
jūn mào
  • army cap;service cap;cap;shako
军帽 [jūn mào]
  • [army cap] 军人戴的帽子

军帽[jūn mào]
  1. 戴着军帽踢老板,简直是军变。

    Kicked an officer with his cap on , that 's mutiny .

  2. 我的军帽可掉了。

    I had lost my cap .

  3. 我们都知道,这是一项军帽。

    We all know that it 's a soldier hat .

  4. 我多么想有一顶帽子,一顶真正的军帽!

    How I wished I could have a cap , a real soldier 's cap !

  5. 一个体格魁伟、金黄色胡子的波兰犹太人,戴的好象是一顶军帽,自告奋勇当了列车长。

    A burly blond-bearded Polish Jew in a sort of military cap makes himself the car captain .

  6. 他穿护耳军帽的形象被印在了很多事物上,从包包到杯子。

    Pictures of him wearing his trademark earflap army hat have become a pop icon emblazoned on everything frombags to cups .

  7. 法国夏邦杰建筑设计事务所设计的上海大剧院,弧形拱顶的造型酷似拿破仑时代士兵的军帽。

    The Shanghai Grand Theater designed by the French firm Charpentier et Associes is striking for its curved roof resembling a Napoleonic era military cap .

  8. 他们,有的是穿了灰色短衣,歪戴了军帽的;她时髦的金棕色短发里自然地夹着几丝灰发。

    Some wear grey military tunics , with army caps cocked over one eye . Her stylishly short auburn hair was streaked naturally with gray .

  9. 有几个匍匐前进直至拱桥的高处,小心翼翼地不露出军帽的边缘。

    Some crawled flat on their faces as far as the crest of the curve of the bridge , taking care that their shakos did not project beyond it .

  10. 法国军帽平圆顶的有帽舌的一种法国军帽他垂下眼皮,瞅了瞅这顶高级帽子衬里上绷着的那圈鞋皮的小小帽花。

    A French military cap with a flat , circular top and a visor . Under their dropped lids his eyes found the tiny bow of the leather headband inside his high grade ha .

  11. 他的脸刮得干干净净,穿的是近卫军棉大衣,钮孔上别了一枚圣乔治勋章,头上端端正正地戴一顶普通军帽。

    He was clean-shaven ; he wore the wadded coat of the Guards with a St. George medal on a ribbon , and a plain forage cap , put on straight on his head .

  12. 就在他昨天骑马经过的,摆着一排排芳香的干草的草地上,一个士兵一动不动地横躺在干草旁,不自然地歪扭着头,军帽掉在一旁。

    In the meadow with the rows of sweet-scented hay , through which he had ridden the day before , there lay motionless across the rows one soldier with his shako off , and his head thrown awkwardly back .