
  • 网络Binomial coefficient
  1. 对气井二项式系数B的新认识

    New understanding of the binomial coefficient " b " of gas well

  2. 介绍了一些与q-模拟有关的基本知识和基本概念,如:分拆,Ferrers图,偏序集,格,组合证明,二项式系数等。

    The main content of this thesis can be summarized as follows : 1 . Introduce relevant basic knowledge and concept about integer partition , such as Integer partition , Ferrer graph , Poset , Lattice , Combinatorial Proof , Binomial coefficient and so on .

  3. 二项式系数幂和序列在模p下的周期性

    The periodicity of sums of powers of binomial coefficients in module p

  4. 二项式系数的JamesP.Jones问题

    On James P . Jones ' Problem Concerning Binomial Coefficients

  5. 文章推导出二项式系数A、B随天然气偏差系数和粘度对应变化的关系式。

    The relations expressing the corresponding changes of the Factor A and Factor B in the binomial with the deviation factor and viscosity of natural gas are derived in the paper .

  6. 但天然气偏差系数和粘度的变化却不容忽视,两者之乘积不断变小,由此引起气井二项式系数A、B也不断减小。

    However , the variations in the deviation factor and viscosity of natural gas can 't be ignored , because the product of both of them is unceasingly reduced so as to cause the Factor A and Factor B in the binomial of gas well to be uninterruptedly decreased .

  7. 关于二项式系数的Wolstenholme-Jones问题

    On Wolstenholme-Jones ' Problem Concerning Binomial Coefficients

  8. 利用二项式系数为元素构造出几个二项式系数和的封闭形恒等式。

    With hypergeometric series method several binominal coefficient identities are constructed .

  9. 所以,二项式系数的矩阵表示是有意义的。

    Therefore , matrix representation of the binomial coefficients is meaningful .

  10. 高阶二项式系数型线性微分方程

    The Solutions of the High Step Binomial Coefficient Type Linear Differential Equation

  11. 至今,二项式系数一般用组合表示。

    Up to now , binomial coefficients are generally represented by combinations .

  12. 含排列数与二项式系数的线性微分方程

    Solution of the linear differential equation containing arrangement number and binomial coefficient

  13. 浅谈二项式系数恒等式的几种证明方法

    On the Some Proof Method of Binomial Coefficient Indentity

  14. 两个二项式系数及相关恒等式

    On two binomial coefficients and their related combinatorial identities

  15. 二项式系数的矩阵表示及算法

    Matrix Representation and its Algorithm of the Binomial Coefficients

  16. 基于二项式系数与排列数的交错级数型欧拉方程

    Euler Equation Based on Alternating Series Number Pattern of Binomial Coefficient and Arrangement Number

  17. 二项式系数滤波的谱特征

    The spectrum character of binomial coefficient filtering

  18. 构造二项式系数恒等式

    The Construction of Binominal Coefficient Identities

  19. 二项式系数中的完全方幂

    The perfect powers in binomial coefficients

  20. 广义二项式系数及反演

    Generalized Binomial Coefficient and Its Inversion

  21. 本文从二项式系数的性质得到了一些组合不等式。

    In this paper , we derive some combinatorial inequalities from the property of binomial coefficients .

  22. 有关二项式系数的2个组合恒等式

    Two Combinatorial Identities Concerning Binomial Coefficients

  23. 二项式系数的生成函数

    Generating function of binomial coefficients

  24. 二项式系数的各种同余性质是组合数论中最令人感兴趣的研究课题之一。

    The research of congruence of binomial coefficients is one of the most important problems in combinatorial number theory .

  25. 我国南宋时期(1261年)数学家杨辉曾将二项式系数表示成“杨辉三角形”。

    Binomial coefficients were expressed as " Yang Hui Triangle " by a Chinese mathematician Yang Hui in the Southern Song Dynasty ( 1261 ) .

  26. 本文中,我们证明了一些q-二项式系数的部分和的平方及立方的交错求和等式。

    In this paper , we prove some identities for the alternating sums of squares and cubes of the partial sum of the q-binomial coefficients .

  27. 该文考虑气井开采过程中与产能方程系数密切相关的参数变化,推导出计算气井任意时刻的二项式系数计算公式,由此可得到气井废弃时的稳定二项式方程。

    A new formula to calculate the binomial factors at any time during gas well production has been derived by considering the variance of relative parameters , then the stable binomial equation can be obtained too .

  28. 二项式系数的应用较广泛,如,二项式系数的加权滑动平均、控制理论中的双线性变换等等。

    The application of the binomial coefficients is quite extensive , for example , it may be used in weighted moving average method of prediction , in bilinear transformation in control theory , and so on .

  29. 指出供电设计中现有需用系数法和二项式系数法负荷计算方法存在的问题,提出了采用两种方法的应用条件和应注意问题,给出了一种新的补充算法。

    The paper points out the defect in defining the load with the demand factor and binomial factor , puts forward the applicational conditions and the questions to be paid attention to , and gives a new formula .

  30. 从理论上说,二项式方程系数B不可能为负值,但在排除了文献中提及的井底积液影响的原因外,仍然出现异常情况(B小于零),致使现场无法进行产能解释和分析评价。

    Theoretically , the binomial coefficient B does not allow being negative value . But the abnormal situation ( B < 0 ) still occurs in practice without consideration of influence of bottom hole liquid loading , causing unable to make in-situ deliverability interpretation and evaluation .