
mào yán
  • the brim of a hat;bongrace;slouch;bill;brim
帽檐 [mào yán]
  • [bill;brim of a hat] 帽盖;帽子前端或四周的突出部分

帽檐[mào yán]
  1. 她的帽子嵌着羽毛,帽檐很宽,真是件奇物。

    Her hat was an amazing affair with feathers and a huge brim .

  2. 雨水从他的棒球帽帽檐上滴落。

    Rain dripped from the brim of his baseball cap .

  3. 他将帽檐向下拉了拉。

    He pulled his hat down slightly .

  4. 24岁的女演员布莱克抱着爱犬Penny,把帽檐压得很低,想相当低调的和瑞安一起离开他的住所。

    The 24-year-old actress , carrying her dog Penny , tried to keep a low profile in a hat while leaving Ryans apartment .

  5. 从帽檐底下,他隔着孔雀毛一般颤悠的睫毛眺望那向南移动的太阳。

    Under its leaf he watched through peacocktwittering lashes the southing sun .

  6. 保护(头部)免受天气影响;有一个有形的帽顶,通常有帽檐。

    Protects from weather ; has shaped crown and usually a brim .

  7. 毡帽兜,仅用帽模制成帽形或帽檐

    Felt hood simply blocked to shape or with made brims

  8. 选择一款松快一点儿的帽子,或者帽檐内侧有一圈围带的帽子。

    Get yourself a loose-fitting hat , preferably one with elastic banding .

  9. 是软帽吗?怎么两个帽檐?

    Is it a cap ? Why has it got two fronts ?

  10. 雨不期而至,你抓紧帽檐,

    Here comes the rain , so hold your hat

  11. 宽阔的帽檐遮住了他的脸。

    The wide hat 's brim hid his face .

  12. 三角帽(帽檐三面卷起的).复三方偏三角面体类

    Cocked hat ; hat with the brim turned up on three sides ditrigonal scalenohedral class

  13. 那网球裁判戴着遮光帽檐。

    The tennis umpire wore an eye-shade .

  14. 吉特再用手按按他的帽檐,涨红着脸,答谢这种表示对他信任的赞词。

    Kit acknowledged these expressions of confidence by touching his hat again and blushing very much .

  15. 扁农夫帽的帽檐下的双眼就像生活在煤堆里的人一样。

    Eyes like live coals peer out from under the brim of a battered farmer 's hat .

  16. 这个房间一尘不染;穿着她那一尘不染的白制服;整洁的厨房;他们那整洁的、红色帽檐的帽子。

    The apartment was immaculate ; in her immaculate white uniform ; a spick-and-span kitchen ; their spic red-visored caps .

  17. 一种大草帽或毡帽,有宽帽檐、高帽顶,尤其为墨西哥及美国西南部地区人们佩戴。

    A large straw or felt hat with a broad brim and tall crown , worn especially in Mexico and the American southwest .

  18. 我已经选好了一顶帽檐宽而松软的草帽,所以我已经准备好去旅行了。

    I already picked out a straw hat with a wide , floppy brim , so I 'm all set for the trip .

  19. 克莉丝汀:嗯,虽然它的帽檐能遮住你的大半张脸,但却让你的后脑勺露出来了。

    Christine : Well , the brim gives your face plenty of shade , but it leaves the back of your head exposed .

  20. 他斜戴着一顶白色美国水手帽,帽檐向下翻着,遮着眼睛。

    He tilted the white American gob 's hat , which he wore with the rim turned down all around , over his eyes .

  21. 初级帽坯,将任何材料的条带缝成螺旋形而得的,未制模成形也无特制帽檐、衬里、装饰

    Hat shape , obtained by sewing strips of any material into spirals , neither blocked to shape nor with made brims , unlined , untrimmed

  22. 挤牛奶的男工们把帽檐弯下来,前额靠在牛的身上,眼睛盯着地面,没有注意到苔丝。

    The male milkers , with hat-brims turned down , resting flat on their foreheads and gazing on the ground , did not observe her .

  23. 一种由穆斯林教的男子所戴的没有帽檐的、通常为红色的毡帽,上面饰有流苏,它可以单戴也可以戴在包头巾下面。

    A brimless , usually red felt cap with a silk tassel , worn by Moslem men , either by itself or as the base of a turban .

  24. 那个长发秀美的少年副官,没把手从帽檐上放下来,深深地叹了口气,又跑回杀人的屠场去了。

    The handsome , boyish adjutant with the long curls heaved a deep sigh , and still holding his hand to his hat , galloped back to the slaughter .

  25. 同样的头发,同样的侧面轮廓,至少露出在帽檐下的那部分是同样的,同样的走路姿态,只是比较忧郁些。

    The hair was the same , also the profile , so far as the cap permitted a view of it , the mien identical , only more depressed .

  26. 为了让你的头部不收阳光伤害,可以戴一顶帽檐四英寸的帽子(如果能遮挡容易晒伤的耳朵、面部和颈部就最好了)。

    To keep your head sun-safe , wear a hat with a 4-inch brim ( perfect for giving extra coverage to easily burned ears , face , and neck ) .

  27. 他眼里有一种阴险的表情,露出在翘起的三角痰盂样的帽檐之下。眼睛下面是一条大围巾,裹住了下巴和喉咙,差不多一直垂到膝盖。

    They had a sinister expression , under an old cocked-hat like a three-cornered spittoon , and over a great muffler for the chin and throat , which descended nearly to the wearer 's knees .

  28. 在此基础上,根据粉剂容器的体积小、重量轻、有帽檐等结构特性,设计出了粉剂容器的自动上料、在线称重以及粉剂容器的自动化装盘。

    On this basis , according to the powder container of small volume , light weight , and hat structural characteristics , a powder container automatic feeding , online weighing and powder container automated orderly placed is designed .

  29. 饰带系于颈上作领带用的一块或一条织巾初级帽坯,编织或用任何材料的条带缝合而成的,未制模成形也无特制帽檐、衬里、装饰

    A scarf or band of fabric worn around the neck as a tie . hat shape , plaited or made by assembling strips of any material , neither blocked to shape nor made with brims , unlined , untrimmed

  30. 妇女们不如说是女孩子们,因为她们大多青春年少都戴着打着皱折的女帽,帽子上宽大的帽檐可以遮挡太阳,她们的手上戴的手套可以保护双手不被麦茬划伤。

    The women - or rather girls , for they were mostly young - wore drawn cotton bonnets with great flapping curtains to keep off the sun , and gloves to prevent their hands being wounded by the stubble .