
  • 网络thermal inertia;heat inertia
  1. 该文根据内衬材料的热惯性对室内火灾的重要影响,在大量实验数据的基础上,对McCaffrey等人提出的这一方法进行了初步和理论上的改进;

    In this paper , according to the important effects of thermal inertia of lining materials on the behaviors of compartment fires , and basing on great mass of experimental data of compartment fires , McCaffrey et al 's method was modified preliminarily and theoretically .

  2. 利用系统热惯性的热电联产电力调峰

    Electric Peak Shaving for CHP Plant by Using Thermal Inertia of Heat-supply System

  3. 首先,用热惯性方法建立试区土壤表观热惯量与土壤水分的关系,用其估算初始土壤含水量(W0);

    At first , the original soil water content ( Wc ) was obtained from the relationship of the soil moisture and in apparent thermal inertia which was established through the experiments conducted over nearly bare fields in the North China Plain .

  4. 研究结果表明:当酸温超过控制上限98℃时,SO2风机电流降低5A,热惯性升温不超过1.5℃,当酸温达到稳态时滞后时间不超过12min。

    The results show that when the vitriol temperature exceeds the upper limit temperature of 98 ℃, the SO_2 fan 's current should be reduced 5 A , the rise of peak temperature for hot inertial will not exceed 1.5 ℃, and the vitriol temperature can be stabilized in 12 min.

  5. 采用热惯性极小的半导体微电热加热技术,提高了温度均匀性。

    Adopt heating technology of semiconductor , have good temperature evenness .

  6. 由此可知,当存在随机激励时,用有热惯性的测温系统精确测定动态温度是不可能的。

    The precise measurement of dynamic temperature is impossible when there is random excitations .

  7. 百叶箱的热惯性及其测温的滞后误差

    On Thermal Hysteresis of the Thermometer Screen and Its Lag Error in Temperature Measurement

  8. 热惯性对热冲击半无限体热应力影响非傅立叶效应研究

    Non-fourier study on the dynamical thermal stresses for the half-space with firstly thermal inertia boundary condition

  9. 由于窑的容积大、热惯性大,所以给自动控制带来了一定的困难。

    The auto-control of the kiln is somewhat difficult because of its greater volume and heat inertia .

  10. 压缩机和膨胀阀由于热惯性小,采用稳态模型求解。

    Steady state models are applied for the compressor and expansion valve for their small thermal inertia .

  11. 工质和耐火材料热惯性是能量传递过程中的控制环节;

    Thermal inertia of a working medium and refractory materials constitutes a control link in the energy transfer process .

  12. 由于热惯性的影响,从开始加入负热流密度到燃烧室工作压力重新稳定有一段滞后时间。

    After adding the negative heat quantity , there exists a relaxation time for that the chamber pressure reaches stable .

  13. 根据我国返回式卫星的特点,描述了热惯性法在热设计中的应用。

    According to the characteristics of the satellite , a method of thermal inertia used in thermal design is described .

  14. 对于省煤器而言,金属热惯性与工质热惯性同等重要;

    As far as an economizer is concerned , metallic thermal inertia is of equal importance to that of a working medium .

  15. 最后论述了不同类型百叶箱的滞后误差以及百叶箱的热惯性在测温中的应用。

    Finally , the lag errors of different designs and the applications of shelter thermal inertia in temperature observation are also discussed .

  16. 在火电机组中,锅炉是主要的热惯性设备,其中存在着明显而众多的储质和蓄热的动态过程。

    Boiler is a main heat inertia equipment of coal-fired power generating unit in which there are many mass and heat storage processes .

  17. 实验结果表明,在流体充分润滑状态下,由于热惯性作用,试验轴承由启动到达到热稳定温度需要700~800s;

    Results show that it is about 700 ~ 800 s for the tested-bearing to reach its thermal equilibrium state during start-up under the full lubricating condition .

  18. 简述了热惯性较大的温度传感器模型的在线辨识和动态补偿方法。

    At the same time both the on-line identified and dynamic compensation about the model of sensors which have a greater thermal-inertia were treated in a few words .

  19. 测量瞬态高温时,由于传感器自身的热惯性,测量结果与真实结果之间存在很大的动态误差。

    In transient high temperature measurement , there are great dynamic errors between measured results and the real signal for the exiting of thermal inertia of the transducer .

  20. 该远红外石英元件具有热惯性小,隔绝带电安全性好,远红外热效率高、多用途通用性广。

    The far infrared quartz component has small heat inertia , good heat insulation and electrified safety , high far infrared heat efficiency , multifunction and wide universality .

  21. 该装置具有热惯性小、升温速度快、热效率高的特点,可满足对金属试样进行再结晶退火的需要。

    Experimental results indicated that the equipment has such advantages as low heat-inertia , fast heating speed , high efficiency , and can satisfy the recrystal anneal requirements of metal samples .

  22. 本文提出的改进方法能将国产规管冷端的热惯性降低到与热端接点相当的程度。

    In this paper the improving method for the native thermocouple gauge tubes is given to reduce the thermal inertia of the cold junction to the same degree as the hot junction .

  23. 他们有其他种类的火灾检测仪器,有很多的热惯性和另一个牌子,但是那已经被解决了,我尽所能讲了。

    They have other types of fire detection equipment , there 's lots of thermal lags and another brand but that 's sort of been resolved as best as I can tell .

  24. 温度控制对象热惯性大,易受干扰,并且具有时变、时滞、非线性、强耦合等特性。

    The temperature control objects have some advantages , for example , big thermal lag , easy to receive disturbs , time-variable , time-lag , non-linearity , strongly coupling and so on .

  25. 由于海洋特别是海洋次表层具有巨大的热惯性,海洋环流在年代际气候变率中所起的作用已得到越来越多的重视。

    Since the ocean , especially its subsurface , has large thermal inertia , the effect caused by the ocean on the interdecadal climate variability has been attached more and more importance .

  26. 目前广泛采用的热电偶测试方法具有抗氧化、还原能力差,易受电磁干扰,热惯性大等弊病。

    Using thermocouple is the most popular method , which has many disadvantages such as low resistance to oxidation and deoxidization , liability to be disturbed by electromagnetism , obvious thermal lag , etc.

  27. 海洋的巨大热惯性、洋流、冰盖与流冰等特点以及温度变化,对形成地球上的天气过程和维持全球气候及其变化起着重要作用。

    The ocean has been playing an irreplaceable role in regulating global meteorological process and local climatological process by means of its immense heat inertia , current , ice cap , treibeis , etc.

  28. 但是连续测温传感器的结构使其具有较长时间的热惯性,在测温过程中存在一定的滞后现象,引起不可靠测量。

    However , for its own structure , the temperature sensor has the long time thermal inertia , which causes the lag in the course of temperature measurement and then leads to fallibility measurement .

  29. 且铜精炼氧化过程炉膛具有很大的热惯性,这直接导致炉膛烟气温度动态响应速度很慢、动态过程时间很长的现象出现。

    Furthermore , the value of heat inertia in the hearth of copper refining rotary anode furnace in the reduction phase is so big that smoke temperature change can not quickly respond to the disturbance .

  30. 场致发射冷阴极由于没有热惯性、热辐射、热蒸发以及可处于瞬时备用状态等优点而成为目前世界上众多科研机构和大公司研究的热点。

    Because the field emission cold cathode has no heat inertia , heat radiation and hot evaporation , more and more scientific research organization and big companies are engaged in the research of cold cathode .