
  • 网络erqi district
  1. 方法对郑州市二七区1999年麻疹哨点监测病例的流行病学进行了系统分析。

    Methods To analyze systemically the epidemiology of measles cases at the surveillance site in1999 in Erqi district Zhengzhou city .

  2. 为提升城市品位,改善城市人居环境,二七区重点推出齐礼闫城中村改造项目,将其作为试点进行改造。

    In order to improve city grade and urban residential environment , Erqi District takes Qiliyan Project of Urban Village Reconstruction as its priority and pilot reconstruction .

  3. 二七区委、区政府将为参与此项目的投资者提供最优惠的政策、最优良的环境和最优质的服务。

    The CPC Erqi District Committee and District Government shall provide the most preferential policies , the best environment and the best services to investors of this project .