
bāo shēn gōng
  • indentured labourer;indenture labourer;indenture laborer
包身工 [bāo shēn gōng]
  • [美indenture laborer;英indenture labourer] 通过包身契包给带工的工头,由包工头付给其家庭以低微的包身费的工人,包身契期限一般三年,在此期间,工人全部工资收入归包工头所有,包工头只供给极少的生活需要,没有人身自由

包身工[bāo shēn gōng]
  1. 印度有着强迫劳动,包身工等巨大的问题。

    India has a massive problem with forced labor , bonded labor .

  2. 我听说过一个故事,一个人干了50年包身工。

    I heard one story where a man had been working as a bonded laborer for 50 years .

  3. 打杂的恼了,顺手夺过一盆另一个包身工正在抹桌子的冷水,迎头泼在芦柴棒头上。

    In a rage , he snatched a basin of cold water which another girl had brought in to wash down the table , and poured this over Spindle-shanks ' head .