
  • 网络airport code
  1. 做了一些搜索之后,代理回来说:“对不起,女士,我查了这个国家所有的机场代码,怎么也找不到叫做河马的啊。”

    After some searching , the agent came back with ," I 'm sorry , ma'am , I 've looked up every airport code in the country and can 't find a Hippopotamus anywhere . "

  2. 今年夏初,因为航空公司搞混了两家机场代码,导致两个美国度假者完全换到了南辕北辙的目的地。

    Earlier this summer , two US holidaymakers were flown to the wrong continent after an airline confused two airport codes .

  3. 您在URL中输入的nameequals参数是该机场的IATA代码。

    The name_equals parameter in the URL you entered is the IATA code for the airport .

  4. 几乎能够对所有的内容进行地理编码:街道地址、城市、县城、国家、邮政区码、电话号码、IP地址等,甚至包括机场的IATA代码。

    Nearly anything can be geocoded : street addresses , cities , counties , states , countries , ZIP codes , phone numbers , IP addresses , and yes , even IATA codes for airports .