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  • 网络the North Pole
  1. 罗德•里默施马从潮水般涌向阿拉斯加州北极镇的信件中,就能清楚地看出金钱危机给孩子们带来的压力有多大。

    The extent to which money woes are weighing on children is clear from the letters flooding into North Pole , Alaska .

  2. 那里是圣诞主题商店圣诞老人之家的所在地,父母们可以在这家店定制由圣诞老人寄出、盖有北极镇邮戳的信件。

    That 's the home of the Santa Claus House , a Christmas-themed shop where parents can order letters from Santa with a North Pole postmark .