
mǎ dāo
  • saber;mussel-like shellfish
马刀 [mǎ dāo]
  • [sabre;saber] 骑兵作战用的略弯的长刀

  1. 结论18F-FDGPET/CT可以从病灶的大小和代谢两方面评价伽马刀治疗肿瘤的疗效。

    Conclusion18F-FDG PET / CT has high clinical value in the diagnosis and evaluation of the efficiency of γ - knife treatment for malignant tumors .

  2. 采用先进CFD技术,在原有可控涡叶片基础上,通过优化叶片的径向积叠规律,开发了新型大功率汽轮机的中压马刀型叶片。

    Based on the previous controlled-vortex blades , the IP bowed blade for a new type of large steam turbine has been developed by applying advanced full 3-D CFD method and optimizing the radial stacking laws of the blade .

  3. 通过采用先进的子午收缩型调节级和弯扭马刀叶片及DEVA自润滑等技术对机组进行改造,从根本上解决了机组存在的问题,消除了安全隐患,提高了机组效率。

    The unit was retrofitted by means of the advanced meridian channels , crankle blade and DEVA self-lubricated technologies to solved the existing problems , eliminate safety implications and improve the efficiency of unit .

  4. 新型大功率汽轮机中压马刀型叶片的技术开发

    Development of IP Bowed Blade for a New Type of Large Steam Turbine

  5. 哥萨克与俄国兵,被马刀杀得一片惶恐,逃跑四散,无影无踪。

    Cossack and Russian Reel 'd from the sabre stroke Shatter 'd and sunder 'd.

  6. 他的脸上留有马刀砍下的伤痕。

    His face was seamed with sabre cuts .

  7. 伽马刀是治疗脑瘤的一种常用手段。

    Gamma knife treatment is a common therapy for the curing of brain tumor .

  8. 他用短剑挡开了马刀。

    He parried the sword with his dagger .

  9. 空冷汽轮机低压缸马刀叶片性能三维数值分析

    3D numerical simulation of bowed blading in low pressure steam turbine at different working conditions

  10. 遗传算法求解伽马刀治疗方案

    Genetic Algorithm for Gamma Knife Treatment

  11. 本文对某空冷汽轮机马刀叶片性能进行了不同工况三维数值分析。

    Performance of a low pressure steam turbine with bowed bladings was simulated by solving3D NS equations at different working conditions .

  12. 结果表明前者在幅照剂量、加工、成本等性能上优于静态聚焦伽马刀,临床适用面广,疗效好。

    The results demonstrate that the former has more advantages than stationary Gamma Knife on radiation dose , processing and cost , etc.

  13. 体部伽马刀治疗对肝细胞癌病人免疫功能的影响

    To study the effect of treated by Whole Body γ - knife on the immunologic function in the patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

  14. 第二次是七年后也在曼彻斯特发生的彼得罗惨案,挥舞马刀的骑兵和地主武装对劳动者大肆杀戮。

    The second , seven years later , also in Manchester , was the Peterloo Massacre of workmen by sabre-wielding cavalry and armed civilian yeomanry .

  15. 玉帝想处死他,但没有对他造成的马刀,斧头,火和雷电单一伤口。

    The Jade Emperor wanted to execute him but failed to inflict a single wound on him by sabers , axes , fire and thunder .

  16. 在阿尔内勒狄克,他是骑兵队长,他用马刀砍翻了六个哥萨克人,并且救了,不是他的将军,而是他的班长。

    At Arnay-Le-Duc , being then a captain , he put ten Cossacks to the sword , and saved , not his general , but his corporal .

  17. 根据伽马刀半球状壳体的结构特点及性能要求,采用电弧喷铝工艺,有效解决了伽马刀半球状壳体锅底表面的耐腐蚀抗辐射技术问题。

    The technical problems of anticorrosion and antiradiation of gamma-knife hemisphere shell have effectively solved by using arc spraying technology of aluminum according to the structure characteristics and property requirements .

  18. 与此同时美国的科学家正在创新型的使用另一种高科技设备伽马刀来治疗被称作严重强迫症的脑部疾病。

    Meanwhile in the U.S. , scientists are pioneering the use of another piece of high-tech kit called a ' gamma knife ', to treat another brain-related problem , severe obsessive-compulsive disorder ( OCD ) .

  19. 采用人机界面使设计出来的伽马刀剂量仪不仅在外观上更简约,美观,而且在使用操作上可以更加的方便直观。

    Human-computer interface designed to make use of the gamma knife dose meter is not only more simple in appearance , aesthetics , but also the use of the convenience of operation can be more intuitive .

  20. 尽管他们正在表演,他还是从容不迫地、轻轻地碰着马刺和马刀,发出叮当的响声,他高高地抬起他那洒上香水的好看的头,从走廊的地毯上走过去。

    Although the performance was going on he walked lightly , without haste , along the carpeted corridor , holding his scented , handsome head high , and accompanied by a slight clank of spurs and sword .

  21. 本文对机械结构、驱传动方案和治疗床的形变进行了研究。首先,简要介绍了伽马刀技术的发展历史、伽马刀设备的分类和在国内外研究发展的状况。

    The author makes research on the mechanical configuration , mechanical transmission and deformation of the treatment bed . Firstly , the paper describes the history of the Gamma-knife equipment development and how to classify the Gamma-knife equipment .

  22. 方法对20例肾上腺转移瘤病人,用伽马刀进行肾上腺转移瘤适形放射外科治疗,以50%~60%等剂量曲线包绕病灶,周边剂量3.5Gy~4.5Gy,隔日1次,共8~10次。

    Methods We retrospectively studied 20 patients with adrenal gland metastases treated with gamma knife radiosurgery . Each tumor was given an isobaric curve coverage of 50 % - 60 % and a peripheral dose of 3.5-4.5 Gy each time , respectively .

  23. 所有的马刀一齐出鞘,寒光闪闪挥舞空中,把对方的枪手炮手砍杀,向敌人的阵地进攻,全世界瞠目惊悚:穿过炮火硝烟,摧垮顽敌的阵容;

    Flash 'd all their sabres bare , Flash 'd as they turn 'd in air , Sabring the gunners there , Charging an army , while All the world wonder 'd : Plunged in the battery-smoke Right thro ' the line they broke ;