
mào shé
  • visor;peak;peak of a cap;bongrace
帽舌 [mào shé]
  • [visor;peak of a cap] 帽子上用于遮光的前伸如舌状头的檐

帽舌[mào shé]
  1. 这个男孩戴着一顶有绿色帽舌的白帽子。

    The boy wore a white cap with a green peak .

  2. 有一个圆形平顶和帽舌的帽子。

    A cap with a flat circular top and a visor .

  3. 那名男子摸了摸他的帽舌。

    The man touched the peak of his cap .

  4. 一般来说,cap有帽舌,而hat有帽沿

    Generally , caps have peaks and hats have brims .

  5. 有一个硬帽舌的平定毛线帽。

    A flat woolen cap with a stiff peak .

  6. 前后都有帽舌的一种贴头帽;古代猎人戴的一种帽子。

    A tight-fitting hat with visors front and back ; formerly worn by hunters .

  7. 有或者装有帽舌或者特定类型的帽舌。

    Having or provided with a visor or a visor of a particular kind .

  8. 他们那崭新的红色帽舌的帽子。

    Their spic , red-visored caps .

  9. 他不禁想到这个家伙的斜视眼,从帽子的大帽舌下望出来是何等的令人毛骨悚然。

    He could not help thinking how uncanny the man 's squint eyes looked under its straight outstanding visor .

  10. 我想买一顶圆顶硬礼帽。有一个圆形平顶和帽舌的帽子。

    I 'm like to have a bowler hat . a cap with a flat circular top and a visor .

  11. 头盔有不同种的类型,有些头盔的前方带有塑料帽舌是为了保护眼镜免遭太阳的暴晒和雨天的雨水。

    Helmets come in many different shapes Some have plastic visors on the front to shield eyes from sun or rain .

  12. 无边女毡帽[由帽模、帽坯、帽兜或平顶制成]有一个圆形平顶和帽舌的帽子。

    Felt bonnet [ made from hat forms , hat bodies , hoods or plateaux ] a cap with a flat circular top and a visor .

  13. 他睁大了眼睛,轻轻地碰了碰我的帽舌,又小心地摸了摸上面的徽标。

    With wide eyes , he gently touched the bill of my hat , running his index finger slowly along the edge , carefully touching the emblem .

  14. 法国军帽平圆顶的有帽舌的一种法国军帽他垂下眼皮,瞅了瞅这顶高级帽子衬里上绷着的那圈鞋皮的小小帽花。

    A French military cap with a flat , circular top and a visor . Under their dropped lids his eyes found the tiny bow of the leather headband inside his high grade ha .