
  • 网络Prime Ministers of Hungary
  1. 匈牙利总理维克多·奥班(ViktorOrban)走访了被有毒废水袭击的其中一个村庄。

    Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban visited one of the villages hit by the toxic sludge .

  2. 匈牙利总理奥班(ViktorOrban)表示,一个化学蓄水池可能存在再次泄露有毒废水的危险。

    The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban says there 's a danger of another big spillage of toxic waste from a chemical reservoir .

  3. 匈牙利总理久尔恰尼(FerencGyurcsany)说,该国货币面临着非常强劲的投机压力。

    Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany said there was'very strong speculative pressure'against the national currency , the forint .

  4. 匈牙利总理奥班(ViktorOrban)宣布了这次逮捕行动,他表示,该公司将暂时收归国有,相关的责任人将承担经济后果。

    The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced the arrest and said that the company would be temporarily nationalised , and those responsible should bear the financial consequences .

  5. 匈牙利总理久尔恰尼(Gyurcsany)说,匈牙利得到的贷款不会限制匈牙利的政治决策权,也不会限制改革进程。

    He says the loans Hungary receives will not restrict the country 's right to make its own political decisions and introduce reforms .

  6. 匈牙利总理久尔恰尼对这个批评不以为然。

    Hungarian prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany shrugs off this criticism .

  7. 匈牙利总理警告说,一道“新的铁幕”正在欧洲大地落下。

    The Hungarian prime minister warns of a " new iron curtain " descending across Europe .

  8. 克林顿星期四在布达佩斯和匈牙利总理欧尔班共同主持的记者会中,证实美国要推行的这项政策。

    Clinton confirmed the policy shift at a news conference Thursday with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Budapest .

  9. 同匈牙利总理一样,我早上、傍晚和夜里都撒过谎尽管我主要在办公时间撒谎。

    Like the Hungarian prime minister , I have lied in the morning , at night and in the evening – although mainly I lie during office hours .

  10. 匈牙利总理维克托·奥尔班也一直因为与欧盟关系不友好而闻名,事实上,他最近还得到了相反的名声。

    Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is not known to be a particular friend of the E.U. , either . In fact , he has gained quite the opposite reputation .

  11. 贝利还证实欧盟官员正在就匈牙利新的媒体法进行质询,该法包含由匈牙利总理维克托-欧尔班的政党控制的特别监督机构的条款。

    Bailly also confirms EU officials are questioning Hungary about new media laws which include a special oversight authority run by members of Prime Minister Viktor Orban 's party .