
jì shù xì jié
  • technicality
  1. 上诉法院驳回了就技术细节问题的上诉。

    The Appeal Court rejected the appeal on a technicality .

  2. 但在图灵看来,乘法只是一个技术细节,逻辑控制才是关键的核心,这个核心从存储器中读取指令,并执行它们。

    To Alan Turing , the multiplier was a rather tiresome technicality ; the heart lay in the logical control , which took the instructions from the memory , and put them into operation .

  3. 然后,他需要知道你家系统的技术细节,并取得能阻断系统具体设置的特定设备。

    Then , he 's going to need to know the technical details of your system and acquire the specific equipment necessary for jamming your specific setup .

  4. 文章主要讨论MPLS支持移动IP的技术细节。

    The thesis mainly describes the techniques of MPLS supporting Mobile-IP .

  5. 四章分别介绍了X效率的经济学含义,以及利用DEA方法求解X效率的技术细节。

    Chapter 3 and 4 explain the concept of X-efficiency and DEA methodology .

  6. 数据库与外界之间都以XML文档作为交换介质,屏蔽了所有数据库有关的技术细节,同时使系统的可扩展性更好。

    As XML document is exchange medium between database and outside , it shields the database detail and makes the extensibility of system better .

  7. 要实现和使用RESTweb服务,您只需要关注应用程序业务逻辑,而不需要关注低级技术细节。

    To implement and consume REST web services , you need to focus only on the application business logic and not on the low-level technical details .

  8. InfoQ之前有一篇文章探讨了更多的技术细节。

    A previous InfoQ article provides more of the technical details .

  9. 本文提供了一些技术细节,涉及如何创建流程流,如何使用一个电子表单来启动流程,以及如何使用小部件创建自定义Web页面。

    The article provides technical details on how to create the process flow , use an electronic form to launch the process , and create customized Web pages using widgets .

  10. 本课题通过对比传统的B2B电子商务解决方案,分析了SOAP和WebServices的技术细节和优势。

    This article analyzes the technology details and advantage of SOAP and Web Services by comparing with the traditional methods of B2B e-commerce .

  11. 2018年Facebook首次展示了3D照片,一个月之后又分享了产品的技术细节。

    Facebook first showed off its 3D photos back in 2018 , and shared the technical details behind it a month later .

  12. 用Delphi编程实现了计算机辅助冲突解决,详细论述了系统的设计和技术细节。

    Use Delphi to realize computer aided conflict resolution , particularly discuss the system design and technology detail .

  13. 本文是pseudo实用工具系列的第2部分,它更加全面地阐述了技术细节。

    This article , the second in a series about the pseudo utility , goes into more comprehensive technical detail .

  14. 接着,谈到技术细节,Alan解释了Gemstone的定制化JVM如何让持久化成为可能

    Continuing with technical details , Alan explains how Gemstone 's custom JVM makes persistence possible

  15. 重点对工业CT多断层图像数据三维显示的各个技术细节进行了具体的分析,并总结了在大型工业CT图像检查分系统方案设计中存在的技术难点。

    The paper emphasizes on the technical analysis of the 3D rendering process of ICT volume data sets , and summarizes the difficulties of the inspection subsystem design in large ICT .

  16. 正如UniverseToday表明,其他国家和太空机构会在公开项目时透露时间表和太空飞行器的技术细节。

    As Universe Today notes , other countries and space agencies will release a timeline and technical details about the spacecraft 's instruments when they announce a program like this .

  17. InfoQ:能否请您描述一下有关将一个传统API文档,比如Java文档,迁移到I/O文档的相关技术细节?

    InfoQ : Can you share some technical details involved in moving a traditional API documentation , say from Java Docs to I / O Docs ?

  18. 对示例应用程序的讨论涉及一些技术细节,有J2EE(至少是Java编程)背景可能比较容易理解。

    The discussion of the example application dives into more-technical details that are probably more relevant to those with a J2EE ( or at least Java programming ) background .

  19. 对CPLD控制的数据采集操作、应用层和系统层的程序设计等技术细节进行了分析和说明。

    The technical detail of CPLD controlled data acquisition operations , the program designing of application layer and system layer are analyzed and illuminated .

  20. DAS是为特定数据源种类处理技术细节的服务。

    A DAS is a service that handles the technical details for a particular kind of data source .

  21. 然后详细介绍了整个系统硬件电路的原理图设计和底层PCB板设计的技术细节,并给出底层板主要芯片的测试方法及相关的测试数据。

    Then , technical details of the circuital design and the PCB design are introduced with the testing methods of major chips and related data .

  22. 本文着重论述利用Linux支持的可加载内核模块实现的基于强制访问控制的Linux安全操作系统的体系结构及其功能单元和相关技术细节。

    This paper focuses on discussing the architecture of the MAC - based Linux security operating system implemented with LKM supported by Linux , and introduces the key technica of implementation .

  23. 在5月20日的Webinarevent直播中,RodJohnson和JavierSoltero将提供进一步的技术细节。

    Rod Johnson and Javier Soltero will be providing further technical details during a live Webinar event on May20th .

  24. PowerPCVirtualEnvironmentArchitecture[1]提供了更多有关这条指令的技术细节,并介绍了一个使用汇编语言计算gettimeofday的算法。

    The PowerPC Virtual Environment Architecture [ 1 ] provides more technical details about this mnemonic and describes an algorithm to calculate gettimeofday in assembly .

  25. UL及其技术细节

    UL And Its Technology Details

  26. 论文从软件需求分析到需求实现直至深入分析了四层体系(客户层,Web层,业务逻辑层,EIS层)各层通信机制和技术细节。

    We discuss from software request analysis to request realization , even to analyze the four tier framework ( Client layer , Web layer , Operation Logic layer , EIS ) .

  27. 结合2根钢筋混凝土简支梁抗弯试验,具体讨论了利用ANSYS软件分析混凝土结构极限承载力的若干技术细节。

    Then , some details of analysis ultimate bearing capacity of concrete structure by using ANSYS software are discussed based on the bending test results of two simply supported beams .

  28. 3DSTUDIOMAX软件造型功能强大、拟实效果突出,能帮助设计人员更好地掌握所设计产品的技术细节和结构关系。

    The 3D Studio MAX software has powerful modeling function , virtual practice effect is evident and can well help designer to command technique detail and structure relation for designed product .

  29. 在进入技术细节之前,我们首先定义两个常用的术语,即崩溃(crash)和挂起(hang),以确保我们的理解是一致的。

    Before we get into the technical details , let 's define two commonly used terms , crash and hang , to ensure we 're all on the same page .

  30. OLPC还有专门的wiki站点,内有大量文档和技术细节。

    The OLPC initiative maintains an active wiki site with a considerable amount of documentation and technical detail .