
  • 网络The Viking
  1. 这些偶尔发生的偷袭事件既费力又常无结果,8世纪他们停止了这些活动,此时持续约两个世纪的北欧海盗时代开始了。

    These sporadic , laborious and often fruitless raids ended in the eighth century , when the Viking age , which lasted about two centuries , began .

  2. 在欧洲活跃两个世纪的北欧海盗在994年奥拉夫Tryggvason王接受基督教之后逐渐停止了活动。

    Two centuries of Viking raids into Europe tapered off following the adoption of Christianity by King Olav Tryggvason in994 .

  3. 11世纪早期,整个英格兰再次被北欧海盗征服。

    Early in the eleventh century the whole of England was again conquered by the Vikings .

  4. 古时候,英国沿海一带一再受到北欧海盗的窜扰。

    In olden days the coasts of England were harassed by the Vikings again and again .

  5. v.侵袭古时,英国海岸常受北欧海盗的侵袭。

    harass In olden times the coasts of England were frequently harassed by the Vikings .

  6. 按照这个神话的说法,Frigga(北欧海盗爱情的女神)的儿子死于有毒的槲寄生叶子做的箭下。

    According to this myth , the son of Frigga ? C the Viking goddess of love ? C was killed by a poisonous mistletoe dart .

  7. 那些凶狠的人又叫北欧海盗,专门袭击不列颠附近的海滨。

    Fierce people called Vikings raided the coast areas of britain .

  8. 北欧海盗也许在哥伦布之前就发现了美洲。

    Columbus was probably anticipated by the Vikings in discovering america .

  9. 在冰岛那里生活着多达一万人的北欧海盗。

    There were as many as 10,000 Vikings living in Iceland .

  10. 北欧海盗与中世纪西欧商业复兴

    The Vikings and the Commercial Revival of Medieval Western Europe

  11. 北欧海盗是第一批到达美洲的欧洲人。

    The Vikings were the first Europeans to reach America .

  12. 古时,英国海岸常受北欧海盗的侵扰。

    In olden times the coasts of England were harassedby the vikings .

  13. 北欧海盗常常埋葬自己的财富,在乱世。

    Vikings often buried their wealth in times of trouble .

  14. 北欧海盗过去常常侵袭英国沿海地区。

    The Vikings used to harry the English coast .

  15. 北欧海盗是在哥伦布之前发现美洲的吗?

    Did the Vikings anticipate Columbus in discovering America ?

  16. 我们是北欧海盗,我们是冠军!

    We are Vikings , we are Champion !

  17. 在盎格鲁-撒克森时代后期,英格兰经常被北欧海盗袭击。

    In late Anglo-Saxon times , England was under constant attack from the vikings .

  18. 一千多年前,北欧海盗维京人沿着塞纳河入侵了法国。

    More than a thousand years ago , Vikings sailed into France along this river .

  19. 北欧海盗曾不断骚扰英国沿海地区。

    The Vikings harried the English coast .

  20. 他看上去不象刚从牛津回来的罗兹访问学者,而是象个北欧海盗。

    He looked more like a Viking than a Rhodes scholar newly returned from Oxford .

  21. 北欧海盗活动对西欧商业复兴具有推动作用。

    The activities of the Vikings gave impetus to the Commercial Revival of Medieval West Europe .

  22. 在那些遥远的时代里,北欧海盗经常在欧洲海岸一带进行掠夺。

    In those far - off times Viking pirates used to prey on the coasts of Europe .

  23. 北欧海盗出海抢劫有时只有几个小队的人马,有时拥有数百条船的舰队。

    The Vikings raided sometimes in small parties , sometimes in fleets that numbered hundreds of ships .

  24. 据说边境牧羊犬是最初是北欧海盗用来牧驯鹿的。

    It is said that the Border Collie descends from dogs used by the Vikings to herd reindeer .

  25. 同时到来的还有北欧海盗,以及他们雷厉风行的词汇,比如拖,掠夺,刺,死亡。

    Along came the Vikings , with their action-man words like drag , ransack , thrust and die .

  26. 北欧海盗航行到美洲

    Viking voyages to America

  27. 你知道,你如果买的是那种北欧海盗风格的煤气灶,那么你的厨房就是这个样子的。

    You know , you buy that Viking range , this is what your kitchen will look like .

  28. 麦克唐纳创立的海洋之心基金会致力于为那些住在医院里的孩子们提供各种娱乐活动,他希望明年驾驶这艘船横渡大西洋。“以古代北欧海盗的方式横渡大西洋是我最终的目标”。

    Helps provide leisure activities for children in hospitals , hopes to sail his Viking ship across the Atlantic next year .

  29. 在槲寄生叶子下亲吻的传统有很多不同的起因,最早起源于一个古老的北欧海盗神话。

    The tradition of kissing under mistletoe leaves comes from several different origins , one of which is an old Viking myth .

  30. “以前还从未在挪威北方发现这种类型的古代北欧海盗留下的珠宝,”来自当地的考古学家英格尔-斯托利说道。

    " Never before has Viking jewellery of this kind been found in northern Norway ," said one local archaeologist , Inger Storli .