
rè gǒu
  • hot dog;red-hot
热狗 [rè gǒu]
  • [hot dog] 一种美国式的简便食品,中间夹着热香肠、酸菜、芥末油等的面包,因形状像狗伸舌吐气而得名

热狗[rè gǒu]
  1. 给我来份热狗,但别加芥末。

    Give me a hot dog , but hold the mustard .

  2. 她从街角的小摊上买了个热狗。

    She bought a hot dog from a stand on a street corner .

  3. 他呼哧呼哧地吃掉了两个热狗。

    He chomped his way through two hot dogs .

  4. 在热闹广场的另一边,摊贩叫卖着热狗和羊角三明治。

    Across the busy plaza , vendors sell hot dogs and croissant sandwiches .

  5. 他买了一个热狗,在上面撒满了各色配菜。

    He bought a hot dog and had it covered with all the fixings .

  6. 她小口地吃着热狗,用餐巾优雅地擦着嘴。

    She was taking tiny bites of a hot dog and daintily wiping her lips with a napkin .

  7. 我午餐时间吃点小吃就行,也许是热狗吧。

    I 'll just have a little nosh at lunchtime , perhaps a hot dog .

  8. 梅金吃着热狗,里面加了是芥末和酱菜,不过没有番茄酱。

    Megan asked , eating her hot dog with had both mustard and relish on but no ketchup .

  9. 宠物和热狗或苹果派一样是美国文化的基础。

    Pets are as basic to U.S. culture as hot dogs or apple pies .

  10. 男孩为什么让他的狗坐在阳光下?下面我来给大家揭晓正确答案.他想要吃热狗。狗在太阳下坐着会被晒成变成“热狗”,他想吃热狗,所以就让他的狗坐在阳光下。makesbdo让某人做某事

    Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun Because he wants to have a hot dog

  11. Mark说要买一些做热狗和汉堡用的圆面包,就是bun,一种小而圆的甜面包或点心。Mark还要做一个potatosalad,土豆沙拉。

    Mark : We need to buy some buns for the hotdogs and hamburgers , and I 'm making potato salad .

  12. Ben提醒她说,别忘了这是在美国,这里烤肉都是汉堡肉,牛排和热狗。

    Ben : Ann , we 're in the States . Here it 's all burgers , steaks , and dogs .

  13. 届时ESPN体育电视网将向全国转播此一吃热狗大赛。

    The eat-off is broadcast nationally on the ESPN sports TV network .

  14. “我梦见了维尼”(IDreamofWeenie)是一家由旧大众巴士改建而成的热狗店,奇趣十足。

    Creative types mill around I Dream of Weenie , a hot-dog stand fashioned out of an old Volkswagen bus .

  15. 那是1977年6月,我在卫斯理大学(Wesleyan)刚刚结束了大一的课程,正努力在雷尼热狗店(Lenny’sHotDogs)工作。

    It was June 1977 , just after my freshman year at Wesleyan , and I was hard at work at Lenny 's Hot Dogs .

  16. 在野外做的东西真的很好吃,Lloyd说着又咬了一口热狗。

    Food really tastes good cooked over an open fire , Lloyd remarked as he took another bite of his hot dog .

  17. HillshireBrands依然出售SaraLee甜品、JimmyDean香肠和BallPark热狗等其他大包装肉类品牌产品。

    Hillshire brands still sells Sara Lee desserts , Jimmy Dean links , and other big packaged meat brands such as ballpark hot dogs .

  18. 为了向张大卫致敬,纽约超酷的鸡尾酒餐厅PDT甚至专门推出了一款“张氏热狗”。

    The ü ber-cool New York cocktail lounge PDT offers the Chang dog , a deep-fried , bacon-wrapped , kimchi-slathered Ode to his changness .

  19. ADA发言人MarisaMoore建议:春季是烧烤的黄金时间,享用汉堡、热狗、肋排和牛排这些美味。

    Spring is prime time to fire up the grill and enjoy grilled foods like burgers , hot dogs , ribs , and steaks .

  20. 由一家热狗饭店的连锁店赞助的南加利福利亚州最大的赛事WienerschnitzelWienerNationals[2],吸引了成百上千的游客。

    The largest event , the Wienerschnitzel Wiener Nationals [ 2 ] in southern California , sponsored by a chain of hot-dog restaurants , attracts tens of thousands of visitors .

  21. kogi是一辆韩国烧烤餐饮卡车如同美食版的旧式英国热狗车或加州塔科车。

    Kogi is a Korean barbecue catering truck a gourmet version of the old British hot dog vans or California taco trucks .

  22. 事实上,早在1860年代,有些关于德国移民在纽约Bowery区用推车贩卖它们的传闻。一个世纪半以后,热狗仍然是街上首屈一指的享受。

    In fact , there are reports of German immigrant selling them from push carts in New Yorks Bowery as far back as the 1860s . A century and a half later , hot dogs are still the number one treat on the street .

  23. 我希望我有一百万美圆!热狗!

    I wish I had a million dollars ! Hot dog !

  24. 给我来个热狗,不要芥末。

    Give me a hot dog , and hold the mustard .

  25. 那印第安纳波利斯车站的热狗摊子用的是…

    At the hot dog stand in the Indianapolis train station ...

  26. 她站在门口,吃热狗。

    She is eating a hot dog in the door away .

  27. 我们画热狗,我画的最短。

    We drew hot dogs , and mine was the shortest .

  28. 丹尼斯快餐店提供了镇上最好吃的墨西哥辣热狗。

    Denny 's Diner serves the best chili dog in town .

  29. 热狗,你真的找得到阿嬷的鞋吗?

    Hot-dog , are you sure you can find the shoe ?

  30. 又吃热狗别对我使读心术

    Hot dog ... again ? Don 't read my mind !