
  1. 匈牙利政府在1月28日公布了一项法令,将对已经在至少3个其他国家接种百万以上人口的任何疫苗启动批准程序。

    The announcement came a day after Hungary 's government issued a decree calling for a green light for any vaccine that had been administered to at least 1 million people in at least three other countries .

  2. 曾被迫向国际货币基金组织(imf)寻求财务支持的匈牙利政府,本月发行了自2008年6月以来的第一笔国际债券。

    Hungary , which was forced to turn to the International Monetary Fund for financial support , this month launched its first international bond since June 2008 .

  3. 匈牙利政府表示,他们正在采取一切措施防止MAL铝厂破产,坚持必须缴纳罚款。

    Hungarian government says it 's doing everything possible to stop MAL alumina from going bankrupt , insisting the fine must be paid .

  4. 匈牙利政府以马扎尔化(magyarisation)为统其他民族,一直持续到第一次世界大战结束,奥匈帝国的瓦解为止。

    The Hungarian government unified the kingdom by magyarisation of the other nationalities . This lasted until the end of World War I , when the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed .

  5. 匈牙利政府刚发布了旅游警讯。

    The government of Hungary has announced a travel warning .

  6. 匈牙利政府发言人星期二说,匈牙利南部地区发现禽流感病毒。

    A Hungarian government spokesman says the deadly strain of bird flu virus has been found in southern Hungary .

  7. 匈牙利政府和罗马尼亚政府关于建立开放天空制度的协定;

    Agreement between the government of Hungary and the government of Romania on the establishment of an open skies regime ;

  8. 在由反对派发起的对医疗保健和高等教育取消收费问题的公民投票中,匈牙利政府遭遇失败。

    Hungary 's government lost a referendum , promoted by the opposition , to scrap fees for health care and higher education .

  9. 匈牙利政府已经预报,今年本国经济将缩减6%,表现之差为1945年以来所未有。

    The Hungarian government has predicted that the country 's economy will shrink by 6 per cent this year . It has not performed that badly since 1945 .

  10. 尽管有分歧,奥尔班最近还是敦促英国留在欧盟,不过他这样做主要还是由于,对欧盟持怀疑态度的英国是匈牙利政府的重要合作伙伴。

    Despite disagreements , Orban recently urged Britain to remain part of the E.U. -- but he did so most likely because E.U. - skeptical Britain is an important partner for the Budapest-based government .

  11. 渴望填补预算漏洞及想将部分人满为患的监狱改头换面的匈牙利政府,正与一家有意购买其位于市中心地点的监狱的西班牙公司洽谈。

    Keen to fill a hole in its budget and replace some of its overcrowded prisons with new facilities , the Hungarian government is talking to a Spanish firm interested in buying its jails in prime downtown locations .

  12. 虽然上述信函是在初步分析的基础上写成的,但它却开启了欧盟向匈牙利政府下发正式通知的可能性而这将是正式立案的第一步,其结果可能是有效强制匈牙利修改法规。

    Though it is based on a preliminary analysis , the letter raises the prospect of a formal notice to the Hungarian authorities the first step in opening a legal case that would effectively force changes in the law .

  13. 对于土耳其、南非或匈牙利的政府而言,巨额经常账户赤字与对海外资金的依赖不是一个容易处理的组合。

    Large current account deficits coupled with reliance on overseas funding is not a nice mix for the governments of Turkey , South Africa or Hungary to confront .

  14. 匈牙利总统等外国政府首脑将访华

    Heads of foreign governments such as the president of Hungary , etc. will visit China

  15. 但是匈牙利中间偏右的主要反对党青年民主联盟-匈牙利公民联盟对政府接受金融援助计划提出批评,说此举可能使匈牙利的主权受到损害。

    But Hungary 's main center-right opposition party , Fidesz , has criticized the government for accepting the financial rescue package , saying it could compromise the country 's sovereignty .