
jūn shì zhàn lǐnɡ
  • military occupation
  1. 美国军事占领:未经协议的占领,预料初期会遭中国军方反对。

    US military occupation : An un-negotiated occupation could expect some initial Chinese military opposition .

  2. 清军在完成对河南的军事占领后,迅速进行了政治重构,建立起较为完整的地方行政系统、军事系统。

    Qing finished the military occupation of Henan , reconstructed the political order of establishment of the system of local administration and military .

  3. 西德军事占领区最惠国待遇协定

    Agreement on Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment for Areas of Western Germany under Military Occupatio

  4. 其传统性体现在国家对石油战略的争夺,包括对石油产地的控制以及军事占领。

    The traditional characteristic means the competition for oil supply among countries , including the control and military occupancy of oil production regions .

  5. 基于涉及战争事务,军事占领给予入侵军队在占领期间执行控制领地的权力。

    Being an incident of war , military occupation confers upon the invading force the means of exercising control for the period of occupation .

  6. 1940年第二次世界大战德国军事占领了丹麦,冰岛的国际关系和主权防卫才得以脱离丹麦。

    Foreign relations and defence remained under the authority of the Danes until the World War II military occupation of Denmark by Germany in1940 .

  7. 目前正在发生的事情是以色列对巴勒斯坦军事占领的延续,巴勒斯坦人民将继续抵抗以色列的侵略。

    What is happening is an extension of Israeli military occupation in Palestine , he added . The Palestine people will continue its resistance against Israeli invasion .

  8. 巴勒斯坦人民、组织、政党在反对以色列军事占领的斗争中,追求的最终战略目标是建立一个独立的巴勒斯坦国,同时,为达此目标还确立了一整套相应的斗争方式。

    The ultimate strategic aim of the Palestinian people , their organizations and parties during the struggles against Israeli military occupation is to establish an independent Palestinian state .

  9. 自美国实施对日军事占领时起,美国对日政策中就包含有利用心理战术引导日本亲西方化的成分。

    Since the military occupation on Japan , America 's Japanese policy has involved some elements of psychological measures aiming at assuring continued orientation of Japan toward the West .

  10. 《惨败》一书的作者托马斯·里克斯指出“美国引导的侵略战争是鲁莽的,开始的计划就不完善,后来的军事占领行动引来了更多的麻烦。”

    Thomas Ricks , the author of " Fiasco ", argues that " the US-led invasion was launched recklessly , with a flawed plan for war and a worse approach to occupation . "

  11. 由于美仍对伊实行军事占领和主导伊重建,伊拉克问题的性质并无根本改变,局势仍然严峻。

    Nevertheless , because the United States still practices military occupation and dominates reconstruction in I-raq , there are no radical changes in the nature of Iraq issues and the situation in Iraq is still grim .

  12. 在这个意义上,作品价值不但超越了文学本身;同时也是美国军事占领和文化影响的七十年代日本社会的文化实录。

    In this sense , the value of this work is beyond the literary work itself . It is an authentic literary record of Japanese Society in 1970s , which is deeply influenced by U.S military occupation and culture .

  13. 于是,法国将其军事占领从莫斯科延伸到里斯本,从尤特兰延伸到卡拉布里亚,企图以此来制服英国。所有这些行动包含着巨大的风险,因为法国并不具备足够的军事资源,来控制这么多地盘,同时又能保护自己,维持国内的秩序。

    Accordingly , France set out to overcome Britain by extending its military domination from Moscow to Lisbon , from Jutland to Calabria.All of this entailed tremendous risk , because France did not have the military resources to control this much territory and still protect itself and maintain order at home .

  14. 航天运载技术代表了一个国家自主进入空间的能力,是保持空间核心优势的支柱,是和平利用空间及军事争夺占领空间的基本手段。

    The space launch technology represents the ability of a country to enter into space independently . It is the mainstay to keep the advantage of the space kernel and the basic method to occupy the space with peaceful military struggle .

  15. 周五,乌克兰和俄罗斯的危机继续加深,乌克兰指控俄罗斯对其战略要地克里米亚半岛进行军事入侵和占领。

    The crisis between Ukraine and Russia deepened Friday , with Ukraine accusing Russia of a military invasion and occupation in the strategic Crimea Peninsula .

  16. 塔利班在阿富汗进行了长达一周的军事进攻后,占领了多座主要省会城市。

    The Taliban took over several major provincial capitals after a weeks-long military offensive in Afghanistan .