
  • 网络infinite product
  1. 带特征的Einstein级数的无穷乘积表示

    Infinite product realization of Einstein series with character

  2. 讨论了一类无穷乘积(ai∈N,bi∈N,bi>1)的无理性判别。

    In this paper we discuss the irrationality of a class of infinite product ( ai ∈ N , bi ∈ N , bi > 1 ) .

  3. 把一个含参数的无穷乘积展成Laurent级数。

    An infinite product which contains a parameter is expanded to Laurent series .

  4. 在很一般的条件下,对广义Moran集上的无穷乘积测度讨论了重fractal测度分解。

    The multifractal decomposition for generalized Moran fractal with an infinite product measure under some general conditions is discussed in this paper .

  5. 本文通过格玛函数Γ(x)的两种不同表达方式建立Euler常数γ的三个不同的数学表达式,并由此来计算有关非正常积分、级数的和以及无穷乘积的值等。

    We shall construct three different mathematical forms of Euler 's constant γ by two different mathematical forms of Gamma 's function , and calculate the improper integral , the sums of some numeral series , the infinite product and so on by Euler 's constant γ .

  6. 基于均匀概率空间的无穷乘积,在n值Lukasiewicz逻辑系统中引入命题的α-真度理论,给出了一般真度推理规则;

    By means of the infinite product of evenly distributed probability spaces , this paper introduces the theory of α - truth degrees in n-valued Lukasiewicz logical system , also , general reference rules endowed with - truth degrees are obtained .

  7. 近似方法包括两个数学近似,一个是用一阶惯性项的有限项和取代Bessel函数比,另一个是对双曲函数采用了无穷乘积。

    Two mathematical treatments for the approximation are considered in the method . One is to substitute the Bessel function ratio by the sum of finite terms of the first order lag elements . The other is to adopt infinite products for hyperbolic functions .

  8. 任意项无穷乘积的敛散性

    On the Convergence and Divergence of the Infinite Product of Variable Terms

  9. 一类无穷乘积的无理性

    The irrationality of a class of infinite product

  10. 二元解析函数的无穷乘积表示

    The infinite product expression of dual analytic function

  11. 对自相似集的无穷乘积测度的局部维数的估计

    The Local Dimension of Self-similar Set 's Infinity Product Measures on R ~ 1

  12. 某些无穷乘积的代数无关性(Ⅱ)

    Algebraic Independence of Certain Infinite Products (ⅱ)

  13. 某些无穷乘积的超越性

    Transcendence of Certain Infinite Products

  14. 无穷乘积的阶

    The order of infinite product

  15. 级数和无穷乘积关系的某些推广和一类递推算法的收敛性

    Extensions of the relations of series to infinite products and the convergence of a class of recursive algorithms

  16. 本文研究了某些用无穷乘积定义的函数在代数点和超越点上的值的代数无关性。

    In the present note the algebraic independence of values of certain functions denned by infinite products at algebraic and transcendental points is given .

  17. 本文证明了某些具有代数系数的无穷乘积和幂级数定义的函数在某些代数数和超越数上值的代数无关性。

    In this note the algebraic independence of values of certain functions defined by infinite products and power series with algebraic coefficients at certain algebraic and transcendental numbers is given .

  18. 本文首先给出了随机转移矩阵和MCRE的定义,并由一族随机转移矩阵和无穷维乘积空间空间上的一个概率测度构造MCRE,绕积马氏链和p-(?)链。

    At first , we give the definition of random transition matrix and MCRE , then construct the Markov chain in random environment ( MCRE ), the skew product Markov chain and p - 6 from a family of random transition matrices and a probability measure in infinitely dimensional space .

  19. 关于无穷小量乘积的讨论

    On the Infinite Product of the Infinitely Small Quantity

  20. 无穷函数乘积的研究

    Research of Infinite Functional Product

  21. 推论2有限个无穷小的乘积是无穷小。

    Corollary 1 The product of a constant and an infinitesimal is an infinitesimal .

  22. 推论1常数与无穷小的乘积是无穷小。

    Theorem 2 The product of a bounded function and an infinitesimal is an infinitesimal .

  23. 关于可列个无穷小的乘积

    On the product of countable infinitesimals