
jūn shì zhènɡ cè
  • military policy
  1. 军事政策的混乱可追溯到杜鲁门的第一届任期。

    The disorder in military policy had its origins in Truman 's first term

  2. 欧洲的军事政策正走向一个新途径。

    European military policy is taking a new direction .

  3. 军事政策性金融研究

    A study of military policy finance

  4. 权相政治深刻改变了当时的政治、经济、思想文化和军事政策和社会心理。

    The power minister politics also change the politics , economy , ideological and cultural , military policy and social psychology .

  5. 国会议员需要审查所有问题,从经济到视频安全,到军事政策。

    Congressmen and women are looking at all sorts of issues , from the economy to food safety and military policies .

  6. 大别山这场斗争,主要是我们政策对头,包括军事政策。

    The success of our struggle in the Dabie Mountains was mainly due to our correct policies , including our military policy .

  7. 国会的成员们都关注着各种各样的问题,比如经济问题,食品安全和军事政策。

    Congress men and women are looking at all sorts of issues from the economy , the food safety and military policy .

  8. 军事政策就是坚决地拿出三分之一的野战部队地方化,搞军区、军分区。

    This last was to establish military areas and sub-areas and to station one third of the units of our Field Army there .

  9. 所以说,已经觉察到美国日渐疲弱的中国,如果不继续推行其自信满满的经济、政治与军事政策,才会让人感到吃惊。

    Sensing growing weakness , therefore , it would be surprising if China did not continue its assertive economic , political and military policies .

  10. 为期两天的谈判汇集了双方专家,他们于7月底讨论了军事政策、潜在威胁和核查问题。

    The two-day negotiations convene experts from both sides who had military doctrines , potential threats and questions of verification at the end of July .

  11. 实际上,两位极左阵线的参议员反对意大利出兵阿富汗的军事政策;更加出人意料地是,两位终身议员投了弃权票。

    In fact it was two senators from the radical left who mutinied over italy 's military presence in afghanistan ; two life senators unexpectedly abstained .

  12. 明朝军事政策与晋冀沿边地区生态环境变迁晋冀鲁豫边区大反攻

    Changes in Ecological Environment on Jin-Ji Border Area Under the Influence of Military Policy in Ming Dynasty ; Great Counter Offensive in Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong - Henan Border Region

  13. 从战争和屠杀的政策改变到改良和欺骗的政策,从硬的政策改变到软的政策,从军事政策改变到政治政策。

    The change is from war and massacre to reform and deceit , from a tough policy to a soft one , from a military to a political policy .

  14. 在乾隆强劲的军事政策下,中国领土面积达到最大。他征服了西部的新疆,南方的缅甸和安南也被迫承认中国的领主地位。

    Under his vigorous military policy , China attained its maximum territorial expanse ; Xinjiang in the west was conquered , and Myanmar and Annam in the south were forced to recognize Chinese suzerainty .

  15. 我们历来主张诱敌深入,就是因为这是战略防御中弱军对强军作战的最有效的军事政策。

    We have always advocated the policy of " luring the enemy in deep ", precisely because it is the most effective military policy for a weak army strategically on the defensive to employ against a strong army .

  16. 但这次试验向冷战双方的军事政策制定者展示了电磁脉冲的毁灭性潜力,把他们推入了一场竞相驾驭电磁脉冲,使之成为常规战争武器的军备竞赛。

    But the test showcased the potential destructiveness of an electromagnetic pulse to military planners on both sides of the cold-war divide , and launched them into a race to harness it as a weapon using a non-nuclear source .

  17. 中国对进口石油的依赖性日益增加,正在产生多方面的影响,包括全球原油价格和中国的军事政策。中国正在打造一支强大的海军,以便保护延伸至东南亚和中东的供给线。

    China 's increasing dependence on imported oil is having repercussions on everything from global crude prices to military policy , as Beijing seeks to build a navy capable of securing supply lines extending to southeast Asia and the Middle East .

  18. ChuckArmentrout,军事力量政策分裂的在五角大楼。

    Chuck Armentrout , chief of the military force policy division at the Pentagon .

  19. 朝鲜昨日表示,将派遣一个代表团前往首尔,参加韩国前总统金大中(KimDae-jung)的葬礼。这是几个月的军事边缘政策之后,出现的最新和解迹象。

    North Korea yesterday said it would send a delegation to the funeral of former South Korean president Kim Dae-jung in Seoul , in the latest sign of rapprochement after months of military brinkmanship .

  20. 美国对南斯拉夫的军事援助政策,始自于杜鲁门政府时期。

    American military assistance policy toward Yugoslavia began from the Truman Administration .

  21. 保守主义外交理念与里根政府的对外军事干预政策

    Conservative Foreign Policy Thinking and the Reagan Administration 's International Military Intervention

  22. 调整中的俄罗斯新军事经济政策

    Introduction of the new Russian military economic policy

  23. 让国防部长马蒂斯重新审核我们的军事拘留政策,保证我们在关塔那摩湾的监禁设施开放。

    to re-examine our military detention policy and to keep open the detention facilities in Guantanamo Bay .

  24. 中国和日本都无法推行得不到民众支持的军事侵略政策。

    Neither China nor Japan could sustain a policy of military aggression that did not enjoy popular support .

  25. 美国、韩国以及他们的盟友均坚称,不会容许朝鲜通过军事边缘政策恢复敲诈妥协的恶性循环。

    Washington , Seoul and their allies insist they will not allow North Korea to resume a cycle of extorting concessions through military brinkmanship .

  26. 为其他难民打开自己家园的卡德亚很高兴美国推行外交应该失败的军事打击政策。

    Khadeya , who has opened her home to other refugees , is glad the United States is pushing for a military option should diplomacy fail .

  27. 这些文件的形成与实施标志着美国对南斯拉夫经济援助与军事援助政策的形成。

    18 documents of NSC , and the formation and implementation of these documents symbolized the formation of American economic aid and military assistance policy on Yugoslavia .

  28. 美日联盟强化和国际化发展趋势,直接原因是美日两国的军事战略政策使然:美国方面,其战略是依靠美日联盟来维持、加强在东亚的军事存在,以遏制中国的崛起进而实现称霸全球的目标;

    There are two levels of reasons account for the trend : first , the military strategies of United States ' and Japan directly cause the strengthened and internationalized Alliance ;

  29. 虽然美国白宫迫于多方面的压力决定暂缓对巴一次例外军售政策,但在对巴基斯坦的军事援助政策上美国白宫期望通过对叶海亚·汗的支持,实现东巴的政治解决。

    Although under various pressures , the White House decided to postpone " the exception " arms sales policy , through the military aid to Pakistan , the White House expected to achieve the political solution of East Pakistan by the support to Yahya Khan .

  30. 故战后历届美国政府都努力寻求制订促进东欧国家脱离苏联阵营,并最终放弃社会主义制度的政策,而准军事行动政策是其中重要的一环。

    Therefore , all previous US governments have been trying to pursue a policy that would impel other socialism countries to break away from Soviet camp and eventually gave up socialism . Paramilitary operation was an important port of these policy tools to achieve these goals .