
  1. 穿甲研究是冲击动力学研究和军事科学技术研究的重点领域。

    Armor piercing research has been an active field on impact dynamics and military science and technology .

  2. 现代军事科学技术迅猛发展和军事战争手段的剧烈变革,对航空发动机提出更高的要求。

    The rapid development of modern military science and technology , military warfare means radical changes to the aircraft engine higher demands .

  3. 比如,随着军事科学技术的发展和我军装备的逐步改善,后勤工作也出现了很多新情况。

    For instance , many new problems have appeared as military science and technology have developed and as our military equipment has gradually improved .

  4. 随着军事科学技术的进步,空袭武器系统有了长足的发展,把海上防空逼到了十分困难的境地。

    With the development of military science and technology , air raid weapon systems give a severe challenge to the air defense operation at sea .

  5. 随着现代战争模式的变化及军事科学技术的发展,对火箭炮武器系统提出了更高的要求,需要提高火箭武器系统射击精确度。

    With the change of modern war pattern and development of military scientific technology , higher requirements of rocket launcher are put forward , i.e. , higher shooting precision .

  6. 随着军事科学技术的发展和信息兵器时代的到来,舰艇的发展日新月异,舰艇作战系统进一步信息化,舰载武器进一步制导化。

    With the development of military science and technology and information era weapons , warships are rapidly developing , further information of ship combat system , and further guidance of ship-borne weapons .

  7. 非致命激光武器的产生和发展是现代科学技术发展的自然产物,尤其是军事科学技术迅速发展和现代军事战略理论相结合的必然结果。

    The Non-Lethal Laser Weapons are natural results of the development of modern science and technology , especially of the combination of the rapid development of military science and technology and modern military strategic theory .

  8. 徐光启以农业为富国之本,以正兵为强国之本,重视军事科学技术的研究。

    Xu Guangqi held that agriculture was the foundation to make the country rich and military strength was fundamental to make the country powerful . Therefore , he attached importance to the study of military science and technology .

  9. 现代军事科学技术的飞速发展,使得武器装备科技含量大增、性能不断提高,武器装备的研制、生产、使用与保障成本也随之日益增大。

    Along with the rapid development of modern military technology , science content and performance of the weapon equipments increase greatly and continually . The cost of their development , production , operation and logistics are also growing increasingly .

  10. 第三是在高等教育服务专业服务质量的比较优势,具体包括农业科学技术、自然科学、对外汉语教学、军事科学技术、中医药研究和传媒人才培养等方面的专业服务优势。

    The advantages could also be found in the professional educational service quality , such as these in the field of agriculture , natural science , teaching Chinese as a foreign language , military affairs , Chinese medicines and mass media .

  11. 在当代愈演愈烈的国际竞争中,国家之间的实力对比已不仅仅局限于经济、政治、军事、科学技术和文化领域,而更多的将重心集中于对创新型人才的争夺。

    Since the international competition goes more and more hotly , the strength between countries need not be confined to economy , politics , military , science and cultural fields , but focus more on fighting for innovative talents .

  12. 激光测距技术具有测量精度高、分辨率高、抗干扰能力强、体积小、重量轻等优点,因此广泛应用于军事、科学技术、生产建设等各个方面。

    The laser range technology has the advantages of high accuracy , high resolution , strong anti-jamming capability , small size and light weight , it is widely used in various aspects of the military , science and technology , production and construction .

  13. 氮化硼(BN)是一种具有多种优良性能的新型无机材料,在军事工程、科学技术和工业生产中有广阔的应用前景。

    Hexagonal boron nitride ( h-BN ) is a new inorganic material with various excellent properties . h-BN is in well prospects of application in industry , science and technology , military engineering and so on .

  14. 21世纪的竞争,经济、政治、军事、科学、技术的竞争,归根到底是人才的竞争,而人才问题的核心是具有创造力的人脑。

    The competition in the 21 st century , i. e. , the competition in the economy , politics , military , science and technology , in the final analysis is the competition of talented persons .

  15. 高超声速飞行器是21世纪世界航空航天事业发展的一个主要方向,对国际战略格局、军事力量对比、科学技术和经济社会发展以及综合国力提升等产生重大和深远的影响。

    The development of hypersonic vehicle is a main direction in aeronautics and astronautics in 21 century . It provides impetus to the development of international strategic structure , military force contrast , science and technology , economy and society .

  16. 军校是培养高素质军事人才、发展军事科学技术的基地,也是我国高等教育事业的重要组成部分。

    Military academy is the base for training talented cadets and developing military science and technology , and it plays an important role in the military construction and Chinese higher education .

  17. 建立军事科技伦理学学科,对于促进军事科学技术的发展,推进有中国特色的军事变革,培养高素质军事科技人才,具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    Establishing the subject of military science and technology ethnics possesses important theoretical and practical significance to facilitate the development of military science and technology , advance RMA with Chinese characteristics and cultivate military science and technology talents with high ability .