
  1. 鉴真东渡对日本佛教、建筑、雕塑、医药、文学、饮食等方面的发展作出不朽贡献,产生深远影响。

    JIAN Zheng 's east-crossing has made immortal contributions to the development of Buddhism , architecture , sculpture , medicine , literature and diet in Japan .

  2. 中日两国一衣带水,源远流长,从历史上的鉴真东渡到现在的中日合作,既是顺应历史的发展,也是顺应民心。

    The friendship between Chinese and Japanese people has a long history . From the moment of JianZhen crossed over to Japan to the sino-Japanese cooperation now , they are all in accordance with the historical development and responsive to the people .

  3. 早在唐朝,中国的鉴真和尚就曾东渡日本,为传播中国文化做出很大贡献。

    As early as Tang Dynasty , Chinese Buddhist monk Jian Zhen traveled to Japan and contributed greatly to the spread of Chinese culture .