
  • 网络thermal test;Heat test;hot-testing;hot run
  1. 某目标飞行器真空热试验操作平台设计

    Platform design for vacuum thermal test of the a target spacecraft

  2. 吉时利2750在真空热试验测量系统中的应用

    Application of Keithley 2750 to the Measurement System in Vacuum Thermal Test

  3. Excel在混凝土水化热试验中的应用

    TESTING Application of Excel to Hydration Heat Experiment of Concrete

  4. 新的表面安装LSI耐焊接热试验加湿技术

    Novel Moisture Soaking Techniques Of Soldering Heat Test for Surface Mount LSIs

  5. 文章研究了通讯卫星真空热试验时高功率射频RF的吸收冷却措施及安全策略,即通过RF负载及冷媒,将入射的电磁波能量转化为其它形式的能量(主要是热能)而损耗掉。

    This paper introduces the RF absorbing and cooling system , and safety policy , namely by RF load , the energy of incident electromagnetic wave could be turned into other types of energy and dissipated .

  6. 着重介绍真空热试验中的污染控制方法。

    It introduced emphatically the contamination method in vacuum thermal experiments .

  7. 半导体制冷/制热试验箱性能模拟和调节

    Performance Simulation of the Tester Regulated by Thermoelectric Cooler / Heater System

  8. 螺旋槽管强化管内换热试验研究

    Experimental Research on Enhancing Heat Transfer in Spirally Fluted Tubes

  9. 某航天小卫星的真空热试验

    The vacuum thermal test of a small satellite

  10. 高超声速飞行器测热试验研究

    Heat flux measurement test of the hypersonic vehicle

  11. 物理化学燃烧热试验探讨

    An Apprach to Experiment of Physicochemistry Combustion Heat

  12. 真空热试验数据库是卫星环境工程数据库的一个重要组成部分。

    The design method of the satellite vacuum thermal test database is discussed in this paper .

  13. 乏燃料运输容器热试验在中国是首次。

    This was the first time in China to perform the thermal test for a transport cask .

  14. 论航天器的热试验

    Thermal test of spacecraft

  15. 介绍了氢氧直流同轴式喷嘴结构参数对流量特性的影响的热试验研究结果,并采用一维数值分析模型计算了结构参数对喷嘴流量特性的影响。

    Effects of design parameters on hydrogen-oxygen coaxial injector discharge coefficient were investigated by hot tests and numerical analysis .

  16. 在航天器地面热试验中,空间热流的模拟是一个非常复杂而重要的问题。

    The simulation of Space heat flux is a very complicated and important problem in ground thermal testing of spacecraft .

  17. 阐述了将结构热试验和气动加热计算相结合,实现气动热分析与热试验相耦合的试验控制方法。

    Based on thermo-structural experiment , coupling of aeroheating analysis and thermal test , a new experimental control method is described .

  18. 在大型航天器的真空热试验中,仅从过冷器排除的液氮和低温气氮的混合物就达约5×104kg,其中蕴涵了108kJ量级的冷能。

    About 5 × 104 kg mixture is removed from the supercooler in the vacuum thermal test of spacecraft , carrying 108 kJ of cold energy .

  19. 基于嵌入式PC的活塞热冲击试验台架自动控制系统

    Automatic Control System of Piston Thermal Shock Test Bench Based on Embedded PC

  20. PLC在发动机热冲击试验台的应用

    Application of PLC in Engine Heat Shock Test Bench

  21. 流态化合成氮化硅的鼓泡床热模试验与CFD模拟研究

    Study on the Thermal State Experiment and CFD Simulation of Bubbling Fluidized Bed of Synthesis of Si_3N_4

  22. Helmholtz共振腔脉动流体强化换热的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Enhancement of Helmholtz Resonator Pulsating Fluid

  23. 进而根据CT炉热平衡试验和对节能因素原则的分析提出了提高CT炉节能潜力的措施。

    Through the thermal balance experiment of the CT furnace and analysis of five factors on energy-saving , this paper provides measures for improving the energy-saving potential of CT furnaces .

  24. 采用热稳定性试验,以HPLC法测得的人血白蛋白多聚体含量为考察指标,确定人血白蛋白的贮存有效期。

    Throuth the heat stability test , the valid period of human albumin was calculated by determinating the containing of polymers & aggreates with a HPLC method .

  25. 在1t/h的锅炉上进行了石灰湿式脱硫的冷、热态试验,阐述了气体参数和浆液参数对脱硫塔阻力和脱硫效率的影响规律,并分析了脱硫塔内的气体速度分布状况。

    The cold and hot state experiment of lime wet FGD system are studied on 1t / h boiler .

  26. 静态热老化试验、脱氯化氢试验、红外及热失重分析结果表明,钙锌皂单独使用时,其热稳定性很差;加入水滑石后,PVC的长期热稳定性得到明显的改善。

    The results of static thermal aging method , dehydrochlorination method and FT-IR analysis showed that the thermal stabilization of single Ca / Zn soap was very poor .

  27. 小鼠扭体试验和热板试验表明羟乙桂胺的镇痛作用与剂量相关,小鼠口服本品的镇痛作用其ED(50)为62mg/kg。

    The median analgesic dose ( ED_ ( 50 )) of idrocilamide in mice was62mg / kg ( po ) according to hot plate methed .

  28. 在热冲击试验的基础上,采用ANSYS软件对活塞在高、低周波矩形热冲击模式下的温度响应、热应力进行了计算和分析。

    Based on the thermal shock test of piston the temperature reponse and thermal tress are analyzed and calculated under the high and low frequency rectangle thermal shock conditions using ANSYS software .

  29. 从热力学和热模拟试验两方面研究了碳饱和铁浴内Ti(C,N)的生成机理。

    A Confocal laser microscope and a long crucible experiment were used for in situ observation and mechanism study of the formation of Ti ( C , N ) crystals from hot metal bath under controlled conditions .

  30. GLEEBLE材料热模拟试验机高温压缩试验的数据整理与修正

    The collating and correcting of data in hot compressing test for Gleeble material hot modeling test machine