
jī xiè jì suàn jī
  • mechanical computer
  1. 本文应用成组技术、计算机辅助工艺设计及专家系统的原理,初步设计了化工机械计算机辅助检验工艺CAIP,使之自动生成一个蕴合检验原理、专家经验和启发式信息的检验工艺。

    The theories of group technology , computer aided process planing and expert system have been used in preliminary of the inspect plan CAIP in chemical machinery . It makes an inspect plan which includes inspect principle , expert experience , and enlightened information .

  2. 你也许在银行和办公室见过机械计算机。

    Perhaps you have seen mechanical calculating-machines in banks and offices .

  3. 他的机械计算机是现代电子计算机的雏形。

    His mechanical calculating engines were the antecedents of the modern computer .

  4. 他发明了第一台机械计算机以及第一代计算机的原型。

    invented the first mechanical calculator and the first prototype of a modern computer .

  5. 对于工程机械计算机仿真模型试验、系统设计参数优化、传动系统的零件寿命的评估尤其是车辆换挡平顺性的研究具有一定的实用意义。

    All is directed toward computer Simulation model testing optimizing system design parameters and evaluating power train component capability and especially vehicle shift-feel .

  6. 介绍了四杆机构、凸轮机构、齿轮机构等常用机械计算机动态模拟系统的设计思想、功能和特点。

    The design philosophy , functions and characteristics of dynamic simulation system of common mechanism such as four bar linkage , cam , gear are introduced and some key technical issues solved .

  7. 立体仓库(AS/RS)是一种集机械、计算机、控制、检测、电子、通信于一体的复杂系统。

    AS / RS is a complex system with concentrating Mechanical , Computer , Control , Detection , Electronic , Communications .

  8. 基于多体系统动力学与运动学的机械系统计算机辅助分析(CAA)已成为该领域计算机辅助工程(CAE)的核心内容。

    Computer-aided analysis of mechanical systems based on multibody system dynamics and kinematics is the core part of computer-aided engineering .

  9. 系统化的机械产品计算机辅助设计(SCAD)方法的研究

    Research on Systematic Computer-Aided Design ( SCAD ) Method of Mechanical Products

  10. 港口装卸机械产品计算机辅助设计简称港机CAD,本文介绍了港机CAD15年来发展的历程和取得的成绩,指出了港机CAD今后的研究方向与课题。

    Computer aided design of load and unload machines in port is brief'ly called port machine CAD . This paper describes the developed course and achievements in 15 years and puts forward the research directions and titles of POrt machenes CAD in future .

  11. 位于加利福尼亚爱莫维丽(Emeryville)的八爪鱼实验室只有若干名化学、机械和计算机工程师,但却在日以继夜的忙于科研创新。

    With just a handful of chemical , mechanical and computer engineers , the Squid Labs office in Emeryville , California , is abuzz with science and innovation at all hours of the day and night .

  12. 变速器换档机械手计算机控制系统的研究

    Study on the Computer Control System for Transmission Shift Gear Manipulator

  13. 机械零部件计算机辅助设计中数表与线图的处理方法

    Approach on Data Form and Line Graphic in Mechanical Parts CAD

  14. 画法几何及机械制图计算机辅助教学系统

    A computer aided instruction system used in descriptive geometry and engineering drawing

  15. 研究了机械产品计算机辅助方案生成系统的功能求解方法。

    The functional analysis methods of the computer-aided scheme generation are studied .

  16. 纺织机械企业计算机信息管理系统的设计

    Design of Computer Information Management System in Textile Machinery Enterprise

  17. 机械密封计算机辅助试验装置的研制

    Development of the Computer Aided Testing Device for Mechanical Seals

  18. 大型提升机械设备计算机维修管理系统研究

    Research on Maintain Management Supported by Computer for the Large-scale Hoisting System

  19. 对机械零件计算机辅助设计课程教学的探讨

    On Teaching of computer aid design for mechanic parts

  20. 基于动态性与网络化设计的机械设计计算机辅助教学系统

    A Dynamic and Networking Design of Mechanical CAI System

  21. 公路施工机械设备计算机管理系统软件开发

    Software Exploitation of Computer Management System in Construction Equipments Highway Construction in Karstic Terrain

  22. 机械零件计算机辅助编码系统

    The Computer Aided Coding System of Machine Components

  23. 复杂机械系统计算机辅助分析仿真软件MBDK

    Computer Aided Analysis Software for Multibody Mechanical System

  24. 基于支持向量机的机械零件计算机视觉检测若干关键技术的研究

    Key Technologies Research on Computer Vision Inspection of Mechanical Parts Based on Support Vector Machine

  25. 数控/计算机辅助制造业金属加工中心机械工程计算机控制

    Numerical Control / Computer-aided Manufacturing Metalworking Centre

  26. 中国出口越南的主要产品包括机械,计算机,化工品及纺织品。

    China 's chief exports to Vietnam include machinery , computers , chemicals and textiles .

  27. 机械设备计算机辅助简易预知维修系统

    Computer Aided Predicting Maintenance System for Machine

  28. 工程机械分布式计算机控制系统

    Distributed Computer Control System for Construction Machinery

  29. 机械故障计算机辅助简易诊断

    Computer Aided Simple Diagnosis for Mechanical Faults

  30. 文章介绍了大型港口机械制造计算机辅助工艺系统的设计思想、系统的结构及其实现的技术。

    In this paper , we present the design and structure of CAPP System on port machinery .