
  • 网络Ye Qing;Ching Yip
  1. 采用多种室内毒力测定及实地蚕茧产量和质量考察,较全面地研究了叶青双对不同品种和龄期家蚕的毒性与影响。

    The several acute toxicity tests to silkworms and the field investigation of silkworm cocoon yields and quality were undertook .

  2. 本文报道了新杀菌剂叶青双对水蚤毒性的测定方法和结果。

    The essay reported the testing method and results of toxicity research of the pesticide to a water flea , Daphnia Magna .

  3. 添加生物制剂可以使马铃薯茎叶青贮料快速发酵,在发酵第30天左右能够达到理想的青贮效果。

    Adding biological agents can accelerate its fermentation which can achieve the desired effect of the silage on 30 days or so .

  4. 比较折梢与环剥对圆叶青及黄荆皮品种成花诱导效应的差异。

    The difference between ringing and top-breaking on flower induction in two varieties , Yuanyeqing and Huangjingpi , of ramie was compared .

  5. 该品种表现高产,淀粉、赖氨酸含量高,成熟时茎、叶青绿,饲喂效果好,综合利用价值高,适应性广。

    The variety showed high yield , high starch and lysine , green stem and leaves in maturity , good feeding effect , high comprehensive utilization value and better adaptability .

  6. 该文以杭州市叶青兜桥的吊杆更换工程为背景,简要介绍了该桥吊杆更换的设计和施工。

    The paper briefly introduces the design and construction of the hanger rod change of the bridge , taking the hanger rod change of Qindou Bridge in Hangzhou City as a background .