
  • 网络coverage factor
  1. 从测量不确定度验证谈对包含因子的正确理解

    On Right Understanding Coverage Factor from Verifying Uncertainty Degree of Measurement

  2. 解析三角分布的包含因子

    On Analytic Triangle Distribution Coverage Factor

  3. 第三个因子为食物因子,包含因子距重沼泽距离;

    The third principal factor is food factor , including " distance to deep water mire " .

  4. 《测量不确定度表示指南》给出两种选择包含因子的方法:韦尔奇-萨特思韦特公式法和简便方法。

    The ISOGuide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement presented two methods to choose a coverage factor : the Welch-Satterthwaite formula method and a simpler approach .

  5. 在此基础上,对两种测量方法测量1-3种混合气体分压强的不确定度进行了严格评估,给出了扩展不确定度和包含因子。

    On the basis of these experiments , the partial pressure uncertainties of 1 - 3 gas mixtures , measured in at least two different ways , were precisely estimated , and the expanded uncertainties and coverage factors were also given .

  6. 标准物质标准值的不确定度由分析方法、检测实验室、样品均匀性和样品稳定性的不确定度合成后乘以扩展不确定度置信水平下的包含因子而得。

    The uncertainties of the certified values of the reference materials should be obtained from the combination of the uncertainties of analytical methods , examination laboratories , sample homogeneity , as well as sample stability and multiply by the coverage factors under confidence level of the extended uncertainties .

  7. 文献给Fuzzy控制器的控制规则设计提出了一条新途径,使Fuzzy控制器的控制规则可用一个包含修正因子的公式描述。

    Paper ( 1 ) has proposed a new approach for fuzzy controllers , in which a control rule can be described by a formula regulatable factor .

  8. 包含噪声因子二阶效应稳健设计响应面GLM研究

    The study of robust design GLM of second-order response surface in noise factors

  9. 通过引入噪声因子的二次效应及其之间的交互作用,将包含噪声因子线性作用的GLM推广到含有噪声因子二阶响应面的GLM,并给出推广模型的参数估计及其假设检验。

    Through the introduction of the quadratic effects of the noise factors and their interactions , we extends the GLM which includes the linear effects of noise factor to the second-order response surface , thus proposes a new model and gives the model 's parameter estimation and test of hypothesis .

  10. 模型系统包含单因子评价模型、综合评价模型和空间插值模型。

    The model system covers single index evaluation model , comprehensive evaluation model , and spatial interpolation model , etc.

  11. 这句话的意思是,在稳定流动的前提下,包含表皮因子的线性流方程的无因次形式。

    The following is the equation for linear flow with skin , at constant rate , in dimensionless form .

  12. 对于不包含σ因子的网络,进行了连接结构的分析,对网络中的弱连通体、路径长度和强连通体进行了结构和生物学意义的讨论。

    For the network without sigma factors , we analyzed the weakly and strongly connected components and the path lengthes of the network .

  13. 而基质胶确实决定复杂的细胞外环境,也包含生长因子和未知蛋白,能够抑制细胞对试验所需要的精密条件。

    While Matrigel does resemble a complex extracellular environment , it also contains growth factors and unknown proteins that limit its desirability for experiments requiring precise conditions .

  14. 将这种方法应用于枯草芽孢杆菌不包含σ因子的基因转录调控网络,得出了32个模块,并对每个模块进行了明确的生物学功能定义。

    Applying this method to the TRN of B. subtilis without sigma factors , 32 modules are identified , and the biological functions of these modules have been clearly defined .

  15. 在面向信息甄别的物流外包合同中,提供给低能力的第三方物流服务提供者的外包合同参数中既不需包含激励因子,也不需包含惩罚因子;

    In the logistics outsourcing contract oriented to info-screening , the contract parameters offered to the third-party logistics provider with low capability neither include any penalty scheme , nor an incentive scheme .

  16. 通过分析合同参数间的关系,发现提供给低能力分包商的分包合同参数中既不需包含激励因子,也不需包含惩罚因子;

    By analyzing the relation between subcontract parameter , the author finds that the subcontract offered to the subcontractor with capability does not include any penalty scheme , neither does a gain-share scheme .

  17. 依据内生经济增长理论,提出包含教育因子的总量生产函数,利用固定效应变截距面板数据模型估计出各投入要素的产出弹性后,测算出1996-2005年全国教育对经济增长的贡献率为4.08%。

    Use fixed effect and variable intercept panel data model to estimate the output elasticity of production factors , calculates the national education contributes to economic growth rate of 4.08 percent during 1996-2005 .

  18. 建立一个包含这些因子的垃圾产量的多元线性回归分析预测模型,并对2004~2010年的垃圾产量进行预测。

    The output from 2004 to 2010 was predicted by means of a multivariate regression linear model , including the factors . The results show the model with a higher precision and the better practicability .

  19. 以包含温度因子的热敏神经元模型在二维空间构造规则网络,研究了神经元膜片温度参数对神经元网络中螺旋波演化影响。

    The regular networks of neurons are constructed in the two-dimensional space , the dynamical properties of thermosensitive neurons is described by temperature factor , and the effect of membrane temperature on the evolution of spiral wave is investigated in detail .

  20. 包含CO2因子的冬小麦叶片光合作用农业气象简化模型研究

    Studies on Simplified Agro-meteorological Models on Leaf Photosynthesis of Winter Wheat Including CO_2 Impacts

  21. 利用635个包含完整转座因子插入的粳稻CDS序列,对转座因子如何影响基因编码区的碱基组成及基因的表达水平,进而对基因同义密码子的使用偏性产生影响进行了详细分析。

    By using 635 CDSs containing integral transposable element sequence ( TEs ), a detailed analysis on how the insertion of TEs affects gene nucleotide composition in coding region and gene expression level , and furthermore affects the synonymous codon usage bias in every genes was made .

  22. 第一部分的研究结果表明:(1)中国版儿童青少年感觉寻求问卷包含两个因子,即兴奋与冒险寻求(TAS)和去抑制(Dis)因子。

    The results of the first section showed that : ( 1 ) there are two factors in the Chinese Adolescent version sensation seeking scale and they are Thrill and Adventure Seeking ( TAS ) factor and Disinhibition ( Dis ) factor .

  23. 同时,应用此复合函数设计了包含非线性量化因子的模糊控制算法。

    Based on the integrated functions , a type of fuzzy control algorithm with nonlinear quantitative factor is designed .

  24. 简明精神病评定量表包含焦虑抑郁因子、缺乏活力因子、思维障碍因子、活动性因子和敌对态度因子;

    BPRS including anxiety-depression factor , lacking in activity factor , thinking disturbance factor , reaction factor and hostile factor ;

  25. 目的设计制备包含活性生长因子的引导组织再生生物膜(以下称功能性复合膜)。

    AIM : To design and prepare complex film enveloped growth factor sustained release microspheres for guided periodontal tissue regeneration .

  26. 类中包含了对因子的搜集,因此可以进行累加并最终进行分类。

    The meat of this class consists of gathering factors so that I can then sum them and ultimately classify them .

  27. 症状自评量表包含10个因子90个记录项目,采用5级评分法,分值越高越严重。

    SCL-90 contained 10 factors and 90 items , 5 grades evaluation , the higher the score , the severe the disease was .

  28. 探索性因素分析发现,合作与竞争倾向是两个独立的维度,并分别包含三个子因子,构成合作与竞争倾向的二维度三因子模型。

    Exploratory factor analysis ( EFA ) showed that cooperative personality and competitive personality both have three sub-dimensions that form a cooperative and competitive personality 3-dimensions model .

  29. 多变量时滞过程继承了无时滞多变量过程的复杂性,且包含的时滞因子使得这种复杂性变得更加难以控制。

    Multivariable processes with multiple time delays inherit the complexities of delay-free multivariable processes , and furthermore , the time delays in processes made these complexities more challenging .

  30. 从而借鉴其中包含的真理因子,为构建社会主义市场经济伦理体系提供宝贵的思想资料。

    Thus we can draw lessons from the truth factor included among his economic ethics system , offer the valuable thought materials for structuring the ethics system of socialist market economy .