
jūn zhǎng
  • army commander
军长 [jūn zhǎng]
  • [army commander] 一个军的最高军事长官

军长[jūn zhǎng]
  1. 他历任旅长、军长等职。

    He successively held the posts of brigade and army commander .

  2. 军长关心地问起李同志的情况。

    The army commander inquired after Comrade Li with solicitude .

  3. 我军长驱直入,所向披靡。

    Our army drove straight in , carrying everything before it .

  4. 军长力竭负伤,陷身囹圄。

    The commander , wounded and exhausted in the fighting , was taken prisoner .

  5. 为了保证效果,一个名为“军长”(Sarge)的角色控制整个表演的节奏。

    But to make it work , one character called " sarge " sets the rhythm of the entire performance .

  6. 因为你的神帮助你。大卫就收留他们,立他们作军长。

    Then David received them , and made them captains of the band .

  7. 第四、恢复叶挺自由,继续充当新四军军长;

    Yeh Ting and reinstate him as Commander of the New Fourth Army .

  8. 在众人拥挤时,这个军长被践踏在脚下踩死了。

    In their haste , they trampled the officer under foot , and he died .

  9. 当这个军长把城门打开,饥饿的人群就拼命的涌出城门。

    As the officer opened the gate , the desperately hungry people rushed out the gate .

  10. 他在联邦军队掌控田纳西州之后才返回家乡,之后被任为军长。

    He returned only after Union forces took control of Tennessee and made him military governor .

  11. 敏捷而勇敢的陆军军长们挥舞着锋利的刀剑,大口径短枪和大头棒-体差点失去平衡。

    Brisk brave brigadiers brandished broad bright blades , blunderbusses , and bludgeons & balancing them badly .

  12. 便哈达听从亚撒王的话,派军长去攻击以色列的城邑。

    Ben-hadad agreed with King ASA and sent the commanders of his forces against the towns of israel .

  13. 三月第三班的班长(原文作军长下同)是祭司耶何耶大的儿子比拿雅。

    The third army commander , for the third month , was Benaiah son of Jehoiada the priest .

  14. 它从远处闻着战气,又听见军长大发雷声和兵丁呐喊。

    He catches the scent of battle from afar , the shout of commanders and the battle cry .

  15. 他历任旅长、军长等职。分别是集团军、军、师、旅、团、营、连、排。

    They are group army , corps , division , brigade , regiment , battalion , company and platoon .

  16. 拿弗他利支派有一千军长,跟从他们拿盾牌和枪的有三万七千人。

    And of Naphtali a thousand captains , and with them with shield and spear thirty and seven thousand .

  17. 披肩长发适合您的脸型。我军长驱直入,所向披靡。

    A shoulder-length style will suit your face . Our army drove straight in , carrying everything before it .

  18. 我军长驱直入,所向披靡。他曾任这所大学校长。

    Our army drove straight in , carrying everything before it . He is sometime president of this university .

  19. 因为以色列中有军长率领,百姓也甘心牺牲自己,你们应当颂赞耶和华!

    That the leaders took the lead in Israel , that the people offered themselves willingly , bless the LORD !

  20. 我们的排单经理将其他曾扮演过“军长”的演员安排在我旁边,帮了我的忙。

    Our scheduling manager made sure to put the other people who played sarge in with me , which helped .

  21. 六月第六军的军长是特科亚人依刻士的儿子依辣,他这一军有二万四千人。

    For the sixth month , Ira son of Ikkesh of Tekoa had charge of a division of twenty-four thousand men .

  22. 他是2法勒斯的子孙,统管正月班的一切军长。

    [ NIV ] He was a descendant of Perez and chief of all the army officers for the first month .

  23. 十二月第十二军的军长是敖特尼耳族乃托法人赫耳待,他这一军有二万四千人。

    For the twelfth month , Heldai from Netophah , of Othniel , had charge of a division of twenty-four thousand men .

  24. 三月第三军的军长是大司祭约雅达的儿子贝纳雅,他这一军有二万四千人。

    For the third month Benaiah son of Jehoiada , the chief priest , had charge of a division of twenty-four thousand men .

  25. 比如哪一个战役没有打好,军长、团长就对这个作战区的指挥员提出批评意见嘛!

    For instance , a corps or regiment commander will criticize the commander who has lost a battle in a certain war zone .

  26. 还可问问某些当师长、军长的人,他们是如何在一个互相猜疑和担心受怕的舞台上渡过他们的生活。

    Or ask even some of the division or army commanders how their life was played out on a stage of doubt and fear .

  27. 设立军长管理百姓,将他们招聚在城门的宽阔处,用话勉励他们,说

    He appointed military officers over the people and assembled them before him in the square at the city gate and encouraged them with these words

  28. 耶户对他的军长毕甲说,你把他抛在耶斯列人拿伯的田间。

    Jehu said to Bidkar , his chariot officer , 'Pick him up and throw him on the field that belonged to Naboth the Jezreelite .

  29. 这些人帮助大卫攻击群贼。他们都是大能的勇士、且作军长。

    And they gave David help against the armed bands , for they were all great men of war , and captains in the army .

  30. 加利亚的儿子约哈难和在田野的一切军长来到米斯巴见基大利

    Moreover Johanan the son of Kareah , and all the captains of the forces that were in the fields , came to Gedaliah to Mizpah