
  • 网络Ma On Shan Road
  1. 马铁大水坑站位于锦泰苑对开马鞍山路中央铁路专用范围。

    MOS Rail 's Tai Shui Hang Station will be located in the Central Railway Reserve Area of Ma On Shan Road opposite Kam Tai Court .

  2. 就合肥市马鞍山路南段路面基层(二灰碎石)的施工中,试验路段施工时使用生石灰粉的情况,谈谈该类混合料在材料特性、室内试验、施工工艺上的特殊性。

    This paper deals with the special aspects of the raw lime powder mixture in material property , indoor experiment and working technique by taking an example from the construction of the basal bed of road foundation at the southern part of the Ma ' anshan Road .