshua Carr , his little girl Bridget is seen ripping the wrapping paper off an enormous box , with her mother in the background encouraging her to open it .

  12. 但是仍然没有人来买Wolstencroft。在满是圣诞卡和精美包装纸的货架上方,他仍然独自坐在那里,他感到特别的悲伤和孤独。

    But still no one bought Wolstencroft , who was feeling extra sad and lonely sitting there all by himself high above the Christmas cards and wrapping paper .

  13. 压缩空气蓄能(CAES)电站热力性能仿真分析把5张托盘用防潮包装纸进行真空包装后,在表面上贴上部品单。

    Simulation Analysis of Thermal Performance for Compressed Air Energy Storage ( CAES ) Power Plant ; The tray bundles must be vacuum packed in MBB and attach part list tag on it .

  14. 在研究中,在周五呈现的个性与社会心理研究年会上,研究人员发现,人们在观看萌物系ppt的时候要比观看2B系或正常系捏破包装纸上的泡泡数更多。

    In the study , presented Friday ( Jan. 18 ) here at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology , researchers found that people watching a slideshow of adorable pictures popped more bubbles on a sheet of bubble wrap than did people viewing funny or neutral pictures .

  15. 巧克力?我有一盒子包装纸。

    Chocolates ? I get a tin full of empty wrappers .

  16. 礼物本身比所有的包装纸都要好。

    The gift is far better than any fancy wrapping paper .

  17. 光面纸常用作海报,包装纸等。

    MG paper is often used for posters , wrappings , etc.

  18. 藏在五块普通装旺卡巧克力不起眼的包装纸里

    underneath the ordinary wrapping paper of five ordinary Wonka bars .

  19. 抗菌壳聚糖包装纸的性能研究

    Study on the Properties of the Antibacterial Wrapper Coated with Chitosan

  20. 我能看下巧克力包装纸吗?

    William : Li , can I see that chocolate wrapper ?

  21. 医用包装纸阻菌效果研究

    Evaluation of Efficacy of Medical Packing Papers in Blockage of Bacteria

  22. 旧城下,一个身着塑料包装纸的玩耍少年。

    In the old city a boy is wearing plastic paper .

  23. 如果您提供礼品包装纸,保持价格低。

    If you offer gift wrapping , keep the price low .

  24. 等等,我们该整理放包装纸的抽屉了。

    Wait , we 're supposed to organizethe wrapping paper drawer .

  25. 改拆这些巧克力的包装纸

    and start shelling the wrappers off these chocolate bars instead .

  26. 嗨,你们有包装纸么?

    Hi . You guys have any wrapping paper ? Oo !

  27. 一种由经过硫黄溶液处理过的木浆制成的硬纸,用作包装纸。

    Strong wrapping paper made from pulp processed with a sulfur solution .

  28. 具有复合结构的高耐水性包装纸材加工技术研究

    Processing Technology of High Water Resistance Paper Packaging Material with Composite Structure

  29. 提高废纸箱纸浆抄造包装纸强度的研究

    Study on Improving Strength of Packaging Paper Made from OCC

  30. 淀粉多糖基可食性包装纸的改性研究

    Modification Study on Edible Wrapping Paper Made from Starch Polysaccharide