
zǎo dào
  • Early rice;early season rice;early(season)rice
早稻 [zǎo dào]
  • [early(season)rice] 插秧期较早或成熟期较早的稻子

早稻[zǎo dào]
  1. 早稻纹枯病流行预测及损失估计

    Prognosis and yield Loss Assessment of Early Season Rice Sheath Blight

  2. 蘑菇下脚料和稻草还田对直播早稻生长和产量的影响

    Effect of Mushroom Scraps and Returning Rice Straw on Growth and Grain Yield of Live Early Season Rice

  3. e型杂交早稻新组合e优2号

    E You 2 , an e-type New Early Hybrid Rice Combination

  4. GIS支持下的广西早稻春季冷害区划研究

    GIS-based study on zoning of cold damage to early rice in Guangxi

  5. 高产稳产e型杂交早稻的选育与应用

    Breeding and Application of e-type Early Hybrid Rice with High and Stable Yield

  6. GIS在福州市双季早稻高温逼熟天气分析中的应用

    Application of GIS in the analysis of heat-forced maturity of early rice in Fuzhou

  7. 抗寒剂CR-4在建德市地区早稻上的应用效果

    Application effects of the COLD-RESISTER CR-4 for early-rice culture in Jiande area

  8. 富钾植物DNA导入早稻变异后代的RAPD分析

    RAPD Analysis of Variation Offspring from Different Rice Varieties Introduced DNA of K-Sufficiency Plant

  9. Logistic回归模型在红壤地区早稻推荐施肥中的应用

    Application of logistic regression for early rice recommended fertilization in red soil area

  10. GIS支持下的江西省优质早稻种植气候区划

    Climate Division of High Quality Early Rice Planting Area in Jiangxi Province on the Basis of GIS

  11. 多效唑(PP(333))对早稻抗低温能力与秧苗素质的影响

    Effects of paclobutrazol ( pp_ ( 333 )) on early-rice seedling cold resistance and its quality

  12. 宁乡县河沙泥上早稻N、P、K肥的施用效应研究

    Effects of Various N , P and K Fertilizations on Early Rice Yield in Alluvial Sandy Soil of Ningxiang County , Hunan Province

  13. 不同育秧方式对早稻叶片SOD活性、电解质渗透率和发根力的影响创新,企业竞争力的根源

    Effect of the different methods of rice nursery on activity of superoxide dismutase , ion leakage of rice leaves and root growing power

  14. 江西鹰潭早稻关键生育期的NDVI诊断指标

    Diagnostic indexes of NDVI at key growth stages for early rice at Yingtan , Jiangxi Province

  15. 在水田和旱土各种植模式生态系统中,除早稻机播&低桩再生稻模式中K素亏缺外,其它各模式中的各种养分均有盈余。

    Among rice paddy and dry land ecosystem , except early rice machine sow-low stakerecycled rice mode'K is usually scarce , and various kinds of nutrients of all other mode are surplus .

  16. 杂交早稻亲本的特殊配合力(SCA)方差差异除垩白粒率和胶稠度外,其余米质性状的差异均较大;

    Special combining ability ( SCA ) variance differences of parents are all significant , except gel consistency ( GC ) and chalky rice percentage .

  17. 在25℃恒温水培条件中,早稻控释肥N的释放率达到80%时的持续时间为50天,晚稻控释肥为70天。

    In water of 25 ℃, it takes 50 and 70 days after applying them that 80 % of N was released from early rice controlled release fertilizer and late rice controlled release fertilizer , respectively .

  18. 早稻施肥后前3d表现较低的表面水总磷浓度,至7d后表面水总磷高于化肥处理的。

    Floodwater TP from early-rice showed relatively low concentrations within initial several days but rose higher than the fertilizer treatments after the 7 day pig manure treatment .

  19. 在早稻生长过程中黑麦草残留物有74.9%被分解,C、N、Mn和Mg的矿化率均在80%以下,表现出一定的缓释效应。

    During the growth of early rice , about 74.9 % of residue dry matter was decomposed , and the mineralisation of C , N , P , Mn and Mg was less than 80 % .

  20. 对该模型进行了2a的预测验证,分别对两地2003年早稻穗颈瘟的发生进行预测,预测结果与实际穗颈瘟发生情况一致,发生等级均为轻。

    At last , the result of forecasting the early-season rice panicle blast by the model in 2003 was consistent with the practical one .

  21. 赤泥与猪粪配施对重金属Cd污染土壤的改良效应,存在一个最适配比(早稻,1.125;晚稻,0.625)的问题,并不是越多越好。

    The effect of red mud and pig manure on improvement of Cd-contaminated soil exists an optimal ratio ( early rice , 1.125 ; late rice , 0.625 ), rather than the more the better .

  22. 采用正交试验与对比试验相结合,研究了N、P、K、Zn、Si肥和栽培密度各因子及其优化处理对孕穗期完全淹涝胁迫下早稻产量的影响与作用机理。

    The combined effect and mechanism of N , P , K , Zn , Si and culture density on grain yield of rice under complete submergence at booting stage in field were studied with orthogonal and control experiment .

  23. DPR处理的早、晚稻产量也相应地得到提高,其中早稻增产率为1.98%~10.39%,晚稻增产率为1.28%~4.52%。

    The yield of grain of early rice and late rice of treatment DPR increased 1.98 % ~ 10.39 % and 1.28 % ~ 4.52 % than CK respectively .

  24. 为探索经济施用氮肥及其对杂交早稻威优35稻谷产量和糙米中无机元素营养品质的影响,利用等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP-AES)等测定了糙米中14种无机元素的含量。

    For studying different level of nitrogen application on the effects of grain yield and inorganic element contents in (?) raw and brown rice of early hybrid rice variety Weiyou 35 , 14 elements were determined by using traditional and ICP-AES methods .

  25. 以艾维菌成年公鸡为试验对象,采用真代谢能(TME)法研究湖北省8种早稻糙米营养物质的利用率及代谢能值并与玉米比较。

    Avain adult cocks were selected to study the nutrient availability and the metabolizable energy value of 8 species of early paddy brown rice and maize with true metabolizable energy ( TME ) method .

  26. 结果表明,杂交早稻垩白度与亲本的GCA和组合的SCA具有密切的关系,通常GCA越低,SCA的方差越大,所配组合更易出现垩白度低的组合。

    The results showed that F1 chalkiness ratio had close correlation with GCA and the VAR of SCA . The lower GCA was , the larger VAR of GSA was , so that it was easier to choose the combination with lower chalkiness ratio .

  27. 优I458是利用野败同型不育系优IA与本所育成的早稻强恢复系R458配制而成的杂交早稻新组合。

    " You I458 " is a new hybrid rice combination , which is bred by crossing between wild-abortive homeotypic cytoplasmic male sterile " You IA " and strong restoring line " R458 " .

  28. 华两优106是以早熟早籼型温敏核不育系M103S为母本,与早稻新品系T1005配组而成的两系法杂交早稻新组合。

    " Hualiangyou 106 " was bred by crossing between early-maturing early indica temperature-sensitive genetic male sterile line " M103S "( mother parent ) and new early rice line " T1005 " .

  29. 本文研究了近40a来我国长江中下游地区春季低温的气侯特征,同时给出了研究低温的定量指标,并就低温对早稻产量的影响进行了初步探讨。

    The paper studied the climatic features of lower temperature of Spring in the middle and lower course of the Yangtze River in the recent 40 years , gave the quantitative indices at the same time and approached the influence of lower temperature on early rice production primarily .

  30. “金优458”是用优质不育系“金23A”与江西省农科院水稻所育成的早稻强恢复系“R458”配组而成的高产早籼迟熟组合。

    A new high-yielding late-maturing early indica rice combination " Jinyou 458 " was bred by crossing between good quality male sterile line " Jin 23A " and strong restoring line " R458 " bred by Rice Research Institute , Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences .