
jūn fá ɡē jù
  • carving up of a country by warlords
  1. 军阀割据,各霸一方。

    The country was torn apart by warlords , each controlling a region .

  2. 中国历史无奈地步入军阀割据的混乱岁月。

    Chinese history go to the warlord time .

  3. 汉朝灭亡后是长达四个世纪的军阀割据时代。

    The collapse of the Han dynasty was followed by nearly four centuries of rule by warlords .

  4. 美国及其盟友留下了一个军阀割据的国家,这些军阀多多少少采取合作态度。

    The US and its allies had left behind a country run by a patchwork of more or less co-operative warlords .

  5. 要实现国家统一,就必须结束封建军阀割据统治,统一国语文字。

    In order to achieve national unity , we must put an end to the feudal rule of the warlords rule , unify Mandarin and letter .

  6. 观察人士说,在一个素有军阀割据的动荡历史、而近几十年来又有内战的国家里,选举的可信度问题可能会破坏新政府并且加剧族裔间的紧张关系。

    Observers say that could undermine the new government and heighten ethnic tensions in a country with a volatile history of warlords and recent decades of civil war .

  7. 战乱四起,军阀割据,袁世凯被他的助手抛弃,于1916年去世。

    With opposition at every quarter and the nation breaking up into warlord factions , Yuan Shikai died of natural causes in June 1916 , deserted by his lieutenants .

  8. 孙中山不赞成议会,而且他只当了几个月总统就被夺了权,其后就是军阀割据时期。

    Sun rejected the idea of a parliament and his term as president lasted just a few months before power was wrested from him and a period of warlordism ensued .

  9. 这一时期的边疆治理由于列强侵略与军阀割据,成效不足国家权力难以渗透到边疆以整合边疆社会。

    Due to aggression of the border area government powers and warlord regimes , effect of border area government is insufficient . In this period the state power can not easily integrate to frontier society .

  10. 军阀割据、经济繁荣、城市发展、教育普及、科技进步是促使《申报》现代化的有利外在条件。

    It holds the view that there are many external advantages of modernization of Shen Newspaper , including warlordism , economic prosperity , urban development , popularization of education , and advance of science and technology .

  11. 汉末军阀割据,中原士人纷纷流寓各地,致使中原文化向荆州、冀州、辽东等较为边远的地区传播。

    At the end of the Chinese warlord regimes , China scholars have floating around , resulting in the culture of the Central Plains to Jingzhou , Jizhou , Liaodong and other relatively remote areas spread .

  12. 他深刻分析了当时中国农村经济破产、货币金融系统紊乱的根本原因:帝国主义的侵略,封建土地所有制及军阀割据存在,并对解决中国经济问题作了有益的探讨。

    Then he concluded that the essential reason for all those were imperial invasion , feudal land system and separatist warlord regimes . He also did some effective discussion on how to solve economic problem in China .

  13. 自1911年辛亥革命以后,到1949年新中国成立之前,当时的中国处于社会动荡、军阀割据状态,而东西方文化的激烈碰撞,也使得当时的法律制度具有一定的时代特色。

    After the 1911 Revolution , to before the founding of New China in 1949 , when China is social unrest , warlord state , and keen cultural collision of East and West , but also makes the legal system when certain characteristics of the times .

  14. 阎锡山为在军阀割据的中国占得一席之地,就必须增强自身实力,这时阎锡山不失时机的提出保境安民、用民政治、村本政治,充分使用山西民力。

    The warlord regimes for Yan Xishan in position , China accounts for their economic power , then must strengthen the Yan Xishan who lose no time put forward " protect the borders with run ", " political ", " village this political ", fully use Shanxi people .

  15. 在军阀割据、外忧内患的年代,胡政之经营的《大公报》,既坚持了新闻事业的理念,也使报纸有了赢利,兼顾了文化事业的营利性和非营利性。

    In the age of Chinese civil war , the newspaper named Da Gong Bao , which was executed by Hu Zhengzhi , insisted on the ideal of Journalism and made profits of newspaper business , keeping a good balance between the profit and nonprofit of the culture industry .