
  1. 2009年12月8日的那个晚上,他上秤让所有人看到,他从430磅(约390斤)减到了191磅(约173斤)。

    When he got on the scale for all to see that evening , Dec. 8 , 2009 , he weighed just 191 pounds , down from 430 .

  2. 我问我那位得克萨斯的哥们儿能不能帮我称一下弹壳的重量,当我发现他家里似乎没有秤之后,我善意地提醒他,以他家里的军火库规模,去找一个家里有秤的人就好了。

    I asked my Texan acquaintances if they could weigh some shell casings for my calculations . When they had trouble finding a scale , I helpfully suggested that given the size of their arsenal , really they just need to find someone else who owned a scale .