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  • technocracy
  1. 技术统治论主张科技专家对社会进行全盘的统治或管理。

    Technocracy claims that experts of science and technology govern society totally .

  2. 技术统治与生态灾难:试析反乌托邦生态小说《羚羊与秧鸡》

    Technocracy and Eco-disaster : an Analysis of Dystopian Eco-novel Oryx and Crake ;

  3. 盖茨自称是技术统治论者(technocrat)。

    Bill Gates describes himself as a technocrat .

  4. 后现代主义思潮在这个技术统治时代使人类面临着道德虚无主义幽灵的困扰。

    In the time of technology , postmodernism involve contemporary people in moral nihilism .

  5. 如果一个不读书的人能成为文化部长,那我们就只是些技术统治论者和预算编制者了。

    If one can be culture minister without reading , then we are mere technocrats and budgeters .

  6. 日本当局没有通过在技术统治论上让步向货主们提供帮助,也没有做出了更具同情心的回应。

    The Japanese authorities have not helped by falling back on technocracy rather than a more sympathetic response .

  7. 法兰克福学派从人与人关系的角度展开了对科学技术统治的批判。

    The school of Frankfort criticizes science and technology in terms of the relation between man and man .

  8. 它建立在白人是理性主义者和主张技术统治、而殖民牺牲者们是有精神的和体格健壮的陈腔滥调之上。

    It rests on the stereotype that white people are rationalist and technocratic while colonial victims are spiritual and athletic .

  9. 但很难回避的一个事实是,盖茨的言论往往与新一代技术统治论的亿万富翁们格格不入。

    There is no getting round the fact , however , that Gates often sounds at odds with the new generation of billionaire technocrats .

  10. 旁白:华盛顿的凯恩斯主义者不是把经济瞧成自然气力,而是把它瞧成精密的仪器,而这仪器可以由象他们本人这样的技术统治论者来调谐。

    NARRATOR : Washington 's Keynesians saw the economy not as a force of nature but a sophisticated machine to be fine-tuned by technocrats like themselves .

  11. 因此现代人欲走出当下技术统治的异化现实,就必须厘清临界者的存在,认识到自我与他者存在的互为统摄性。

    In order to get rid of the technocratic alienation , modern people should clarify the existence of critical person and realize the integration of self and others .

  12. 谢女士毕业于高等学府清华大学的土木工程专业,以及三十多年从事钢铁产业的经验,她无疑是一位技术统治论者。

    With a degree in civil engineering from Tsinghua , a top university , and over 30 years experience in steel plants , Ms Xie is at heart a technocrat .

  13. 在过去的数十年里,HVDC占据了大容量远距离输电技术的统治地位。

    During the past several decades , HVDC has become the dominating technology for long distance transmission of bulk power .

  14. 首先,电子传媒时代的审美文化受到技术的统治。

    First , the aesthetic culture in electronic media time is controlled by technology .

  15. 通过政治经济学、技术和统治国际系统的研究,本文旨在探讨中国背景下的这些现象。

    Via the study of political economy , technology and international systems of domination , this paper aims at examining these phenomena in the context of China .

  16. 法兰克福学派的科学技术与政治统治观点剖析

    Analysis of Opinion of School of Frankfort on the Relation between Science and Technology with Domination of Politics

  17. 只有打破实证观和技术理性的绝对统治,世界空间才会获得全新意义。

    If only we break out the absolute domination of scientific positivism and technological reason , the world space will obtain its new significance .

  18. 同时,针对它们的负面效应,对大众文化应导入教化、价值、意义、审美等文化因素,对网络文化则应导入人文关怀以防止技术理性的片面统治。

    Meanwhile , dealing with their negative effects , we should introduce education , value , meaning , esthetics and other cultural factors into mass culture while incorporating human cultural concern into network culture so that one-sided rule over technical sense can be avoided .

  19. 诗人深刻体验到现代人的生存困境:技术与社会技术统治。由这一困境出发,王润华走出了一条诉求自由、揭露技术暴力、返回大地的诗歌之途。

    Profoundly aware of the existent dilemma of modern human beings : dominance of Mechanical and Social Technology , Wong Yoon Wah has opened up a new approach towards his poetry , on which he pursues freedom , exposes the violence of technology and returns to the earth .

  20. 现阶段的成功厂商凭借深厚的技术积淀(如内燃发动机技术)依然能够统治市场。

    Established companies reign with legacy technologies like the internal combustion engine .

  21. 法兰克福学派逐渐从早期对资本主义制度的批判,转向了对科学技术本身的批判并分析了人在技术统治下的异化状态。

    Frankfurt school gradually changes its criticism from the early capitalist system to the science and technology itself and analyses human ˊ s alienation in the state of technical domination .

  22. 就负功能而言,在政治领域,由于技术上升到意识形态的高度,技术创新发挥技术统治的功能;

    As far as negative function is concerned , technology innovation realizes the technology domination function in politics field because technology rises to ideology level ;

  23. 在解释学看来,对技术社会的理解有三种方式:一是把技术社会理解为社会发展的技术统治阶段,这个时期技术成为统治和控制社会的力量;

    In the view of the hermeneutics , there are three types of comprehension in the technology society . The first comprehension is the period of development of society when technology had become the power of control and governance .

  24. 针对技术合理化所导致的生态危机,伽达默尔还提出了要在人与自然之间建立平衡的而非技术统治关系的构想。

    In view of the ecology crisis caused by technical rationalization , Gadamer also proposed the speculation of establishing non-technical ruled balanced relations between the human and the nature .

  25. 科学范式经历了技术阶段和科学阶段两个发展阶段,与此相适应,工程师的主要责任在技术阶段是对机构权威忠诚,在科学阶段是技术统治论;

    The science model requires an engineer 's loyalty to his organization , which attaches great importance to technology priority .