
  • 网络Brim;hatband
  1. 帽顶用软材料做成半圆锥形结构并与帽沿相连接。

    A hat top is made into a semi-conical structure by soft materials and connected with the brim .

  2. 他的胳膊上挎着一只装鸡蛋的空篮子,头上戴的帽子的绒面皱皱巴巴的,摘帽子时大拇指接触帽沿的地方也被磨旧了一大块。

    An empty egg-basket was slung upon his arm , the nap of his hat was ruffled , a patch being quite worn away at its brim where his thumb came in taking it off .

  3. 一般来说,cap有帽舌,而hat有帽沿

    Generally , caps have peaks and hats have brims .

  4. 他的卷发微露出帽沿。

    His curls peeped from the edges of his cap .

  5. “行了,您哪,”警察满口应承,并且轻轻碰一碰他的帽沿。

    Right you are , agreed the policeman , tipping his cap .

  6. 注意到了黛利拉,派克微触帽沿打招呼并再次介绍自己。

    Noting her regard , Pike tipped his hat and introduced himself again .

  7. 你系着杏黄色的围巾,帽沿战略性地遮住一只眼睛。

    Your hat strategically dipped below one eye , your scarf , it was apricot .

  8. 一种帽顶完整,帽沿小而微曲的羽毛装饰的丝绒帽,常见于16世纪的法国。

    A plumed velvet cap with a full crown and small rolled brim , worn in16th-century France .

  9. 一种男人戴的毡帽,顶部软而凹进,帽沿浅并微卷。

    A man 's felt hat having a soft , dented crown and a shallow , slightly rolled brim .

  10. “扫院子的去叫了,”警察把手举到帽沿上敬了个礼,说。

    " A porter has gone for one ," said the policeman , with his fingers raised to his cap .

  11. 两伸缩柄由硬性材料做成并由铆钉和帽沿固定卡销安装在帽沿上。

    Two expansion stems are made by hard materials and arranged on the brim through a rivet and the brim fixed catch .

  12. 本产品当帽子使用时两伸缩柄由铆钉和帽沿固定卡销固定在帽沿两侧面上。

    The product has the two expansion stems being fixed on two side faces of the brim through the rivet and the brim fixed catch when using the hat .

  13. 我喘着粗气,将帽沿拉得很低,差不多罩住了眼睛,这使我几乎什么都看不到,我一路打着滑,踉踉跄跄地走下车道。

    It steals my breath . I gasp and pull my hood so low over my eyes that I can barely see , and slip and stumble down the driveway .

  14. 队长说:这是大门拿手绝活,让投手分心且让他们的帽沿形成了一连串的汗水。

    That 's Damon at his best , Derek Jeter said & drawing glances from pitchers and causing that extra bead of sweat to form around the bill of their caps .

  15. 不要紧张,我亲爱的好姑娘,一个满脸汗水的年轻男子一边咳嗽一边劝她说,他把草帽扣在后脑勺上,围绕脑袋的帽沿就像是圣灵头上的光环。你着什么急呀?

    ' Don 't ye be nervous , my dear good soul , ' expostulated , between his coughs , a young man with a wet face , and his straw hat so far back upon his head that the brim encircled it like the nimbus of a saint .