
jūn shì lǐ lùn
  • Military Doctrine;Military Theory
  1. 远程军事理论训练系统中的UML建模

    UML Modeling Applied in the Long-Distance Military Theory Training System

  2. 高校军事理论课立体化教学模式初探

    A Tentative Probe into Stereo Teaching Mode of Military Theory Courses in Universities

  3. 军事理论学习可完善学生的知识结构;

    Martial theory study could make students ' knowledge frame better .

  4. 地方性高校军事理论课教学的改革与实践&以福建省地方性高校为例

    Military Theories Lesson Reforming and Practice in Education in Local College

  5. 创新和发展军事理论。

    It is necessary to innovate and develop military theories .

  6. 军事理论科学数字图书馆研究与实践

    Research and Practice in the Digital Library of the Military Theoretical Science

  7. 论斯大林军事理论的几大亮点(上)

    On the Merits of Stalin 's Military Theory (ⅰ)

  8. 军事理论课堂教学知识的肤浅化及其原因分析

    The Knowledge Superficiality of Military Theory Teaching in the Classroom and Its Causal Analysis

  9. 军事理论教学中增强爱国情感初探

    On Enhancing Patriotic Feeling in Military Theory Teaching

  10. 摩步旅军事理论考核系统的设计与实现

    Designed and Implementation of Military Theoretical Examination for the Motorized Infantry Brigade Exam System

  11. 医学院校军事理论课教学改革的思考

    Military Theory Course Teaching Reform and Thinking

  12. 军事理论与军事训练

    Military Theory and Military Training

  13. 推动军事理论创新。

    Innovating military theories .

  14. 要提高军事理论教学质量,必须在内容和考核等方面实现创新。

    Military theory to improve the quality of teaching content and assessment must be to achieve such innovation .

  15. 针对现代大学生特点搞好军事理论课创新教学

    According to the Characteristics of Modern University Students to Do Well the Innovation Teaching of Military Theory Course

  16. 把握定位坚持改革努力提高军事理论课的教学质量

    Persist in the Fixed Position and the Reform to Improve the Teaching Quality of the Military Theory Course

  17. 改进军事理论课考试的内容及形式,通过考试促进军事理论课教学质量的提高。

    Improvement military theory class test content and form , through test promotion military theory class quality of teaching enhancement .

  18. 定性和定量相结合的研究方法的采用,对军事理论与技术的进一步结合做出了尝试,推动作战指挥系统理论研究的深入。

    The adoption of combination of quality analysis and quantity analysis is a try to link military theory and technology .

  19. 要提高高校军事理论课教学质量,必须加强军事教师队伍的建设;

    Must improve the university military theory class quality of teaching , must strengthen the military teacher troop the construction ;

  20. 《孙子兵法》问世以来,对其军事理论价值和其语言文学价值的研究成果很多。

    Since The Art of War came out , study on its military theoretical value , its literature value emerged continually .

  21. 它与《孙子兵法》可称为军事理论的双璧。

    It , as well as Military Science of Sun Tzu , is regarded as the great one in military theory .

  22. 爱国主义是一个永恒的主题,强化爱国主义观念是高校军事理论教学的重要任务之一。

    Patriotism is a timeless theme , and it is one of the important tasks to enhance patriotic sense in college military theory teaching .

  23. 要针对大学生的特点,更新、充实军事理论课教学的内容,提高学生的学习热情;

    Must aim at university student 's characteristic , the renewal , the enrichment military theory class teaching content , enhances student 's study enthusiasm ;

  24. 陈:在你们的国家安全结构中,有多少机构和组织负责军事理论和军事思想的研究与发展?

    MR. CHEN : How many agencies and organizations are in charge of developing military doctrine and military concepts in the national security structure of your country ?

  25. 当前美国的军事理论的基础是全面主宰&即在各个阶段的任何方向上拥有打败敌人的能力。

    The bedrock of current US military doctrine is full spectrum dominance - the ability to defeat the enemy at any point on the ladder of escalation .

  26. 系统具有操作简便、效率较高、维护方便的特点,且完美地解决了军事理论考试、环保、保密三者之间的冲突。

    System is simple , efficient , easy maintenance , and the perfect solution to the military theory test , environmental protection and confidentiality between the three conflicts .

  27. 加强军事理论课的创新教育,对于提高官兵的政治思想素质具有固本强基作用。

    Strengthen the innovation of military education theory courses , for improving the quality of officers and men of the political and ideological role has Consolidating the Foundation .

  28. 这场变革发展迅猛,对军队的武器装备、体制编制、作战训练及军事理论等方面将产生重大而深远的影响。

    This reform , which is developing rapidly , will exert an important and profound influence on weaponry , military system and setup , combat training and military theory .

  29. 与军事理论、武器装备、军事技术的转型相比,军队组织体制转型严重滞后,不能适应信息化战争的要求,亟待解决。

    Therefore , the military organizational system transformation lags the transformation in military theories , weapon , military technical seriously , it can 't adapt to the information battles .

  30. 从军事理论的研究,引起兴趣,唤起全党注意于军事问题的研究,我认为是必要的。

    I deem it imperative that we arouse interest in the study of military theory and direct the attention of the whole membership to the study of military matters .