
jiàn bié lì
  • discrimination power
  1. 标记之间的鉴别力(discriminationpower,简称DP)也有很大的差异,最小的DP值是0(带型模糊或杂乱),最大的DP值是13。

    There were significant differences in discrimination power between each marker , the least DP was 0 ( band was fuzzy or messy ), the most DP is 13 .

  2. 更有鉴别力的游客现在往往避开该地区。

    More discriminating visitors now tend to shun the area .

  3. 结论:MATs难度适中,鉴别力优良;

    Conclusion : MATs difficulties were appropriate and discriminations were good .

  4. 结果:图片记忆和心智B得分在2个MCI组与正常老人组间最具鉴别力。

    Results : Picture short memory and mental control ( B ) showed the highest identification between the 2 MCI groups and normal elderly group .

  5. 受试者工作特征曲线表明,PCT和IL-6的鉴别力最佳。

    Receiver operating characteristic curve showed that the power of PCT and IL-6 were the best of all above .

  6. 用AMMI模型分析作物区域试验中的地点鉴别力

    Analyzing Site Discrimination in Crop Regional Yield Trials by AMMI Model

  7. 现有局部二元模式(LBP)算子存在不足:产生的直方图维数过长、鉴别力不高、对噪声反应敏感。

    The existing local binary pattern ( LBP ) operators have several disadvantages such as rather long histograms , lower discrimination , and sensitivity to noise .

  8. 结论P53与ras基因表达检测,可以作为常规病理的补充,提高直肠良恶性病变的鉴别力。

    Conclusions The techniques of detecting the expressions of protein products of oncogene P53 and ras can be a supplementary means of routine pathology to improve the diagnosis of the biopsy to rectal carcinoma .

  9. 和形态学性状相比,HMW-GS表达不仅状态多,而且稳定,遗传机制明确,是小麦新品种测试中不可多得的高鉴别力性状。

    Compared with morphological characters for DUS testing of wheat varieties , HMW-GS was an ideal character for DUS testing due to its polymorphism of status , stable expression and clear genetic interpretation .

  10. 目的研究明尼苏达多相人格问卷(MMPI)对青年军人精神分裂症患者与正常新兵的区分效度并筛选鉴别力较高的分量表。

    Objective To assess the discriminative validity of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory ( MMPI ) between young soldiers with schizophrenia and health recruits , while select scales which have high discriminative validity .

  11. 为了比较不同试验点在区域试验中鉴别力的大小,提出了AMMI模型中地点得分向量长度的衡量方法,并与传统联合线性回归模型中的斜率进行了比较。

    To compare the discrimination of different sites in regional trials , the length of score vector in AMMI model was used as indicator for site discrimination and comparison was made between AMMI model and joint linear regression model .

  12. ORL和FERET人脸数据库被用来验证上述方法的有效性,并将其与其他主流人脸识别方法进行比较,我们提出的算法抽取的特征具有更好的鉴别力且识别率也较高。

    ORL and FERET face image databases are used to verify the effectiveness of the method , and the other mainstream face recognition methods are compared with it , our method has a higher recognition rate . 5 .

  13. 浅议提高政治鉴别力的重要性与途径

    Shallow Discourse on Importance and Conditions of Improving Political Judgement Ability

  14. 再次,你们将明白自己真实的鉴别力与遗产。

    Once again , you will realise your true identity and heritage .

  15. 他们家的室内陈设显示了主人的审美力和鉴别力。

    The furnishings in their house showed taste and discrimination .

  16. 同学提名法与教师评价法具有较高的鉴别力;

    The discriminations of measurement of classmate nomination and teacher-rating were all high .

  17. 这种操练能使心智发达,理解力增强,鉴别力熟练。

    It expands the mind , sharpens the perceptions , and ripens the judgment .

  18. 结果表明:①反应时是一项鉴别力很高的项目;

    The results were as follows : ( 1 ) Reaction-time is a distinguishable item ;

  19. 视觉与听觉的敏感性和鉴别力/最终报告

    Visual and Auditory Sensitivities and Discriminations ; Final rept . 15 Dec 1996-14 Dec 1999

  20. 鉴别力是一种综合了听觉、视觉和嗅觉的特殊的感觉。

    And a scent is like a sixth sense which combines hearing , seeing and smelling .

  21. 天生对绘画的鉴别力。

    A natural flair for drawing .

  22. 短的音乐独奏曲;作为一练习打算或者证明技术的艺术鉴别力。

    A short composition for a solo instrument ; intended as an exercise or to demonstrate technical virtuosity .

  23. 项目分析结果表明,各项目的鉴别力指数在0.2以上,区分度较好。

    The result of item analysis shows that most of the index of item discrimination were above 0.2 .

  24. 现在,亚洲地区的客户在葡萄酒的挑选上也变得越来越成熟、有鉴别力和多样化。

    Now , customers in the region are getting more sophisticated , educated and diverse in their wine choices .

  25. 结果深度知觉对于海员具有很好的鉴别力:不同年龄、工龄、海龄组之间海员深度知觉差异不显著;

    Results Distance perception in seaman of different age , work age and sailing age did not exhibit significant different ;

  26. 数据结果表明,该量表各条目鉴别力指数优秀,量表信度结构良好。

    The results show that the scale item discrimination ability is outstanding and the reliability of the scale is good .

  27. 政治鉴别力和政治敏锐性,是思想政治课能否取得长远效果的根本所在。

    The political ability of differentiation and penetrating mind is the main essence for ideological and political lessons to get long effect .

  28. 与时俱进就是要赋予马克思主义新鲜的时代内涵、全新的鉴别力、科学的实践能力。

    This standard adds Marxism with a new essence of times , a quite different discriminability , a scientific capacity of practice .

  29. 筛选的9个单基因系对我国籼稻区稻瘟病菌致病性有较强的鉴别力。

    The results showed that 9 selected monogenic lines had good abilities for differentiating the pathogenicity of indica rice blast in South China .

  30. 虽然很多青少年知道如何有鉴别力地使用互联网,但有些青少年在经常使用网络之后变得沉迷起来。

    While many teenagers know how to use the Internet responsibly , some teenagers become addicted to the Internet while using it regularly .